At this time, felik came over and said to Ye Feng, "if you want to fight against hukewan Town, I have experience. I apply to lead the team!"

Ye Feng smell speech to see one eye filick, then nodded, toward filick said, "of course you lead the team!" Said to let the Feili gram and the miracle all followed oneself to leave the gym, arrived outside the empty nobody's place.

Ye Feng said to felik and miracle, "this time, you two are in charge. Felik is the main team and miracle is the deputy team. The purpose of your going to hukewan town is not to kill, but resources! Do you understand? "

Felik immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "understand, don't love to fight, plunder resources, get it and go!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately ordered to nod, immediately see to miracle way, "do you understand?"

Miracle looked at Ye Feng blankly for a while, and Ye Feng said to miracle, "whether a soldier can become a qualified and excellent soldier, physical fitness and other things are secondary. The most basic test standard is whether he can listen to orders!"

Miracle listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help nodding said, "I understand!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "this time's action, all follow the order of felik, he let you go east, you go east, let you go west, you go west, let you move forward, even if you know it's death, you can't retreat, let you retreat, even if you can annihilate the enemy in the next second, you have to retreat immediately, do you know what this means?"

Miraculous just color ground nodded toward leaf maple way, "I know, this is discipline!"

Ye Feng nodded to the miracle and patted the miracle's shoulder solemnly. He said, "I'm glad that you can have this kind of awareness. I hope you can be consistent in your words and deeds. Besides, you have to help felik this time. After all, these soldiers are all your people. You should not only lead by yourself, but also restrain your subordinates!"

Miraculous listen to Ye Feng said, can't help nodding, then toward Ye Feng said, "this you don't worry, I'm more eager to stay than anyone, I believe my brothers, also with me a mind, as long as can stay, become a real soldier, we can do anything!"

Ye Feng listen to miracle so say, can't help but satisfaction point head way, "have you this words, I rest assured!" Then he immediately said to Felix, "it's up to you next!"

Felik and miraculous smell speech, at this time looked at each other, then two people stretched out their hands, tightly hold together, two people's eyes are resolute, Ye Feng also from two people's eyes to see the basic trust and tacit understanding between the two people has been established.

Ye Feng saw that they could establish such trust and tacit understanding in such a short time. He believed that it was not only trust and tacit understanding, but also friendship. He was happy to have such friendship.

Ye Feng and Feili Ke have agreed on the time of action, and then let Feili Ke and Feili Ke take their people to have a rest now. Before the action, they should have a good meal, take a bath, and take action after a rest.

After arranging the situation here, gulina makes a phone call to Ye Feng, saying that she has arranged an office for them, so that Ye Feng can have a look when he is free.

After Ye Feng and gulina meet, gulina takes Ye Feng to an office next to her. This office looks bigger than gulina's, but it has been divided into several by gulina.

The largest single room is in the innermost part, and there are four small single rooms outside, as well as a public office area, just like an administrative office.

Gulina took Ye Feng into the biggest single room and said to Ye Feng, "this is your future office area. If you are not satisfied, just mention it!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to gulina, "my office is so small? Your size? It's not fair

Gulina shrugged and said, "if so, no problem, I can exchange with you. Anyway, I can't use such a big office!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to gulina, "I'm just joking!" Then, seeing that there was no one around, he took gulina's hand and said, "all of a sudden, there are so many people here. It's troublesome for you!"

Gulina immediately broke away from Ye Feng's hand and said, "I don't like this during office hours!"

Ye Feng can't help but smile at gulina, then shrug his shoulders and say, "OK, I respect you!"

Gulina then said to Ye Feng, "you have several subordinates who can arrange separate offices outside, but at present our resources are limited, so everyone can't have an office, so you have to be considerate!"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "it's OK. It's only temporary. In the future, our office will be the biggest in longarsenic castle!"

Gulina listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help staring at Ye Feng to see one eye, "long arsenic Fort biggest?"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded and said, "since the goal has been set, of course, everything has to move towards the goal! It's just a small problem! "

Gulina nodded and said, "yes, since we have set our goal, we should work hard towards it!" Say immediately toward leaf maple way, "how does Shylock do?"Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the speech. After last night, Ye Feng almost forgot Shylock. At this time, he immediately asked gulina, "how is he now?"

Gulina sighed, "the pain of losing a close relative can't be alleviated for a while. It's just that the situation on our side is tense, and after all, he is still the mayor of Huck Bay, and the administration on the other side of lonarsenic castle still needs him to contact us!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan toward gulina nodded, then said, "understand, I go to talk to him!"

Ye Feng immediately left his new office with gulina, and then went to Shylock's room. After knocking on the door for a long time, Shylock came to open the door.

I didn't see him all night. Shylock looked very haggard, and his beard had grown out, and even his hair turned white overnight.

Shylock see is Ye Feng, just a nod, with even turned into his room, mouth said, "sit!"

After Ye Feng goes in, he sees Shylock sitting on the sofa, staring at a place in a daze with a blank face. He doesn't speak, and even doesn't move his eyes.

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "at present, the situation of Huke Bay is special. After all, you are the mayor of Huke Bay..."

Shylock nodded and said, "I know. Give me an hour, and then I'll go to work!"

When Ye Feng heard that Yan was about to speak, Shylock immediately added, "within an hour, don't let anyone disturb me, including you. Is that ok?"

Listen to Shylock say so, Ye Feng nodded, then stood up and said, "then I'll look forward to your appearance in an hour!" Then he turned and left.

When Ye Feng came back to his office, someone began to move equipment and office furniture, but Ye Feng's office was the first to be arranged.

He sat at his desk smoking cigarettes, watching the outside is still busy, waiting for time, a hundred minutes later, as expected, saw Shylock come in from the door, and not only that, even shaved beard, but also wearing a suit, his face was also swept away.

Ye Feng can't help looking at Shylock, this self recovery is not too good.

Shylock looked at Ye Feng and said, "I have no problem! Where is my next office? "

Ye Feng immediately stood up and said, "it's me here. After all, you are still the head of the city. You have to have a decent office!"

Shylock looked at Ye Feng and said, "but I think it's like your office. I'm here. Where are you going?"

Ye Feng just walked toward the gulina Road, "I easy to do, when the time comes in gulina director's desk to put a table is done!" Then he said to gulina, "director gulina, are you ok?"

Gulina said to Ye Feng, "I'll arrange for someone to come and divide my office into several single rooms as soon as possible..."

Ye Feng said, "no, just set up a table, and other people don't have to go there!"

Gulina frowned and looked at Ye Feng. She didn't quite understand Ye Feng's meaning. However, after listening to Ye Feng's words, she immediately nodded and said, "OK, everything depends on you!"

After giving up the office to Shylock, gulina immediately arranged for the staff to move the telephone and network lines of Shylock's original mayor's office to this office.

And at this time, Ye Feng thinks that they have a rest, too. It's time to give them the order of action.

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