Ye Feng immediately got up and went to the gymnasium nearby. He found that felik and miracle were already ready. No. 150 people stood outside the gymnasium neatly, just like soldiers on review.

When Ye Feng arrived, he saw this scene and found that these guys were different from ordinary soldiers except for their clothes.

After seeing Ye Feng coming, felik immediately went to salute Ye Feng and said, "instructor, the team has assembled, please review!"

Ye Feng nodded and took a look at the crowd, but he didn't say anything. He just asked Philip to issue weapons to these people.

Felik's side had been ready for a long time. Everyone had a laser pistol. Before Ye Feng came, they had half an hour's emergency shooting training.

Ye Feng and other filic after the release of weapons, immediately nodded to filic, filic immediately waved his hand and said in a loud voice, "let's go!"

A crowd immediately followed Felix to leave the system defense Bureau and head for Huck bay town. Ye Feng stood on the observation platform and watched them leave.

Jesterfield also came over at this time. Looking at the back of the pedestrian who had gone away, he asked Ye Feng, "do you really think they can do it?"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "don't all the people on Dante Emma's side have been temporarily organized by Huck Bay residents? Compared with me, it's really not sure who will win or lose! "

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "that said, but you forget that your people are from the abandoned city, while Dante Emma's people have lived in Huck bay for at least ten years. As far as the terrain is concerned, they are more familiar with it than anyone else. If they fall into street warfare or guerrilla warfare, our people may not take advantage of it!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears what jesteffe said. In fact, without jesteffe's saying, Ye Feng has already thought of it, but he says to jesteffe, "you're right. This is really the advantage of Dante Emma's group, but don't forget that when you really want to live or die, miracle's group must have a stronger desire for survival than them, and he's very happy Our yearning for a better life is absolutely better than anyone else

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "what you said has a certain truth, but fighting is no more than any other, and it's not training. It's about going to the front with real weapons. It's not necessarily useful if you have good willpower!"

Ye Feng didn't say a word when he heard the words. He watched the miracle. After their gang disappeared in the woods, he turned to jesterfield and said, "willpower is not necessarily useful, but in the decisive period, this is the key to the decisive victory! Believe me, I have led the army for so many years, and I know this better than anyone else! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jestefel couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he nodded and said, "let's wait for the good news!"

But Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "in fact, I'm not looking forward to good news!"

Jester fee smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly, don't understand ground looking at leaf Feng way, "didn't expect good news?"

At this time, Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "I don't hide it from you. I just want them to see what war is, or they will never know the feeling of the moment of life and death!"

Jesterfield looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "do you want them to die?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "to die? That's not true, but sacrifice is inevitable! Only through the training of blood can we grow into a soldier

But jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "I don't quite understand what you mean! Don't you like them very much? So why? You can let them go after they have been trained and become real soldiers! "

But Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and said, "will Dante Emma wait for us to arrive that day? Death doesn't prepare you for anything! Only if we are not afraid of life and death, can we transcend life and death! This is the quickest way to make them soldiers quickly

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jestefel immediately pondered. She looked at Ye Feng for a long time, but she didn't speak. After all, she didn't really go to the battlefield, and she could never understand the feeling of soldiers.

After pondering for a long time, jesterfield nodded to Ye Feng, "maybe you're right, the situation doesn't allow us to be prepared. Since they have chosen this road, they should also be ready to fight unprepared all the time!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately gratified toward Jaster fee nodded, "you finally understand!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jestefel said to Ye Feng, "so, what happened to the internal ghost, is it over?"

On hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at jesterfield and said, "gulina hasn't already explained it. It's a technical problem. There's no interior..."

Before Ye Feng finished, jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "who do you think this little trick can hide? I don't believe it's just me, and they don't believe it either. It's a technical problem. It's just a strategy you and gulina have discussed to slow down the war! "

Ye Feng smell speech but stare at Jester fee to see after a long time, this just said, "you this person what all good, is a little bad!"Jestefeld said with a smile, "too smart?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "sometimes I don't know the current affairs!"

Jesterfield a listen to this words, can't help surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "I don't know current affairs?"

Ye Feng immediately said solemnly, "a lot of things, do know it in mind, there is no need to say anything, really smart people are not show off their intelligence, but to hide their intelligence, you are lucky to be so in front of me, if for others, you have already hurt yourself!"

Jester fee heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but face slightly move, eyes have been staring at Ye Feng look, in fact, jester fee know Ye Feng is right, because of this problem, Ye Feng is not the first person to say so, once she was in the Federal Research Institute, her teacher said so.

But helpless, people's character is very difficult to change, although went to the micro universe, but the character is still so, not good at hiding their true thoughts.

Thinking of this, jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "then you should think that I am ignorant of the times. I'm afraid I can't change it in my life!"

Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and said, "you..." Then he sighed, "if you say it well, it's straightforward. If you say it hard, it's..."

Jestfeld went on at once. "Bad is mindless, stupid!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "but everything is two-sided. If there is a good side, there is a bad side. Your character is the same. Although you are straightforward and not good at hiding yourself, it also proves from the side that you have no scheming!"

Jester fee smell speech can't help but white a leaf maple way, "listen in my ear, don't still have no brain?"

Ye Feng said to jestefeld, "if you say no brain, then no brain, but no brain also has the advantage of no brain!"

Just as he was saying that, there came a voice from under the platform, which said, "when are you two going to stand up and talk?"

Ye Feng and jasterfeld were stunned, then looked down, but saw that Dixie was looking up at them. Ye Feng immediately shrugged and walked down, followed by jasterfeld.

After arriving at the bottom, Ye Feng immediately asked Dixie, "how long have you been standing below?"

"When you're talking about whether I'm ignorant of the times, it seems that I'm also ignorant of the times," he said with a shrug

Ye Feng hears speech a dismay, immediately toward Di Xi Si way, "that you seek me to have something?"

"Dixie said immediately," I suddenly remember one thing. I was at lonas castle before Oh, I mean, when I was in eisf, I was on a mission alone in lungsburg, but I didn't explain it to the government in the end, but with a stranger... "

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "stranger?"

Dixie shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly. In a word, this idea seems to rush into my mind. I suspect that I may have defected from working for the federal government when I was at lonarsenic castle before."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately heart next move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at di Xi Si, mouth murmur ground say, "you mean, I kill you, is because you change?"

Dixie immediately nodded and said, "very likely!"

Ye Feng hears speech for a while to ponder, immediately look to the side has not spoken Jester Fei way, "is that so?"

Jesterfield shrugged, "you ask me, I ask who's going?"

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