After the last puff, Yueying stood up, threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out. Then she said to Yefeng, "you're right. Who will know about the future? I've figured it out. I'm going to go back to bed. You should go back earlier, or director gulina will have to wait a long time? "

Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart can't help a sweat, sure enough this wench know, but haven't said a word, the shadow of the moon has turned around and left, don't forget to wave to Ye Feng way, "good night!"

Ye Feng stood in the same place, watching the shadow of the moon disappear without sleeves, and then sighed slightly. After smoking cigarettes, he stood up and walked towards the dormitory. After a few steps, he saw a person standing on the balcony of gulina's room on the top floor of the dormitory, watching silently. Who is gulina?

Ye Feng sees this and screams that it's not good, but he promised to sleep with gulina. He actually left secretly, and was also found chatting with Yueying Wuxiu for so long. It's estimated that after going up, it's going to explode, isn't it?

Ye Feng quickly ran upstairs, pushed open gulina's door and explained to gulina, "I saw you fall asleep. At the gymnasium, felik and miracle are still training. They went to see what happened. On the way back, they just met the moon shadow without sleeves!"

Gulina came back from the balcony and said with a smile to Ye Feng, "you just woke up when you went out. I watched you go to the gym! You don't have to explain! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help a surprised way, "you wake up don't call me?"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said, "if my heart is not with me, it's useless to stop people!"

Ye Feng coughed and didn't speak. Gulina had already laid down on the bed and looked at Ye Feng and said, "besides, who are you? No matter before or now, I know very well that there are so many women around you, and I don't know it on the first day, so I have to learn how to get along with these women in the future!" Said toward the leaf maple hooked hook to point a way, "you say right?"

Ye Feng didn't expect that gulina would have such an idea, which was totally different from the cold and noble she usually showed.

Ye Feng didn't say much. After lying down beside the bed, gulina immediately got into Ye Feng's arms and hugged Ye Feng tightly. "Just now, you just said to smoke on the balcony, but you left without saying goodbye. Are you breaking your appointment?"

Ye Feng embarrassed a smile way, "calculate?"

Gulina immediately said a word, then make it up to me. After that, she didn't give Ye Feng a chance to explain again, and immediately kissed Ye Feng

Ye Feng had never felt so able to sleep, and he had a dead sleep. When he opened his eyes, the sky outside was already bright, and gulina was no longer in his arms, or even in the room.

Ye Feng immediately got up from the bed and saw a bread and a glass of milk on the table, and a ham. Next to it was a note that said "eat them up.".

Ye Feng can't help laughing. It must be gulina's breakfast. He took a shower in the bathroom first. Last night, he exceeded his limit. I didn't expect gulina, such an ice snow beauty, even for the first time, to show such desire and dissatisfaction. It seems that he will have to bear it in the future.

After taking a bath, Ye Feng feels a lot of spirit. After eating all the breakfast on the table, he leaves gulina's room.

After going out, Ye Feng is still worried about whether he will meet some of them who just got up, but fortunately, he didn't meet anyone until he got downstairs.

At this time, Ye Feng saw that the cat face man was running towards the front in a hurry. Ye Feng immediately ran after him, put his arms around the cat face man's neck and said, "what's the rush?"

The cat face person hears speech a startle, the side head saw a leaf maple way, "don't you know?"? Some equipment outside the non defense Bureau of the system was damaged last night! "

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly moved, and immediately went to gulina's office with cat face man. At this time, Dixie, jesteffe and Yueying were almost there.

Gulina sat in front of her desk, looking cold again. Even when she saw Ye Feng coming, she just nodded slightly, as if nothing had happened last night.

Yueying no sleeve saw Ye Feng coming, and looked at gulina again. She couldn't help laughing, and even laughed.

Gulina is surprised to see to the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "what are you laughing at?"

The moon shadow shrugs and says, "nothing? Now that Satan is here, you'd better talk about the situation! "

Ye Feng also said to gulina, "what's the matter? Why are peripheral devices damaged? Isn't there any warning? "

Gulina said to Ye Feng, "in general, as long as there are external personnel close, there will be an alarm, but there was no alarm last night!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "is the alarm broken?"

Gulina shook her head and said, "no, we've tested it. The alarm is intact. We've also tested it. We'll alarm as long as we pass it!"Dixie then frowned, "since the alarm is not broken, why didn't it sound last night?"

Gulina stood up at this time, glanced at the crowd and said, "it's not that the alarm doesn't sound when it comes to people, but there's only one reason!"

Ye Feng asked gulina, "what's the reason?"

Gulina is toward Ye Feng said, "that is from the inside, so the alarm to determine the other party is an internal staff, so did not alarm!"

Jesteffe didn't speak all the time. Then he immediately said, "you mean, you suspect that we have internal staff who destroyed the equipment last night, so there was no alarm!"

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said faintly, "I didn't say I doubt anyone, but the reality is so!"

Jestfel immediately said, "one thing I don't understand is that if the internal personnel want to destroy the equipment of the SDB, why do they want to be far away from the near? It's clear that in the innermost part, they can destroy too many equipment. Why do they go to the outermost part to destroy some equipment and come back?"

Gulina immediately said, "you're right. That's what I'm curious about. If the internal staff want to destroy, the internal equipment is more convenient and more expensive than the peripheral equipment. It should be destroyed nearby!"

"Maybe they just want us to think that it's someone outside who destroys it. If he destroys it inside, isn't it obvious?"

Gulina also nodded and said, "that's right!"

At this time, Dixie said, "that is to say, according to the current clues, we still have internal ghosts?"

As soon as they heard this, everyone's heart suddenly moved. You look at me and I look at you. Everyone looks at others. They look normal, but they don't dare to guarantee 100% for each other.

Ye Feng didn't say a word all the time. At this time, he said, "don't make a rash judgment before the investigation is clear. All of us here are our own people. If we start to doubt each other now, I'm afraid the unity between us will be affected when we come to the conclusion in the future!"

Gulina said to Ye Feng, "that's all, but now it's the case. We really can't find the second reason!"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "is there no video surveillance?"

Gulina is toward Ye Feng said, "the video has been deleted, just in that period of time, you say coincidentally?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart can't help but move a way, "this shows that the other side has already been ready?" Speaking of this, Ye Feng's heart has to doubt that there is a ghost here, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for people outside.

Jesteffe said at this time, "now we can't doubt each other so much. The most important thing for us now is to unite. Maybe the purpose of the other party's doing this is not to really destroy, but to affect our sense of trust?"

Moon shadow no sleeve immediately nodded, "I agree!"

Dixie immediately said, "I don't agree!" He said, "the fact is telling us that there is a ghost. If we don't find him out as soon as possible, maybe the next thing will be more troublesome! Now it's just destroying some unimportant equipment. What if even the central computer system here is destroyed? "

After hearing this, everyone fell into a deep meditation, and no one said anything.

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