Ye Feng immediately walked toward gulina's office. As he walked, he said to gulina, "now transfer it to me!"

Gulina sat down at her desk, immediately turned on the computer, took out the monitoring video of the whole island, and showed it to Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng took a look at it, he immediately asked gulina, "this kind of surveillance video should be known to all people on the island?"

Gulina immediately said to Ye Feng, "this kind of monitoring is the upgrade of the original sky eye system, not to mention hukewan island. It's all the people of eisf, and none of them don't know!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help looking at gulina and said, "in other words, people all over the world know that they are under surveillance all the time?"

Gulina immediately shrugged her shoulders and said, "I know what you mean. Do you mean it's a violation of human rights or something?"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "I don't mean that. It's the inevitable lack of security. I mean that since the whole world knows it, they must know why they didn't destroy this system."

Gulina looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "I didn't say just now that the current system is upgraded from the previous Tianyan system, that is to say, the previous Tianyan system has real objects. In every monitored place, there must be a corresponding camera..."

Without waiting for gulina to finish, Ye Feng frowned and said, "do you mean that after upgrading the system, there is no need to set up a camera in the place?"

Gulina immediately nodded and said, "yes, now we don't need cameras at all. Instead, we can see every corner of the planet directly from the satellite in the sky. This innovation started many years ago!"

Listening to gulina's words, Ye Feng can't help but feel a move. At this time, he still looks at the science and technology of eisf according to the standards of the earth, but in fact, the science and technology of eisf has been completely ahead of the earth for many generations.

Ye Feng remembers that before he left the earth, the earth was still in the early stage of space science and technology. The use of space satellite technology, such as eisf, can be refined to such an extent that the earth can only look at the nape of eisf.

Thinking of these, Ye Feng can't help nodding. The purpose of asking gulina is to find out why they don't destroy the surveillance because they know they are under surveillance.

Now listen to gulina say that monitoring is completely from outer space, even if they want to destroy it, they can't. thinking of this, Ye Feng said to gulina, "that is to say, they don't have any possibility to destroy monitoring?"

Gulina said to Ye Feng, "in principle, the individual is absolutely incapable of destruction, but this is not absolute. As long as there is technology, there will be technical risks, that is, as the saying goes, technical loopholes!"

Ye Feng listen to gulina said, immediately frown a way, "so that is to say, jock Emma they should also have technology can crack?"

Gulina immediately said at this time, "these are also feasible in principle, but cracking satellites is not something that ordinary people can do. Even if the technology is up to standard, it needs to keep up with the hardware. As far as I know, the hardware that can connect to satellites is shared by the global Federation, and it is impossible for private people or even private enterprises or groups to have it, so they can't crack it, and they can't do it Strange

After listening to gulina's words, Ye Feng nodded. In this case, even if Jock Emma's technology is powerful, it can't destroy the eye system.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to gulina, "can this monitoring system also be installed in my computer?"

Gulina listen to Ye Feng said, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "do not need to install, as long as there is a password login can be! I can apply for an account for you and send it to you at that time. "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nod a way, "good, that please you!" Then he immediately said to gulina, "transfer the monitoring directly to the place where they are. I'll have a look!"

Gulina smell speech immediately on the computer operation, immediately on the computer screen immediately appeared on the streets of hukewan town.

Soon Ye Feng saw a group of people from an alley. After gulina drew the picture closer again, Ye Feng saw that there were Philip and miracle in the group. They were standing in the corner, as if they were discussing something.

And Ye Feng also noticed that many other people have been injured, but one by one the overall look good, at least the flame has not dissipated, morale has not been affected.

Ye Feng asked gulina, "can you hear the sound?"

Gulina immediately said, "brother, this is satellite monitoring. Even if there is a voice system on the satellite, it can't be recorded from the planet!"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded, secret way is also, but can see so clear picture already very cow force, shouldn't force these.

Ye Feng immediately got up and went to his office. He said to gulina, "I'm going to open my computer now. You can apply for an account for me immediately!"

Gulina immediately gets up and follows Ye Feng to his office. When she gets to the computer, gulina turns on the computer, opens a website for Ye Feng, and then starts to apply for an account. At the same time, gulina logs in to her own account to guarantee Ye Feng.After Ye Feng's account can be logged in, it's time to let him sit in front of the computer and begin to teach him how to operate these video surveillance operations. Ye Feng is quick to learn, and soon he can operate freely.

At this time, Ye Feng fixed the video picture over the whole island of Huck Bay, looked at the topographic map of the island, and then found the Research Institute of Jock Emma. A virtual screen popped up to enlarge the picture of the research institute to the maximum. At the same time, a nine palace screen was separated to see all the corners of the Research Institute.

At the same time, Ye Feng finds out where they are, divides a virtual screen, tunes it into a nine palace surveillance video, and then takes out the phone and dials Philip's phone.

Gulina see Ye Feng so, can't help but frown and said, "are you going to command the scene?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "with such technology, of course, we can't waste it. They are deeply involved in it. Many situations can't be seen clearly, but we can see the whole situation clearly. Of course, we have to give him some advice!"

Gulina then reminded Ye Feng, "I forgot to tell you that although the current satellite monitoring system is much more advanced than before, it has a fatal defect!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "do you mean there is no sound?"

Gulina shook her head and said, "it's not this. It's what we saw. It was three to five minutes ago!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at gulina and said, "what? You mean this surveillance isn't real-time? Has been developed to outer space technology, and can't realize real-time monitoring? Is that bullshit? "

Gulina said to Ye Feng, "this problem has been solved for a long time, but it has not been opened all over the world. In other words, they deliberately did not let us see the real-time monitoring, deliberately three to five minutes late!"

Ye Feng can't help staring at gulina for a moment. Then he nods. He also understands why longarsenbao is doing this. After all, the global management system is too big to avoid negligence.

If there is a problem in any place, the real-time monitoring without dead angle is likely to cause fatal problems. In order to eliminate the possibility of such an event, it is reasonable for longarsenbao to make such a decision.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then said to gulina, "even if there is a delay, it will not hinder the overall situation!" Then he got through to Philip.

When felik got on the phone, Ye Feng immediately said, "now you use the Bluetooth system, always turn it on, and listen to me!"

Then he took a look at the surveillance screen. As expected, it was the same as what gulina said. At this time, felik was still standing in the corner of the wall talking to miracle, and he didn't get through at all.

Philip said to Ye Feng on the phone, "instructor, do you have any new instructions?"

Ye Feng said to felik at this time, "I'm using the heavenly eye to help you attack the Research Institute of Jock Emma, but the video here has a delay, so you should be more careful!"

As soon as Philip heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "that day, the eye system delay was about five minutes, can't be used as real-time command?"

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