After pondering for a long time, Ye Feng said to the cat faced man, "since you like it, why don't you make it clear to a Nan directly?"

The cat faced man said to Ye Feng, "before, it was because our race was different. You didn't know what I looked like before. Even the race might be wrong. How could it be?"

Ye Feng immediately toward the cat face humanity, "now, now you and a Nan are with Mrs. ace's body, there is no race problem, you can go to confession!"

The cat face man smelled the speech but looked at Ye Feng and said, "if you like a woman and you know that the woman likes another man in her heart, even if you express yourself, you can't have a chance. Will you still express yourself?"

Ye Feng immediately said to the cat faced man, "you've confessed, at least there's a general chance. If you don't, there's no chance at all. Haven't you thought about it yourself?"

Cat face people toward Ye Feng a shrug way, "come on, I and you are not the same, I just hope they like people can be happy, like a person also don't have to and each other, as long as the silent after-sales and blessing on the line!"

Ye Feng can't help pondering after hearing what the cat face man said. He didn't continue to talk for a long time. Finally, he said to the cat face man, "I respect your choice, but I hope it's over here, and you don't have to talk about me any more!"

At this time, the cat faced man looked at Ye Feng with a straight face. Instead of answering Ye Feng's words, he said to Ye Feng, "I listen to your tone. Don't you have any good feelings for a Nan?"

After listening to what the cat face said, Ye Feng could not help but ponder for a while. Then he slowly turned to the cat face and said, "sometimes it's hard to say clearly about the things between men and women. Besides, you know, there are too many women around me. In your understanding, if I love one, I will surely fail the other, or even a bunch of them. If I tell you, I also like a girl, but I won't either What about giving up other women? "

Cat face people listen to Ye Feng said, can't help but frown, look down on Ye Feng's face, said, "you are promiscuous, hard to say, may be promiscuous! Don't you know? "

Ye Feng looked at the cat's face and said, "if it was before, I might agree with you, but you have to know that most men in the world will be like this, and I can't avoid vulgarity, but what I want to tell you is that I like so many women at the same time, not promiscuous, not promiscuous, because I will give my heart and soul to everyone, you can't Deny the existence of such men in this world! And I may be that kind of man! "

The cat faced man snorted coldly, "you really can put gold on your own face!"

Ye Feng looked at the cat's face and said, "I didn't put gold on my face. I'm telling the truth. I don't need to explain this to you, because I don't need to explain it to anyone. I only live for myself and the people I love. I don't care about worldly views and opinions at all, because you are a friend of a Nan, a friend she attaches great importance to, and also a close friend Xinan is a happy friend. That's why I explain so much to you. If I change to any other person, I won't give him a chance to talk with me at all

The cat face person hears speech Zheng Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, can't help cold voice way, "so say, I also want to thank you to give me this opportunity?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you're welcome, but my patience is limited. My private life, let alone I don't think it's promiscuous. Even if you say it's promiscuous, I don't allow others to talk behind your back. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can talk to me face to face. You don't need to make any small moves behind your back. This time, I think you're a girl's friend Friends, and I once thought that we would become friends, so I don't pursue them. But next time, maybe I won't face my old daughter any more! "

The cat faced man can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. He shrugs his shoulders. In fact, he also understands Ye Feng's meaning. In fact, Ye Feng is right. Who Ye Feng is and how many women are around him are all Ye Feng's abilities. It has nothing to do with him. Even if ye Feng is in a bad mood, he shouldn't chew his tongue behind his back.

Think of here, cat face toward Ye Feng way, "good, I promise, after absolutely won't say these!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded to the cat face man, said a thank you, then continued to say, "you can express to a Nan, this is your right, you can even pursue him, but you can't use the way to belittle others and elevate yourself, understand?"

But the cat faced man sighed, "forget it, what are you after? My daughter and I can only be friends forever, and we can't go any further. I know this very well, and I believe she certainly thinks so, so I won't do anything to hurt the feelings of my friends and my daughter! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at the cat face person, originally also want to persuade the cat face person a few words, but in the end also just a little head way, "you do any choice, I respect you!"

Cat face just about to say something, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings up, take up a look, it is gulina call.

Ye Feng immediately connected, but at this time listen to gulina on the phone said, "no, Felix, they were ambushed by Dante Emma, they were seriously ill in the Research Institute, Felix, they were seriously injured!"Hearing this, Ye Feng's face suddenly moved. He said to gulina that he would arrive soon. After he hung up the phone, Ye Feng immediately looked at the cat's face and said, "I have something urgent here. That's it!"

The cat face man nodded, and then said to Ye Feng, "if you have something urgent, go and help you. Finally, I don't want this matter to become a barrier between us. Now we are all in eisf. It's estimated that the days after that will be very long. I don't want this matter to affect us, except for men and women. To tell you the truth, I really appreciate you!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, and cat face said a thank you, this just turned away.

Cat face people standing in situ looking at Ye Feng left, this just a little sigh, thinking of Ye Feng said let himself go to Jester fee confession words, the heart can not help but is a long sigh.

At this time, there was a sound of footwork not far away, and the cat faced man looked sideways, and it was jasterfeld.

After jesteffe came quickly, he asked cat face, "how are you talking with Satan?"

The cat faced man shrugged his shoulders and said, "I apologize to him!"

Jesteffe was relieved when she heard this. Although she had just walked away, she had been looking at the cat face man and Ye Feng from a distance. She knew that the character of the cat face man was hot, and she was afraid that he and Ye Feng would fight again if they didn't agree.

However, seeing that Ye Feng didn't fight with the cat face man until he left, jesteffe was relieved. However, he hurried over to ask about the situation and was completely relieved when he heard that the cat face man had apologized to Ye Feng.

Then jesteffe nodded at the cat faced man and said, "you've done a good job! Don't talk about people behind their backs in the future! "

The cat face man immediately nodded and said, "I know! This time it's my quick talk. There's no next time. You can rest assured! "

After hearing this, jesteffe frowned and said, "I don't worry about you. You have a hot temper and don't know how to turn around. This kind of character is easy to offend people!"

Cat face man can't help but move when he hears what jesteffe said. He immediately thinks of what Ye Feng asked him to say to jesteffe. He didn't have confidence before, but when he hears that jesteffe is worried about himself, he can't help hesitating. Does she like herself?

But then the cat face man came back to his senses. Jesteffe had been very kind to him and other people before. It was just the concern between friends. He couldn't be amorous. Once he confessed, if he failed, even jesteffe might say that he would continue to be friends, but the feeling would be totally different.

Thinking of this, the cat face immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I know!"

Jesterfield immediately asked cat face, "just now Ye Feng left in a hurry, is there anything wrong?"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he looked at jesterfield anxiously. He sighed a little. Fortunately, he didn't have the brain to express himself to jesterfield. From jesterfield's expression, she was obviously more concerned about Ye Feng, and her concern for herself could not be compared with her expression now.

Thinking of this, the cat faced man immediately said to jestefeld, "he answered a phone call, and then said he had something to do and left. It's supposed to be about the war between Felix and them."

Jesterfield heard the speech and nodded. Then he looked at the direction of Ye Feng. His brow was slightly wrinkled and he was not talking.

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