Ye Feng said to filick, "although there is a delay, it can be used as a command, but we need to be more careful! Because the orders I gave you were all made according to the situation five minutes ago, you can't take my orders as the only standard for your execution, but you need to make your own judgment. In other words, you can understand the situation around you five minutes ago, so as to judge what you need to do next? So it's a test for you. If you use it properly, it's a powerful weapon against you. But if you don't use it well, it may also become a driver to ruin you! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, felik couldn't help pondering for a while, and then said to Ye Feng, "if so, I have no problem, but I don't need to make a real-time call. If there's anything wrong with you, you can inform me, and I'll make preparations here!"

Ye Feng agreed to what felik said. In fact, he thought about it. He wanted to sit here all the time and observe the situation on the monitor. Then he explained to felik that this work was really not suitable for him.

At the same time, Ye Feng said to felik, "then you'd better contact director gulina and let her do the logistics work for you." Then he took a look at gulina.

Gulina has no expression on her face. After Ye Feng hangs up, she tells gulina about it. Gulina just shrugs her shoulders and says there is no problem, and this is her job.

Gulina said and continued to say to Ye Feng, "you just need to give your order to me and felik at the same time, and we'll put it into practice! You are our top leader now. You can't do it all by yourself, can you? "

Ye Feng smell speech nodded a way, "yes, that's why I thought of giving these to you to do!" Then he immediately got up and looked at gulina and said, "where's mayor Shylock?"

Gulina then said to Ye Feng, "he should be in his office. Let's give it to him."

Ye Feng immediately nodded, then got up and said to gulina, "I'll go and have a look. You can keep in touch with felik and keep his movement smooth. Call me if you have any information!"

With that, Ye Feng left the office directly, and then went to another office area. There were many small offices, but the biggest one was for Shylock.

When entering, Ye Feng noticed that both maorenren and Zhuo wanqiu were chatting in the public area of the office. Seeing Ye Feng coming, they unconsciously wanted to walk towards him.

But Ye Feng waved to signal them to continue their work. At the same time, he went to Shylock's office and knocked on the door. Shylock's voice said, "come in!"

When Ye Feng pushes the door in, he just sees Shylock sitting at his desk, staring at the photos on the desk in a daze.

Ye Feng noticed that the photo was a group photo of three members of Shylock's family. However, Shylock saw that it was Ye Feng, and immediately said to him, "what can I do for you?"

Ye Feng sat opposite Shylock's desk and said, "is this office still satisfactory?"

Shylock shrugged and said, "there's nothing to be satisfied with. It's just a place to work." Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what must be the matter with you?"

Ye Feng took a look at Shylock and then said, "before you worked in the city government building, you must have your own subordinates and employees. Now you are alone here. Didn't you contact those people?"

Shylock shrugged his shoulders and sneered, "they've all contacted each other. Many of them can't be contacted. Those who can be contacted are scared to death!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at Shylock when he hears the words, "scared to death?"

Shylock said to Ye Feng, "now they are all in the town. Some of them are already the open Jock Emma faction. Even if they are not from Jock Emma's side, they may not be from my side. They are in a dilemma. Of course, they are scared to death!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and asked Shylock, "as the mayor of Huke Bay, have you reported the situation here?"

Shylock can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, "report to the top? If you report this to the top, then the top will send troops At the same time, they may know our existence! "

Ye Feng frowned at Shylock and said, "what's wrong with knowing our existence? You are the mayor of Huck Bay and appointed by the federal government. What's the problem? Shylock looked at Ye Feng and said, "no, I mean, of course, it's not my identity, but you Isn't it the activist? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Shylock, "the action faction is just the name of our secret faction, but on the surface, aren't you still the mayor of Huke Bay? You are not stupid enough to tell others that we are activists and a new type of anti-government armed force, are you

Shylock immediately said, "of course not!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "isn't that it? You seem to be the mayor of Huck Bay, but we are your subordinates. This is the temporary office you set up to deal with the sudden action on the island. Now Huck Bay is in a hurry. The rice plate elements headed by Jock Emma and Dante Emma have occupied most of Huck Bay. You will not report such a big thing to the above, if it goes through other procedures Or how do you explain it? "Shylock hears the words and looks at Ye Feng thoughtfully. After a long time, he says to Ye Feng, "so you suggest that I report to the top?" Said immediately remind Ye Feng way, "but you have to think clearly, once the report, above will take military action here!"

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "it depends on your language art!"

Shylock looked at Ye Feng and said, "what language art?"

Ye Feng continued to say to Shylock, "you can report the situation here, but it may not be necessary to report truthfully. I can say a little, not a little..."

Shylock immediately said to Ye Feng, "so what is our ultimate goal?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's very simple to let the top know that there is a crisis in Huke Bay, but the crisis is within the controllable range. There is no need to increase troops on the top, but in some material resources and so on, we need to provide some help!"

As soon as Shylock hears Ye Feng's words, he suddenly seems to understand. He says to Ye Feng, "I understand. You need administrative resources, but you don't need the above interference?"

Ye Feng immediately pointed to Shylock and said, "that's right. The power of the activists is still very small. We need to develop. It's impossible to confront the government blatantly at the beginning. We must rely on the power of the government to strengthen ourselves. This is a necessary means!"

Shylock pondered for a moment, then nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I'll solve this problem. It shouldn't be a big problem!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded to Shylock and said definitely, "I know you can solve this problem! Then it's up to you? "

Shylock nodded and assured Ye Feng, "everything is wrapped in me. Don't worry!"

Ye Feng nodded his head with satisfaction, then stood up and said goodbye to Shylock. However, after looking at the photo on Shylock's desk, he turned back to Shylock and said, "don't always live in memory. Your wife and children want to see you as vigorous as before. What's the future world of eisf like? Your wife knows, and she's waiting Listen to your good news

Shylock can't help but reach out and take a look at the picture on the table after hearing what Ye Feng said. Then he said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, my mood has been adjusted. I won't be affected any more. Next, I will devote myself to our career!"

Listening to Shylock's words, Ye Feng smiles at Shylock, then reaches out his hand to him and holds it tightly. He says, "with you, I can rest assured. I believe your wife and children can also rest assured."

Shylock held Ye Feng's hand tightly and said to him sincerely, "thank you, thank you

Ye Feng shrugged a smile, nothing to say, directly left Shylock's office.

After leaving Shylock's office, seeing that Zhuo wanqiu and Monica are still talking with cat face, they stand on one side and talk about something, and then they go over curiously.

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