Next, Ye Feng and Yue Ying tried many ways, but they couldn't get out of here. Here, they thought of a sealed box, with no exit at all. The walls around them were just like iron walls. Let alone there were no tools here. Even if there was an estimate, it didn't work.

Finally, Ye Feng sat on the ground, saying nothing, and no longer thinking about the useless methods. In his mind, he had an idea that whether he was going to die here or not, and that his great ideas about being in love would be completely buried here with him.

The moon shadow has no sleeve, this time also weak paralysis sits in the leaf maple's side, the direction leaf maple asks a way, "we really want to die here?"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and doesn't speak. Now he doesn't know whether he and Yueying can leave here alive. Unexpectedly, he has made several low-level mistakes in succession.

There's nothing wrong with going to the abandoned city to recruit soldiers. The fault lies in the fact that they are too anxious. It's a big mistake to let the recruits carry out the raid on the Research Institute. After all, they have no experience in carrying out the task. It's OK to drill a little bit, but they still think highly of such a difficult task.

If only these mistakes are acceptable, Ye Feng's next low-level mistake is that he should not know that the Institute is a trap, but also hurry to let himself fall into the land of life and death.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighs slightly, and the moon shadow asks Ye Feng, "what do you sigh for?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's my fault. It's me who made everyone fall into this trap!"

After a long time, she said, "Satan didn't make such a low-level mistake. Are you the reason why you stay in the micro universe for a long time?"

Said did not wait for Ye Feng to speak, the moon shadow sleeveless immediately stretched a stretch, this just said, "in fact, this is also very good!"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder to see the shadow of the moon sleeveless, although he can't see the shadow of the moon sleeveless face at this time, but obviously can correctly feel the shadow of the moon sleeveless position, surprised way, "very good?"

The moon shadow without sleeves said, "yes, it's very good. Since that time, I haven't been able to get along with you so closely. Now, I'm afraid no one will disturb us except you and me in this place, right?"

Ye Feng was stunned when he heard the speech. He naturally knew that the time when moon shadow sleeveless said it was before he went to the micro universe, and he said to moon shadow sleeveless, "I've seen it in your boudoir before, haven't I? Isn't it just the two of us? "

The moon shadow without sleeves said, "yes, I saw it in my room last time, but it wasn't just us. There were other people downstairs! And here, it's just the two of us! "

Ye Feng listen to the shadow of the moon without sleeve so a say, can't help but look at the shadow of the moon without sleeve way, "so what?"

The moon shadow without sleeves immediately put his hand around Ye Feng's arm, then put his head on Ye Feng's shoulder and whispered, "it's not so good, but I suddenly have a strange idea in my heart. If only time could stop here forever!"

Ye Feng did not push away the moon shadow, but let the moon shadow pillow his shoulder, but said, "time will never stop because of the individual!"

At this time, the moon shadow asked Ye Feng, "if you know that you are going to die soon, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Ye Feng was asked by the shadow of the moon without sleeves. He was stunned. Yes, if he was going to die soon, what's his unfulfilled wish?

However, after thinking about it, Ye Feng didn't think that he had anything special to do. If he did, he wanted to wake up all his memories in eisf. After understanding all this, maybe he could put it down completely?

Although Ye Feng thought so, he didn't say it. Instead, he asked Yueying, "what about you? What are your unfulfilled wishes

The shadow of the moon without sleeves also did not answer Ye Feng, but stretched out his head in the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, and continued to pillow on Ye Feng's shoulder.

The leaf maple eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "what meaning?"

The moon shadow has no sleeves and says to Ye Feng, "haven't I already given you the answer with my actions? You are my unfulfilled wish

Ye Feng can't help but move when he listens to Yueying's words. If he gets along with Yueying at such a close distance, and then listens to Yueying's words, maybe he can't hold it.

But now in this case, half an hour, no, now is less than half an hour later, maybe he will die, where there is the mind to think about these.

And now Ye Feng also felt that the temperature in the airtight chamber was rising for a time. Maybe the oxygen began to be weak. Ye Feng felt that it was difficult to breathe, and his whole body began to be hot and dry.

And Ye Feng has felt the shadow of the moon close to his body when the temperature is also rising, this feeling let Ye Feng's throat a little dry, unconsciously dry cough.

At this time, the moon shadow suddenly said to Ye Feng, "if we die here now, do you think people will think we are a couple when they find our bodies?"Ye Feng is sober at this time a few, say immediately, "won't!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech to sit straight body immediately, surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "why? Do you mean people don't think I'm good enough for you? "

Ye Feng then solemnly said to the moon shadow, "if we die, it will be Dante Emma who comes in. Dante Emma knows that we are not a couple, and will dispose of our bodies before no one misunderstands us, leaving no room for anyone to guess."

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help a consternation, immediately a smile way, "is oh!"

Ye Feng immediately stood up and said to Yueying, "but I won't give Dante Emma this chance!"

The moon shadow sits on the ground without sleeves and looks at Ye Feng. His face suddenly moves and says, "do you have a way to go out?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no!" And then he said, "I can talk to Dante Emma!" Then he called out Dante Emma's name.

However, no matter what Ye Feng called Dante Emma's name, Dante Emma's voice did not ring again in the secret room.

At this time, Yueying Wuxiu also stood up and said to Yefeng, "it seems that he doesn't intend to have any communication with us before we die!"

Ye Feng's heart moved and then sat down again. It seems that this time Dante Emma doesn't want to give herself any chance to escape. That is to say, this time Dante Emma really wants to die.

Moon shadow no sleeve see Ye Feng didn't speak, immediately sit to Ye Feng's side, comfort ye Feng way, "don't think much, in fact think about death, also not so terrible!"

Ye Feng said, "I'm not afraid of death, I just have a lot of things to do, so I'm not reconciled to it!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve and says to Ye Feng, "everything is a small matter in front of life and death, what else is not reconciled!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the shadow of the moon in consternation and says, "you can see it very well?"

The moon shadow has no sleeves and says to Ye Feng, "as a death servant, what you face every day is nothing but life and death. If you can't even look down on life and death, you can't be a death servant! As the name suggests, death attendant means to accompany life and death. "

The leaf maple smell speech long sigh a way, "see come to the head, I have no you want to open! Yes, what else can happen besides life and death? "

At this time, the moon shadow said to Ye Feng, "were you happy last night in gulina?"

Ye Feng can't help but be shocked when he hears the words, and then he says to the moon shadow, "at this time, what you think is actually this problem?"

The moon shadow without sleeves said, "if it's not today, maybe I don't care, but at the critical moment of life and death, everything I can think of in my mind is related to you! There is no great thing beyond life and death, but there is always someone who can make you forget life and death, only remember him

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears that. Of course, he understands that the person she can remember is himself. But at this time, he is a little surprised. In this moment of life and death, who can remember?

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