Ye Feng listens to the moon shadow with no sleeve, and is silent. In fact, Ye Feng also knows that what the moon shadow with no sleeve says may not be wrong. Everyone around him is in fact suspicious.

But Ye Feng didn't say a word. He just said to the moon shadow, "what you said is too much! Don't forget, if you ask me to doubt others too much, maybe you are even more suspicious. After all, the purpose of the insider may be to stir up the relationship between us! "

On hearing this, Yueying immediately shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm also telling the truth. You can doubt me, and relatively speaking, I'm really the most suspicious. But since you say so, I won't say anything next!" Then the shadow of the moon stood up and walked away.

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look back at the shadow of the moon sleeveless figure, but in the mind is thinking of other possibilities, but at this time, gulina came.

Gulina has been walking to Ye Feng's side. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she saw that Ye Feng didn't speak. Then she sat on his side and whispered, "do you have any idea?"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng could not help looking at gulina in surprise and said, "what do you think? What do you mean, between you and me, or... "

Gulina immediately said to Ye Feng, "of course it's today! Now, although no one has said anything on the surface, we can see that this atmosphere of suspicion has begun to diffuse. This is the beginning. If the time goes on, I'm afraid the doubts and misunderstandings between them will get deeper and deeper. "

Ye Feng smell speech nodded, he certainly understand gulina's worry, this is probably everyone's worry, Ye Feng asked gulina at this time, "how about you? What's your attitude? Or who do you doubt? "

Gulina shrugged, "I don't doubt anyone! After all, it's all the people you brought with you... " Say to see to leaf Feng way, "but I also tell you the truth, besides you, I also don't trust anyone!"

Ye Feng listen to gulina so a say, immediately also understand the meaning of her words, who do not trust, the final meaning, that is, who are in doubt.

Ye Feng asked gulina at this time, "is there a possibility that it's not the people inside who destroyed the equipment, it's the people outside!"

Gulina said to Ye Feng after pondering for a while, "what I just explained is not clear enough? This is hardly the case. If it's outside, there will be an alarm as soon as it's near! "

Ye Feng looked at gulina and said, "almost no? That is to say, it is not 100%

Gulina smell speech is again a burst of ponder ground stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just shrugged a way, "that may be to blame me not good, really so, can't say 100% definitely impossible, I can only say this kind of possibility is very small!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng looked at gulina and said, "I want to ask you a favor!"

Gulina stares at Ye Feng and says, "do you want me to announce that it's actually done by people outside?"

Ye Feng couldn't help smiling at gulina and said, "that's right! If we tell everyone that it's done by people outside, then we can immediately eliminate everyone's doubts about each other! "

Gulina sniffed the words and nodded, "and even if there is an internal ghost, it will let the internal ghost relax its vigilance!" Say immediately toward leaf maple way, "is I not good, didn't think of this at that time, pour is to give you to add trouble!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's nothing. If I met this situation at that time, my first reaction was the same!"

Gulina heard the words and pondered for a while. Then she nodded and said, "OK, according to what you said, it's our fault..."

Ye Feng then reached for gulina's hand and said softly, "but if you say that, you are likely to be criticized! Can you take it? "

Gulina broke away from Ye Feng's hand and said, "working time is working time. Don't do that!" After breaking free, he stood up and said, "if I can get rid of the negative emotions of all people now, it's OK for me to be criticized. Besides, I really didn't deal with this matter well. I should discuss it with you first, instead of saying it directly!"

Ye Feng then looked up to gulina, and saw that her appearance at this time was no different from the ice beauty she had seen before. Unexpectedly, the girl was so different last night from now, and the public and private could be so distinct.

Ye Feng feels funny in his heart, but he doesn't show it on his face. He respects and appreciates gulina's attitude. After all, work is work, and you can do anything in your spare time, but you can't make ambiguity or other specialities during working hours. It's not good to be seen by others.

Ye Feng then nodded and said, "let's do it like this. I guess it's OK for you to bear the burden in your heart."

Gulina nodded and said to Ye Feng, "I'm going to announce it now!" Then he turned and left.

Ye Feng continued to light a cigarette and smoked. Before he finished smoking, he heard jesterfield passing by and said to him, "director gulina asked us to gather in her office again, saying that there was something important to announce! Are you not going? "

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "you go first, I'll go after my cigarette!"Jesteffe took a look at Ye Feng and went directly to gulina's office without saying anything.

Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, and then entered gulina's office. As soon as he entered, gulina was apologizing to everyone. "Because of my work mistakes, which led to everyone's misunderstanding, here I apologize to you!"

The cat face man said immediately after hearing the speech, "you said so early that we were all discussing in private who was the insider!"

Gu zhaohuichi also said, "yes, it makes people panic, just because you can only talk about internal people..."

Gulina immediately said to the public, "this is a technical problem. I have nothing to explain. I just apologize again. I'm sorry!"

Ye Feng stood on one side, looking at the expression on the faces of all the people present, but in fact, he couldn't see anything. After all, at this time, everyone was relieved, which was normal.

Ye Feng said loudly at this time, "since it's a technical problem, there's nothing to say. We all put our hearts down and don't make meaningless guesses any more! It should be Dante Emma. They want to attack the SDA! So there's no so-called insider! "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, they all looked at each other. No one said anything more.

After waiting for everyone to leave, jesterfield passed by Ye Feng and said, "this method is good!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at a jester fee way, "what meaning?"

Jesterfield shrugged. "Nothing!"

Ye Feng hears that Yan stops and looks at jesterfield walking away. He ponders in his heart. He knows that jesterfield's IQ must have seen something.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, maybe a lot of people are just like jesteffe. We are not fools. We all know that gulina's announcement is caused by technical problems, and it may be just a speech.

When gulina and Yefeng were left in the office, gulina said to Yefeng, "I don't know if they really believe it!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said to gulina, "it doesn't matter if you really believe it. As long as this default formula doesn't break, you can temporarily maintain the current ecological balance!"

Gulina said to Ye Feng, "what should we do now? Huck bay island is now almost in the hands of Uncle Dante Emma and uncle Jock Emma, except here and on the other side of the fort. When do we start to fight back? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately toward Gu Li Na way, "that want to see the Fei Li gram and miracle they!" Then he went to the office door and said, "I'll go and see them now!"

After leaving gulina's office, Ye Feng walked directly to the stadium. When he arrived at the stadium, he saw that the people inside were training, and not only Felix was there, but also cat face and Gu Zhaohui were there.

They are also curious about what kind of people Ye Feng brought from the abandoned city can become in a few days. However, when they see the miracle, a group of people who came out of the abandoned city seem to be reborn overnight, and they are a little stunned.

After all, both Maolian people and Gu zhaohuichi have been to the abandoned city and seen the gang of people waiting to die. However, it's no surprise that they are not a group of people in the abandoned city.

In fact, it's not only the cat face people and Gu zhaohuichi, but also Ye Feng who personally went to select them. At this time, when he saw the training people, he couldn't help sighing and praising.

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