Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "before we ask Zhuo wanqiu, should we find him first? After all, it's just our guess. If he doesn't mean that, what's the significance of finding Zhuo wanqiu now?"

Jesteffe nodded and said, "you're right. We'd better find him first." Then he looked into the distance and immediately said, "isn't that him?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately followed jesterfield's eyes and looked ahead. At this time, he saw that the cat faced man was walking out of a corner by himself, but he seemed to have no spirit. He was walking slowly and aimlessly.

Ye Feng immediately walked towards the cat face man, and Jester fee immediately followed him. They soon came to the cat face man.

But the cat face person has been a little preoccupied, until Ye Feng and jesterfield both stood in front of him, he noticed them, can't help looking at them in consternation.

Ye Feng didn't wait for the cat face man to speak. He immediately asked the cat face man, "did you tell Zhuo wanqiu that I spent the night in gulina last night?"

The cat faced man was surprised. Hearing Ye Feng's question, he couldn't help looking at Ye Feng. Then he took another look at jesteffe. Then he shrugged and said, "I said it! What's the matter? "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately ask cat face humanity, "you tell her these are what purpose?"

Cat face man looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully, but did not immediately answer Ye Feng's words.

Seeing this, jesteffe immediately looked at the cat and said, "tell me, why do you say this?"

The cat face man immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "no why! What's the reason? It's just that I just talked about it and said it out of the way! " Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "have I wronged you? Didn't you sleep at gulina's last night? "

Ye Feng didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it immediately. He just said to the cat, "I don't think you have such gossip. No matter whether I spend the night there or not, you shouldn't take other people's privacy as a topic after dinner. What do you think?"

"The cat face person hears speech but shrugs a way," I already said, now how to do? "

Ye Feng saw that the cat faced people seemed to have a disdainful look on their face. He didn't feel guilty about publishing his privacy at all, and even looked at his eyes with some dissatisfaction.

See so, leaf maple immediately toward cat face humanity, "do you have any dissatisfaction with me?"

The cat faced man immediately shrugged his shoulders again, and then hummed coldly, "there's nothing to be dissatisfied with! What dissatisfaction can I have with you? "

Ye Feng is toward the cat face humanity, "your eyes tell me, you are very dissatisfied with me, and this dissatisfaction seems to have a lot of time backlog!"

The cat face man snorted again, but he didn't speak. Jesteffe looked in his eyes and immediately said to the cat face, "what are you dissatisfied with? Say it

After hearing what Jester fee said, the cat faced man immediately took a look at Jester fee, and then looked at Ye Feng again. After a long time, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, I'm not satisfied with you!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help frowning at the cat's face, "are you not satisfied with me? Why? What have I done to make you so unhappy? I have the impression that I didn't offend you, did I? "

The cat faced man snorted coldly, "you didn't offend me or do anything to me, but I'm just dissatisfied with you!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at the cat face man and asking why, but jesteffe helps Ye Feng ask, "why? Why are you dissatisfied with him? "

But the cat faced man said immediately, "what else? You look at him, around how many women, let him to which is true? With so many women around, what's the point of thinking about gulina? "

Ye Feng can't help looking at the cat's face. "Do you have any idea about gulina?"

The cat faced man immediately snorted coldly, "do you think everyone has the same idea about gulina as you?"

Jesterfield immediately asked cat face, "do you have any idea about Zhuo wanqiu? You know that Zhuo wanqiu likes Satan, so you know that you told Zhuo wanqiu after he spent the night in gulina last night? "

Cat faced man, hearing what jesterfield said, could not help frowning slightly and looking at jesterfield in surprise, said, "Zhuo wanqiu? What do I think of her? "

Jesterfield also looked at the cat's face in surprise, "isn't it?"

The cat faced man couldn't help staring at jesterfield for a long time. Then he sighed, "you say that's it!"

Jaster Fei frowned more tightly and looked at the cat's face in surprise. "What do you mean I say yes, is that right?"

But Ye Feng didn't wait for the cat face man to talk this time. He immediately said to jester, "I want to have a chat with him alone. Go ahead and help you first."

Jaster fee smell speech face slightly move, surprised looking at Ye Feng, see Ye Feng nodded toward himself, this just a shrug way, "well, then I go to busy, you talk first!"

Jesteffe then took another look at the cat faced man. Seeing that the cat faced man had turned his back, he sighed and turned away.As soon as jesteffe left, Ye Feng immediately turned to the cat, "you don't like Zhuo wanqiu, I know!"

But the cat faced man shrugged his shoulders and hummed coldly, "it doesn't matter! If you like it, just like it! "

But Ye Feng said immediately, "I know what you like is not Zhuo wanqiu, but someone else!"

The cat face person smell speech complexion tiny move, immediately turn round, looking at Ye Feng way, "what another person?"? I don't understand you

Ye Feng immediately said to the cat face man, "what you like is Jester fee No, it's a girl

As soon as the cat faced man heard Ye Feng's words, his face suddenly changed. There was a sense of panic in his eyes. He quickly denied, "what are you talking about? I didn't I didn't... "

But Ye Feng said to the cat faced man, "your look and tone now means that I can't say wrong. What you like is a Nan!"

The cat face person's facial expression is after several changes, this just toward leaf maple way, "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Ye Feng said immediately, "what am I talking about? You know very well. You know better who you like? If you don't admit it, I can't help it! But in my impression, you are not the one who dare to be and dare not recognize

At this time, the cat face man looked at Ye Feng without saying a word. After a long time, he took a long breath and nodded to Ye Feng, "yes, I like a Nan! I confess! What's the matter? "

Ye Feng heard the cat face man say so, immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "nothing, you have the right to like people! But... " Then Ye Feng said in a low voice, "so I spent the night in gulina. The first thing you told me was a Nan?"

The cat faced man immediately admitted, "yes, I just got up this morning and I said it as soon as I saw him!" Then he immediately added, "I'm not lying, and you're not the kind of person who dares to admit it to me. Dare you say you didn't spend the night in gulina last night?"

After listening to the speech, Ye Feng stared at the cat face man for a long time. Then he took out his cigarette and handed one to the cat face man. Then he lit one himself and took a cigarette. Then he looked at the cat face man. "I spent the night there. You didn't lie! But That's not the reason why you're going to talk about me everywhere! "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, the cat faced man couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "to tell you the truth, I didn't want to say it, but I don't want to see a-nan sink in for you I just want to let her know who you are. You don't have her in your heart. There's no possibility for her and you! "

When Ye Feng heard what the cat face man said, he couldn't help looking at the cat face in amazement, "what do you mean..."

Did not wait for Ye Feng to finish, cat face immediately nodded, smoked a cigarette and said, "yes, a Nan likes you!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help toward cat face humanity, "she said with you?"

The cat faced man shrugged his shoulders and said, "does she have to say that? Can't I see that? I didn't say that I like a Nan. Don't you see that? "

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the speech. After staring at the cat face for a long time, he nodded and then said to the cat face, "it's understandable for you to tell a Nan about it, but why do you tell Zhuo wanqiu afterwards?"

Cat face immediately sneered at Ye Feng and said, "I don't know. I can't understand why all women love you. I didn't want to tell her, but when Zhuo wanqiu mentioned you, my eyes were full of adoration. I thought that a-nan had such eyes. I was angry at that time, but I couldn't help it !”

Ye Feng can't help but sigh when he hears what the cat face man says. To tell the truth, although he is very disgusted with the way the cat face man does, after hearing what the cat face man says, he can't blame him from the bottom of his heart.

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