At this time, Ye Feng has arrived at gulina's office. As soon as gulina sees Ye Feng coming, she immediately stands up and says to Ye Feng, "come and have a look..."

Then gulina opened her seat and let Ye Feng sit in front of her desk. Then she turned on the computer monitor and showed Ye Feng the surveillance video of the orientation of the jock Emma Institute.

At this time, the picture is the picture of Felix and them being surrounded. As soon as they entered the compound of the Research Institute, many people appeared in all directions, surrounded them in the middle, and instantly they were killed and injured countless times.

Ye Feng, while watching the picture, listened to gulina standing aside and explained, "this is the video at that time. They are obviously ambushed. Dante Emma, they have been prepared for a long time!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what's the situation now? What's the matter with Philip and miracle? "

Gulina immediately adjusted the video to the current one. The current video only has the empty yard and the corpses on the ground. There are not only the people of Felix and miracle, but also the people of Dante Emma, but there is no sign of Felix and miracle.

Gulina said to Ye Feng at this time, "satellite monitoring can only monitor the situation here. We can't see the situation inside the jock Emma Research Institute, while felik and miracle brought the disabled into the Research Institute at that time, and now we don't know what the situation is!"

Ye Feng took a look at the appearance of the surrounding area on the monitor. After looking for a circle, he didn't find Philip and miracle. He believed that they were probably hiding in a building facade now.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately stood up and turned to go, gulina immediately asked Ye Feng, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "what else can we do, of course, is to save Philip and miracle!" Then he said with some apologies, "I overestimate the people on their side. I think their physical fitness can keep up with that of qualified soldiers. In fact, their military literacy is still very low. They are not suitable for this operation at all. It's my blunder!"

Gulina a listen to this, immediately get up toward Ye Feng said, "I also go!"

But Ye Feng looked back at gulina and said, "the front line is not what you are good at. You just sit here, and the rear is completely up to you. I'll go by myself!"

Gulina smell speech immediately face a change, immediately toward Ye Feng nodded, "rear although you rest assured, but you go to the front, also want to be careful, don't go alone, take a few helpers!"

Ye Feng nodded to gulina and immediately left the office. As soon as he went out, he saw jesterfield and the cat face man coming. He immediately said to the cat face, "come with me!"

The cat face person hears speech a ground to look at leaf maple way, "go where?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "they are in a bit of trouble. We have to rescue them!"

Without waiting for the cat face to speak, jesterfield immediately volunteered and said to Ye Feng, "I'll go with you, too!"

After hearing that, Ye Feng took a look at jesteffe and a cat face. Then he nodded and said, "let's go now!" Said toward the side of the square aircraft walked past.

Just walked a few steps, Ye Feng saw that the shadow of the moon without sleeve is also coming towards his side, after seeing himself, the shadow of the moon without sleeve immediately asked Ye Feng, "you are nervous, look serious, where are you going?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "there's something wrong with the front line over there. We have to go to rescue them!"

Moon shadow no sleeve smell speech immediately also toward Ye Feng way, "I also go with you, maybe I can help a little bit!"

Ye Feng didn't think much. He immediately nodded and agreed. Then he got on the plane. The cat faced man was responsible for driving the plane, and Ye Feng gave them equipment on the plane.

Moon shadow no sleeve asked Ye Feng at this time, "the team formed temporarily from the abandoned city must have some problems!" Then he took a look at Ye Feng, and then continued to say, "even if their physical fitness can reach the standard, but after all, they don't have the experience of military operations, so they were given such a heavy task at the beginning?"

Ye Feng sighed and said immediately, "you're right. It's totally my negligence this time. I underestimated Dante Emma's provisional army and overestimated their ability at the same time."

Jesteffe said at this time, "I can't blame you completely, but there are few soldiers available in our hands, so it's a last resort!"

The moon shadow without sleeve said, "don't the men of felik also have some soldiers?"

Jesteffe immediately said, "those soldiers are left behind System Security Bureau, can't go out at will, so Satan will go to raise troops temporarily!"

Ye Feng nodded at this time and said, "no matter what, go to rescue people first!"

Cat face person reminds Ye Feng at this time way, "already saw Research Institute!"

After hearing the speech, they immediately looked forward to see that the research institute had already appeared in the field of vision. Ye Feng immediately asked the cat faced man to stop the aircraft on the spot and they walked over.

After landing, Ye Feng asked the three men to take their weapons and follow them on foot towards the Research Institute. On the way, he also told the three people, "be careful, they were ambushed before. Maybe there are still ambushes here, waiting for us to help them!"At this time, the cat face man said, "if everything goes well, it's better to catch Dante Emma or Jock Emma directly, kill one first, and make an example for them to know!"

But jesteffe said, "Dante Emma is so cunning that he may not be here, let alone Jock Emma. Since we all know that our goal will be set at the Institute, their uncle and nephew don't know where they have gone."

But Ye Feng reminded Maolian, "the purpose of our visit is not to kill or revenge, but to save felik and miracle. We can save as many people as we can, and any other purpose is not the purpose of our visit. Do you understand?"

Cat face immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "OK, all actions are under your command. If you let us go east, we will go east. If you let us go west, we will go west."

Say this, four people have arrived outside the wall of the Research Institute, four people are crawling on the ground, Ye Feng observed the situation in the yard, but did not find any one, the body in the yard at this time also disappeared, presumably by Dante Emma their people to clean up.

Moreover, there is no change in the whole research institute. If Felix and miracle are still alive or not caught, there should be something unusual in the Research Institute. Now, is it true that miracle and Felix have been sacrificed or arrested?

Ye Feng also observed the situation around, immediately toward the other three humanitarian, "you three people stay here first, I go to have a look first, if there is an ambush, you immediately return the same way, if everything is safe, you come in again!"

But jesterfield immediately said to Ye Feng, "do you mean we look at you in danger and don't care?"

But Ye Feng said to jester, "I have the ability to protect myself. You can rest assured, but if the danger happens to you at the same time, I'm worried that I'm not able to take care of you. Instead of this, you'd better go back directly, and I'll be safer. Do you understand?"

Without waiting for jesteffe to speak, moon shadow immediately nodded and said, "good!" He also said to jesterfield and cat face, "this operation is agreed, just listen to Satan! We don't have to ask about anything else! "

Jesterfield and cat face people can't help nodding, Ye Feng also nodded, then got up and jumped directly from the wall.

But as soon as he was about to leave, he remembered that there was electric current on the wall. He immediately turned around, reached for the power grid on the wall, instantly sucked all the electric current from the power grid, and then walked towards the building of the Research Institute.

After Ye Feng passed by, the cat faced man kept staring at Ye Feng. Although jesteffe also paid attention to Ye Feng's action, he glanced at the moon shadow with his spare light.

The moon shadow has no sleeves. At this time, a pair of eyes are staring at Ye Feng, but she feels that Jester fee is looking at herself. She immediately turns her head to Jester fee and says, "what are you staring at me for?"

Jesteffe immediately denied, "what am I staring at you for?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech and can't help staring at Jester fee. After a moment, he doesn't say anything more and immediately looks at Ye Feng.

But at this time the maple leaf in the courtyard of the Institute, it seems that nothing happened.

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