Ye Feng can't help nodding to Zhuo wanqiu. Without saying anything, he leaves Zhuo wanqiu directly. Ye Feng thinks that he was seen by the cat face man who spent the night in gulina last night?

However, Ye Feng is not very tangled about whether he has seen it or not. He is very curious. The cat faced man has always had a good impression in Ye Feng's mind. Although sometimes he is reckless, he is good on the whole.

But this time, the cat faced man told Zhuo wanqiu about his stay in gulina, which made Ye Feng puzzled. After all, in Ye Feng's impression, the cat faced man is not a fussy person.

So Ye Feng thinks it's necessary to find the cat face man to ask clearly, what's the purpose of his doing this, and it's just talkative.

After all, what gulina said before about the ghost is not over. If so, the cat faced man has these characteristics. If he said it on purpose, he is afraid that the weather will not be chaotic.

Ye Feng did not find the cat face person after looking for a circle, but saw that jesterfield was in her own office. Ye Feng went to knock on the door and asked if she had seen the cat face person.

Jaster Fei could not help frowning and said, "are you looking for him? I also want to find him. It seems that I haven't seen him for some time after hearing you say so! "

But Ye Feng said to jester, "I saw him chatting with Zhuo wanqiu and Monica just now, but I couldn't find him after a while!"

But jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and asked, "what do you want from him?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng sat at jasterfeld's desk, looked at jasterfeld and said, "if I say I suspect he has a problem, what do you think?"

On hearing this, jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you think he has a problem? What's the problem? "

Ye Feng hears speech a while to ponder ground to look at Jie si te Fei way, "he didn't say what with you today?"

Jesterfield could not see anything on his face. He just looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you want to say to me? What should he say to me? "

After staring at jesterfield for a long time, Ye Feng sighed and said, "I don't want to hide anything from you. After all, he belongs to you. Today, he is talking to Zhuo wanqiu about the night I spent in gulina last night!"

Jaster Fei frowned at Ye Feng, pondered for a moment, and then asked, "in fact, did you spend the night there?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at jesterfield and said, "it's not the point. The point is that I don't think he is a talkative or even fussy person. What's the purpose of him and Zhuo wanqiu talking about it?"

Jester fee saw that Ye Feng didn't answer his question, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe it's just one more word, unintentional loss!" Said or looking at Ye Feng way, "you did not answer my question, so say, you really last night in gulina that night?"

Ye Feng listen to Jester fee so say, can't help staring at Jester fee, looking at the way, "this is very important?"

Jaster fee smell speech but immediately toward Ye Feng a shrug way, "not important, I just curious, you don't want to say, that's OK!"

But Ye Feng's eyes were still staring at jesterfield. After a long time, he nodded and said, "yes, I spent the night with her last night."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jestefel couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh? Very good

Ye Feng smell speech but eyebrow a wrinkly ground looking at Jie stefei way, "very good is what meaning?"

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "it's very good, which means very good, very good, very good..."

Ye Feng heard jesterfield say so, can't help but stand up and say, "since you don't know where he is, I'll find him myself!" With that, Ye Feng turned to go.

But at this time, jester fee also immediately stood up and said to Ye Feng, "I'll go with you to find him!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help looking back to Jester fee way, "you're afraid of me to him how?"

But jesteffe said immediately, "no, I said when you came in. I had something to look for him, too!"

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. Jesterfield immediately came out and came to Ye Feng's side at the door. Then he looked at him and said, "what do you mean by that? What do you really want to do with him?"

But after staring at jesterfield for a long time, Ye Feng said, "if he's just careless, it won't be much..."

Jesteffe said immediately, "it must have been just a slip of the tongue What's the purpose of that? "

After listening to the speech, Ye Feng pondered for a while, and then said to jesterfield, "I don't know what his purpose is, and I don't want to guess, so I want to find him and ask him clearly!"

Jester Feiyan stared at Ye Feng for a moment, then immediately opened the door and said to Ye Feng, "OK, let's go to find him, find him and ask him face to face!"

Ye Feng followed jesterfield out of the door of the office immediately. When he got to the ground, he turned around and didn't find the cat face man.Ye Feng this time, can't help but toward Jester Fei way, "he didn't say with you today?"

Jesterfield looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you want to say to me?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "ask clearly, of course, I spent the night in gulina last night!"

Jesterfield took a deep breath and then said to Ye Feng, "I don't want to cheat you either. When I saw him in the morning, he told me!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at jesterfield and said, "since he told you, when I told you this just now, you pretended not to know?"

But jesterfield immediately said to Ye Feng, "this kind of thing belongs to gossip news. I didn't take it seriously when I heard it. It was just a joke. I didn't expect that you would come to him to ask for the blame for it! And I really admit that I spent the night in gulina last night! "

Ye Feng asked jesterfield, "is it unforgivable to spend the night in gulina?"

Jesterfield shrugged and said, "it's nothing unforgivable. It's normal for you unmarried men and unmarried women to love each other as much as you like."

Ye Feng immediately said, "but it's such a normal thing, but he said it everywhere, not only with Zhuo wanqiu and Monica, but also with you, probably with other people, right? What's the purpose of this? Hype my affair with gulina? Or do you want Zhuo wanqiu and Monica to hate me? "

Jesteffe looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while, and then said with a smile, "are you thoughtful? What good is it for him that he does this? Gulina is not his woman. If it is his woman, he can be excused for doing this. Is it because he has a crush on Zhuo wanqiu or Monica? That's why I deliberately said that in front of them? It's impossible... "

Yefeng listen to Jester fee said, suddenly a burst of silence, jester fee said is right, cat face people do so what is the purpose, is it really like Zhuo wanqiu?

If you think about it, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moves. Before, the cat face man often quarreled with Zhuo wanqiu. At that time, he didn't feel anything, but he was afraid to think about everything. After thinking about it, he really felt that there was some truth in what jesteffe said. It was probably that the cat face man took a fancy to Zhuo wanqiu, and he also knew that Zhuo wanqiu had only Ye Feng in his heart, so he would come out This is the worst way to destroy her image in Zhuo wanqiu's mind by spending the night in gulina?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but say to jester, "he's your man. You should know him very well. Does he really like Zhuo wanqiu?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jastefer also began to think about the cat face people's every move for such a long time, especially the things related to Zhuo wanqiu. What she thought of, like Ye Feng, was the scene of cat face people and Zhuo wanqiu bickering. At that time, she also thought it was nothing. Cat face people were always bickering.

But now if you think about it carefully, the appearance of cat face man and Zhuo wanqiu when they quarrel is more like a happy enemy.

Thinking of this, jester immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's possible! I don't know! " Then he immediately asked Ye Feng, "if it's true, what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at jesterfield. Of course, he knows what jesterfield means. If the cat face really takes a fancy to Zhuo wanqiu, do you agree or not?

Jester fee saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said, "in fact, I think they're quite matched. If that's the case, I think you should help them!"

Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and said, "even if it's true, it's also his wishful thinking. What does Zhuo wanqiu think? Does she like him? "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, jester fee was also silent for a while. After a long time, he nodded and said, "that's right, but do we have a chance to ask Zhuo wanqiu?"

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