Although jesteffe said so, Ye Feng could see that jesteffe's eyes were different. It was obvious that she knew, at least partly, about the past between herself and Dixie, but she didn't want to say it.

She could not help saying to jesteffe, "now that we are all three here, I think we should have a good talk about it too!"

Jesteffe took a deep breath, took a look at Dixie, then took a look at Ye Feng, and finally sighed, "actually, I know what you want to talk about, but I always think it's a private matter between you two, so I shouldn't make suggestions!"

Dixie immediately said to Dixie, "you don't need to express any opinions or suggestions, you just need to say what you know. What happened in those years? Is it difficult?"

Jesteffe looked at him, pondered for a moment, and then continued, "do you believe what I said? If what I say is just my family's words, or completely my own sense of being in charge, can you guarantee that after listening to what I say, I don't have any thoughts in my heart? If it's because of me, which leads to misunderstanding between you, am I a sinner for no reason? "

"I can tell you that no matter what you say, I will not blame you. No matter whether the result is good or bad, it has nothing to do with you. We are not children. We have our own judgment!"

After staring at Dixie for a long time, jesteffe glanced at Ye Feng and said, "what about you, do you mean that too?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and didn't express his opinion. He had to admit that if jesteffe said something that was not conducive to the current situation, it would certainly affect people.

Before, it was just because of an insider, and people were already in a panic. If it happened again, it would lead to another result that he and Dixie were not prepared to accept, would there be any trouble?

But without waiting for Yefeng to reply, Dixie immediately looked at Yefeng and said, "what are you hesitating about? Don't you want to know what happened? "

Ye Feng asked Dixie, "do you want to know that?"

After hearing Ye Feng's question, she frowned and nodded, "yes, I want to know. I really want to know. I don't want to worry about the past anymore. I want to get rid of it!"

Ye Feng heard that, and immediately asked, "if you know the result, is it the outcome you don't want? Have you considered the consequences of this

After a moment's staring at Ye Feng, he nodded to Ye Feng firmly and said, "as long as I know the truth, I will accept all the consequences, no matter good or bad, I can bear them."

Then, after staring at Ye Feng for a moment, he asked Ye Feng, "how do I feel that you don't seem to want to know? Do you already know why, but you still pretend that your memory hasn't recovered? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "my memory, like you, has not fully recovered. I don't want to know, I just don't want to know the bad result! In particular, it will affect the outcome of our current relationship! "

Dixi Si smell speech eyebrow but slightly a wrinkly, stare at Ye Feng to see a moment later way, "we now of this kind of relation?"? What's the relationship? "

Ye Feng shrugged, did not answer the words of Dixie, but looked to the side of jesterfield and said, "in this case, you can say what you know. I'm like Dixie. No matter what the result is, we won't blame you!"

"But I'm afraid I'll blame myself then!" said jesteffe, looking at Ye Feng and Dixie thoughtfully

As soon as she heard this, she said to jesterfield, "what do you want to say? Do you have something to do with the time of the year? That's why you're dragging it out? "

Jesteffe could not help but take a look at him and said, "your imagination is really rich!"

When he heard the speech, he immediately said, "if we don't have this kind of doubt, you will tell the truth of that year to avoid suspicion!"

Jestefeld was amused when he heard that. He looked at him and said, "what do you mean is that if I don't say it, I can't get rid of my suspicion?"

"Dixi Si hears speech to immediately shrug a way," right

On hearing this, jesteffe immediately said, "if you say that, I really..."

Without waiting for Dixie to speak, Ye Feng also said to jester, "just say it! If it has nothing to do with you, you don't have to bear it for others! "

Jester fee heard Ye Feng say so, this just shrugged, then looked around and said, "you won't let me say it here?"

"I've sorted it out in my office. Go to my office and say, yours will do."

Jesteffe shrugged. "Whatever!"

Having said that, the three men immediately went to Dixie's office. On the way, they met gulina. Gulina saw that they looked different and wanted to say hello. Seeing that, she just nodded and said nothing.Ye Feng and other three people into the office, Ye Feng closed the door, this just toward Jester Fei way, "you can say!"

Jesteffe sat at his desk and motioned to both of them to sit down. Then he said to them, "I declare in advance that I'm just a spectator. I know something, but I've heard a lot about it. I can only promise to tell you what I know, but it doesn't have to be the truth. As for the truth, I don't have a final conclusion. You can see for yourself!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded to jestefeld, and Dixie immediately said, "you say it, we will judge for ourselves!"

Jesteffe nodded, cleared his throat, and then looked at the two men. "You two should have been a couple recognized by the FBI back then!"

When jesteffe said this, Ye Feng and Dixie couldn't help looking at each other, but no one said anything, as if this was the default formula, not only on earth, but also in ESF.

Jesterfield continued at this time, "but I heard about Satan..." Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't blame me, I just said what I know!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter what you think of and say!"

Jesteffe cleared his throat and continued, "I heard that Satan was a prodigal child in those days. It's said that as long as he saw a beautiful woman, there was no one he couldn't get..."

Ye Feng's heart moves when he hears the words. It seems that this human setting is similar to that on earth. It seems that he is born to be such a person, no matter he arrives on that planet.

Jestfeld then continued, "I just heard that Satan and Dixie had made an engagement in private, but because Satan was still inflexible, Dixie betrayed the federal government and did something unfavorable to the federal government, and the consequences were quite serious. Later, Dixie left lonarsburg and the Federation let Satan chase him Kill Dixie, you know the final result, Dixie died in the hands of Satan, don't I have to say anything more? "

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help but look at each other when they hear the words. Ye Feng says in his heart that if this is the case, he is really sorry for Dixie.

But there was no expression on his face at this time. Instead, he looked at jestefeld faintly and said, "is it over?"

Jesteffe immediately said, "this is the version I heard. I'm not the client of other details. I don't know in detail. You need to find out the answers yourself. That's all I can say!"

When she heard this, she fell into silence. After a long time, she asked, "in your story, what's the relationship between Satan's betrayal and my betrayal of the federal government? If I want to betray, shouldn't I betray Satan? "

"I don't know that," he said with a shrug! As I said, I'm not a party. All I said is that I've just heard about it. I'm just relaying what I've heard to you. What's the truth of the matter, you can find out for yourself! "

After that, jesteffe stood up and said to the two people, "well, I've already said what I should say. After that, I feel much more relaxed. In the future, you don't have to ask me anything. I only know so much!"

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