Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward Dixi a nod way, "you continue to check your, there is any need to help, you can directly find gulina, believe that the system defense agency equipment can help you, at the same time you can also find Jester fee, she was the Federal Research Institute, she has a lot of technology, certainly can help you!"

After hearing the words, she looked at Ye Feng with hesitation, and finally nodded her head and said that she knew. Then she stood up and turned around to leave.

But Ye Feng stood up at this time and stopped Dixie, saying, "Dixie!"

After hearing the speech, she turns to see Ye Feng, but she is walking towards her step by step. Seeing Ye Feng's face, she can't help but move.

And Ye Feng went to the front and back of his face, held his hand, and said to him in a soft voice, "I hope you can understand that no matter what happened between you and me, I will never change to you!"

After hearing this, Dixie couldn't help but be surprised. She took a look at Ye Feng. Of course, she understood Ye Feng's kindness to her. Then she nodded her head and said to Ye Feng, "I hope you can understand, too. I don't have to find the evidence that you killed me and take revenge on you, but I want to know the truth."

Ye Feng Wen Yan smiles and nods, then reaches out his hand to touch Dixie's cheek and says, "of course, I understand that the feelings between you and me don't need anything to prove it! That's what I think. I know that's what you think! "

Dixie is touched by Ye Feng's cheek. At this time, he reaches for Ye Feng's hand and touches his cheek. Then he says to Ye Feng, "let it be!" Then he released his hand and turned away.

Ye Feng looked at the back of Dixie, took a deep breath, and then walked out of the office. Not long after he went out, he saw gulina's office door. Gulina was standing there looking at herself.

Ye Feng then walked toward gulina and said, "what are you looking at?"

Gulina shrugged and said, "nothing. I just want to tell you that I have moved in your desk. You can come in and have a look!"

Ye Feng immediately nods and enters gulina's office. He finds that the pattern of gulina's office has changed. At the back, there are two places separated by floor glass. One is the office with a desk, and the other is with sofa and tea set. It should be the reception hall. The two rooms are connected.

In front of Ye Feng's office, two spaces are also separated by floor glass, which is the same pattern. There is an office, a reception area, and an aisle between Ye Feng's office area.

Gulina then said to Ye Feng, "yours is in the back, mine is in the front, you should have no opinion? If you don't like being in the back, I can change with you. I don't care! "

At this time, Ye Feng went to gulina's back, hugged her, and said with a smile in her ear, "you really know me, you know I like being behind!"

Gulina's face turned red as soon as she heard this. Of course, she understood what Ye Feng meant. She immediately broke away from Ye Feng and looked back at Ye Feng solemnly. "It's office time..."

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I know. During office hours, I don't talk about personal affairs, do I? Well, I respect you! "

Then Ye Feng went into his office and sat at his desk. After feeling it for a while, he said to gulina, "that's it. It's very good!"

Gulina nods when she hears the words. At this time, the phone rings on her desk in her office, and then she goes to answer the phone.

After listening to the phone, gulina's face moved, and immediately came out and said to Ye Feng, "the phone just came from felik!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately convergence smile, look to gulina way, "what's the matter?"

Gulina immediately said, "felik said they were ambushed by each other, attacked and killed more than a dozen people! But there's no big problem at the moment! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng looked at gulina and said, "does Jock Emma's laboratory have any monitoring system, which is independent of your system defense bureau?"

Gulina shook her head and said, "I don't know. Our system defense agency's system is directly connected to the federal general satellite. It's not unusual that Jock Emma's monitoring system has one, but it must not be connected to the federal general satellite."

Ye Feng hears the speech for a while ponder, after lighting a cigarette, this just toward Gu Li Na way, "you give the latest instruction to filick, let them carry on the destructive assault to the experiment place of Qiao Ke Emma!"

Gulina is puzzled to look at Ye Feng way, "destructive assault?"

Ye Feng then toward Gu Li Na way, "is at all costs, destroy Qiao Ke Emma's laboratory!"

But gulina immediately said, "before, it was a town. Now, jock Emma's experiment is in the suburb. The goal gap is so big, I'm afraid..."

Ye Feng is toward gulina said, "the goal of temporary change, you give him a phone order on the line!"

Gulina listened to Ye Feng say so, this just nodded, then went to his office, made a phone call to Philip, the meaning of Ye Feng to Philip.After hearing the speech, felik asked the same question as gulina asked Ye Feng, "we are still breaking through the siege in the town. We are going to the Research Institute. It is estimated that the time will be..."

Before Felix finished, gulina said immediately, "this is the order. Just carry it out! Of course, your primary goal now is to break through the encirclement, and pass immediately after breaking through the encirclement. Satan means a devastating blow! Do you understand? "

As soon as Philip heard this, he said, "yes, sir."

After hanging up the phone of Felix, gulina turns around, just to see Ye Feng has come in, immediately ask Ye Feng, "has given the order to Felix!"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and nods. Gulina doesn't want to ask Ye Feng at this time, "Jack Emma's laboratory should be his base camp. You suddenly want to change your mind to raid there, isn't it a little too hasty?"

Ye Feng is staring at gulina, just smoking cigarettes, did not answer gulina's question.

Gulina looked at Ye Feng and said, "your goal is here all the time, but you didn't tell felik in advance? Have you made up your mind to attack the laboratory since they left? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if my initial goal is to go to the experimental Institute, maybe they have already stepped into the trap of Jock Emma before they arrive. Only by setting the goal in the town, can they take it lightly, focus on the town, and neglect the convenience of the Research Institute!"

Gulina looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's really possible that it will be like you said, but now their main force is the town, and they have fallen into each other's encirclement. It's not easy to break through, let alone go to the experimental Institute!"

But Ye Feng said to gulina, "if they are real soldiers, this can't defeat them. This is the best training for them. The situation of the battlefield is changing rapidly! Philip knows that, and he should let them know it too! "

Gulina smell speech facial expression tiny move, looking at Ye Feng way, "just like this, sacrifice is unavoidably big!"

Ye Feng looked at gulina and said, "war is sacrifice! If you are afraid of sacrifice, you should not take part in the war. I believe that not only Felix but also miracles should be aware of this. "

Gulina shrugged her shoulders and said to Ye Feng, "you just know what you're doing!" Then he immediately said, "what were you whispering with Dixie and jesteffe just now? It's so mysterious!"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "there are some things you shouldn't know. Don't ask more about them!"

Gulina listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help staring at gulina see for a long time, this just a shrug way, "understand!"

At this time, Ye Feng walked up to gulina, held her hand and said, "I do it for you, too. Many things are not as simple as you see. Sometimes it's good for you to stay away from things."

Gulina took a look at Ye Feng, broke away from Ye Feng's hand and said, "I understand. I'm just curious. It's absolutely impossible to ask again in the future!"

Ye Feng nodded, then asked gulina, "can you see their March here?"

Gulina immediately nodded, "can see, satellite video can see every corner of Huck bay island in real time!"

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