Ye Feng also ponders when he hears the speech. In fact, what Dixie and jesteffe say is reasonable. One is that they don't want everyone to be suspicious of each other here, and the other is that they worry that the existence of an internal ghost will cause trouble all the time.

And now everyone is looking at Ye Feng, which means that everyone has taken Ye Feng as the backbone here. When there is anything, they subconsciously wait for Ye Feng to make a choice.

Ye Feng at this time pondered for a moment later, this just toward the public humanity, "you as if this thing has not happened!"

As soon as Dixie heard this, he was about to speak, but Ye Feng immediately said, "it's not that we don't want to find this internal ghost, but we can't make people feel threatened in order to find this internal ghost, so I'll come here in person. You don't have to worry about it, just think it hasn't happened, and you don't have to doubt anyone!"

Jesteffe reminds Ye Feng, "but now that we all know that there may be an insider around us, it's totally unrealistic to think that everything hasn't happened. Next, we will subconsciously doubt anyone around us. Maybe any move of the other party may attract other people's attention!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears what jesteffe said. He has to admit that jesteffe's words are very reasonable. After all, it's not very realistic to treat what has happened as if it hasn't happened.

Ye Feng patted jesterfield on the shoulder and said, "try your best!" Without saying anything, he left gulina's office, took a breath outside, lit a cigarette, and sat on a roadside stool to smoke.

As Ye Feng smokes a cigarette, he has to sort out his thoughts in his mind. It's hard to find out Libo Zhihui before. This time, he has a ghost around him. The people around him should be more reliable than Libo Zhihui.

But now the indisputable fact is that the system defense Bureau has been destroyed, which shows that the possibility of the existence of the ghost is really great, but if ye Feng doubts all the people around him one by one, Ye Feng must think from the beginning.

First of all, jesteffe had doubted jesteffe before, but after all, jesteffe has been trying her best to help herself, and she is firmly on her side in many important events and important moments, so her chance should be small.

The second is Dixie. After all, Dixie knew that she had died in her own hands before she was in eisf. Therefore, Ye Feng doubted whether Dixie was the same person as Dixie she knew on earth. But after all, Dixie's goal is to find the truth of that year. Before the truth is clear, Dixie will not do it What's more, with Ye Feng's understanding of Dixie, even if her memory is restored and she wants to revenge herself, she will not do such a thing. She will only come to find herself.

As for Monica and Zhuo wanqiu, it's even more impossible. They are just innocent of being brought from the earth. They are innocent of being involved in the struggle of Dao's.

As for the cat face man, the ugly face man and the tree face man, they are also equivalent to Monica and Zhuo wanqiu. Although they come from three different planets, they have nothing to do with the affair of eisf. Moreover, they trust and listen to jestefel so much. Since jestefel is not suspected, there is nothing to do with them.

The remaining Gu zhaohuichi is Ye Feng's little fan, but it's not entirely because of this that he has no suspicion, but Ye Feng thinks that his ability is not here, it's impossible to avoid everyone to do such a thing, and he has no motive.

Joanna is even less likely. If all the experiments on her body have been completed, it is also possible that now the polar electricity in her body has been completely absorbed by herself, and she does not even have the power to bind a chicken. How could she do this?

Finally, the moon shadow has no sleeves. In the final analysis, everyone here seems to be the most suspect. After all, she was the last servant of the opposition, and she just contacted Ye Feng recently.

But Ye Feng thought of the shadow of the moon without sleeve has also prompted himself, there is a ghost around him, until finally Libo Zhihui himself exposed.

Think of here, Ye Feng brain suddenly move, and at this time, but listen to behind a person's voice way, "still think who is the ghost?"

Ye Feng recognized that it was the voice of the moon shadow without sleeves. He immediately looked back and said, "you reminded me last time that the people around me may not be reliable!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech complexion tiny move, immediately sit in the leaf maple's side way, "right! Do you remember

Ye Feng then immediately toward the moon shadow no sleeve way, "but you also just prompt, did not say anyone's name!"

The moon shadow has no sleeves and says to Ye Feng, "haven't you already found out? Libo Zhihui is the loyal friend of Jock Emma

Ye Feng stares at the shadow of the moon for a long time without sleeves. He doesn't speak. He just smokes cigarettes and frowns.

The moon shadow without sleeve looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "if you look at me with this look, don't you doubt me?"

Ye Feng said to Yueying, "if you use the exclusion method, you are really suspicious, but after all, you have reminded me that there are suspicious people around me, but you didn't say who they are. I didn't feel that before, but now I have an intuition that what you wanted to say was not Libo Zhihui, but someone else!"Moon shadow no sleeve listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately stare at Ye Feng way, "why do you think so?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "intuition!"

At this time, Yueying no sleeve stares at Ye Feng and says, "do you doubt that I am an insider now, or do you think Libo Zhihui is not an insider?"

Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "you know what I mean! I mean, the last time you reminded me, maybe it wasn't Libo Zhihui, but Libo Zhihui burst out by himself, on the contrary, it was to make another person hide deeper! "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the moon shadow said, "so you think I should know who the ghost is now?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "that's right!"

Yueying said to Yefeng, "since you said that, I might as well tell you. Last time I told you that, it was only because I knew there was someone around you, but I didn't know who it was, so I said that, and I could only say that, not because I wanted to help that person hide his identity! So, I don't know who it is? Even Libo Zhihui, after he exposed himself, I knew it was him. I didn't expect that there was more than one ghost around you! "

Ye Feng listens to the moon shadow without sleeve to say so, can't help frowning at the moon shadow without sleeve way, "you really didn't cheat me?"

Moon shadow can't help sighing, "if you don't believe me, I can't help it, but also, those beauties around you have something to do with you. Only I, who came last, have the shallowest relationship with you, so it's natural for you to doubt me!"

At this point, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Yueying Wuxiu immediately stood up and said, "if you don't believe me, I can leave now. See if it's really peaceful on your side after I leave!"

Ye Feng immediately grabbed the moon shadow's sleeveless hand, but said, "I never doubted you!"

The moon shadow without sleeve looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "never?"

After Ye Feng released the moon shadow's sleeveless hand, he looked at the moon shadow and said, "didn't we meet last night? So I'm sure it's not you! "

Yueying no sleeve looked at Ye Feng and said, "you see me, it's just a period of time. I may do it before I meet you, or I may do it after I break up with you!"

Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "if you were a ghost before, you would not know that it was in gulina. After that, it was too late, because the soldiers nearby had the habit of getting up early. It was close to dawn at that time, so it couldn't be you at all!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Yueying can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she sits down and says to Ye Feng, "if it's not me, who else might it be?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "this man is hidden so deeply. According to my guess, he should be the one who is most unlikely to be suspected by me!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech and can't help staring at Ye Feng to see, "the most unlikely person to be doubted?" Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "aren't the women around you suspicious? So they're all suspects? "

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