Moon shadow no sleeve see Ye Feng didn't say a word, at this time can't help but look at one side of Ye Feng, then in Ye Feng's cheek kiss a way, "you don't want too much thought, this time think too much also useless!"

Ye Feng was so in the shadow of the moon on the cheek after a kiss, but feel the cheek seems to have been needled in general, immediately look to the shadow of the moon without sleeve way, "what's on your mouth?"

The moon shadow without sleeve looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "what's on my mouth? You mean lipstick

Ye Feng felt the place where he had been kissed by the moon shadow. He obviously felt that his cheek had been stabbed just now. This feeling can't be wrong.

Moon shadow sleeveless see Ye Feng did not speak, this time and went up to kiss Ye Feng's cheek, a way, "what?"

After Ye Feng's cheek was kissed by Yueying's sleeveless face, the tingling immediately appeared. But this time, Ye Feng obviously felt that it was not tied with something, but when Yueying's sleeveless cheek came into contact with her skin, it produced an electric current.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but look at the shadow of the moon with no sleeves and say, "don't you feel it in your mouth?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to be asked by Ye Feng so, can't help but doubt whether there is something on his lips, can't help but reach out and touch his lips.

But after touching his lips, the shadow of the moon did not find anything on his lips. He was immediately surprised and said, "what's the matter with you?"

Ye Feng this time but immediately toward the moon shadow sleeve less way, "continue to kiss me!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech and can't help but be stunned. After staring at Ye Feng, she immediately hugs Ye Feng's head and kisses Ye Feng's mouth this time.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately felt that there seemed to be an electric current passing through his lips towards his whole body. And the deeper the kiss, the stronger the electric current.

Ye Feng can't help but secretly scold. It's really a ghost. Is the legend of using love to generate electricity true? Think of him regardless of the other, immediately embrace the shadow of the moon sleeveless, crazy kiss shadow of the moon sleeveless.

Moon shadow sleeve did not expect Ye Feng will suddenly be so crazy, but let her a little unexpected, but moon shadow sleeve or gladly accepted Ye Feng's enthusiasm.

The more Ye Feng kisses the shadow of the moon, the more he feels that the current in his body is about to wake up. However, after kissing for a moment, he finds that the current is not stronger.

Ye Feng can't help thinking in his heart, will he need further action to increase the current and wake up the electric pole in his body?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but stretch out his hand towards the moon shadow sleeveless. When his hands climb the peak of the moon shadow sleeveless, a stream of electric current rushes into Ye Feng's hands.

This is proof of Ye Feng's idea. It turns out that the love between men and women can indeed generate electricity. The electric current generated by the action on both hands is obviously stronger than that generated by kissing.

If so and so on, then it is not their own and shadow sleeve after further action, then the intensity of the current should also be greater and greater.

At this time, the shadow of the moon without sleeves did not expect Ye Feng to be like this. Now they are trapped in the secret room, although her mind is to be with the people she likes before she dies, death is enough.

But the shadow of the moon without sleeve is just at that moment, even at that moment, I want to kiss Ye Feng just before I die. I have no other redundant ideas, but I didn't expect that Ye Feng would respond so warmly.

These are totally beyond the moon shadow's surprise. She looks at Ye Feng in front of her and feels that Ye Feng's action is more and more intense. Her heart tells her that it shouldn't be like this, at least it shouldn't be like this in the moment of life and death, but her body and limbs have completely betrayed him and cooperated with Ye Feng's every move enthusiastically.

Ye Feng's action is also more and more violent, more and more give up. At this time, his mind only wants to recover the extreme electricity in his body as soon as possible. At present, it seems that this is the only way, so he can't wait to take action.

When Ye Feng felt that the impetuous electric pole in his body was about to come out, his heart was even more excited and anxious, but although the electric pole in his body had induction, it seemed that it was almost so bad to get rid of the bondage completely.

Ye Feng knows that if he doesn't take the last step with Yueying sleeveless, it's impossible for him to get rid of the shackles completely. Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately takes the final offensive against Yueying sleeveless.

Yueying Wuxiu feels Ye Feng's enthusiasm at this time. She even says in her mind that Ye Feng is crazy, and she is completely crazy. She even thinks of doing this kind of thing here. However, the consciousness in her mind is soon defeated by her limbs. The more she wants to refuse in her mind, the more her body will cooperate with Ye Feng.

…… After the baptism of talking about love, while making Yueying Wuxiu feel the happiness of being a woman again, Ye Feng obviously feels that the power of extreme electricity in his body is recovering, and every sprint and impact seems to be able to rub out sparks.

Moon shadow is lying on the ground contentedly, staring at Ye Feng who has just been on his own wanton madness, only to see that Ye Feng has already stood up at this time, and moon shadow is more aware that there seems to be lightning and flint shining on Ye Feng's hands.See this scene, the shadow of the moon can not help but a Leng, she instantly understood, why Ye Feng in the case of no omen so, it turned out that he found a way to generate electricity.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the iron gate and tried to use his mind to control the polar power source in his body. He wanted to rely on the polar power in his body to gather on his hands and melt the iron gate in front of him.

However, after several experiments, Ye Feng always felt that although the polar current in the body had recovered, it was always a little worse.

Moon shadow sat up and looked at Ye Feng. She couldn't help but move. Then she said to Ye Feng, "do you want to do it again? Maybe one more time! "

Ye Feng heard that the moon shadow sleeveless said, can not help but look back at the moon shadow sleeveless, did not think about it, and immediately walked towards the moon shadow sleeveless, and this time, the moon shadow sleeveless had psychological preparation, already ready to cooperate with Ye Feng.

After another round of power generation, Yueying feels that there seems to be electric current on Yefeng's skin. Although the whole space is dark, when electric current flows through Yefeng's skin, she can clearly see Yefeng's body.

At this time, Ye Feng stood up again and walked towards the iron gate. This time, he continued to control the extreme current with his mind and grasped the door handle. The current immediately passed through Ye Feng's hand and quickly spread to the whole iron gate.

The iron door gradually began to turn red and hot. Finally, Ye Feng pushed his feet on the wall. The iron door was pulled open by Ye Feng, and even the whole iron door was softened and deformed by the heat.

As soon as the iron door opened, the light from the outside immediately entered the space, and the dim space became bright. Ye Feng then looked back at the moon shadow with no sleeves behind her, but saw that she was blushing and looking at herself with joy.

Ye Feng can't help nodding toward the moon shadow sleeveless, said a thank you, and then pointed to the moon shadow sleeveless, indicating that she quickly tidy up her clothes.

Moon shadow no sleeve just regained his mind, then stood up and said to Ye Feng, "just now, Dante Emma said that jesteffe and his friends should be trapped in the same place!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately nodded. Then he took the sleeveless hand of Yueying and ran to the other side of the corridor. Seeing that the other end of the corridor was full of iron doors, and they were all closed, his heart could not help but move.

It seems that Dante Emma does not just arrange the space at the end of the corridor as a trap, but there are traps behind every door, because Dante Emma is not sure which door they will enter, so the easiest way is to arrange traps behind all the doors.

Ye Feng and Yueying try to open the doors one by one. They just stand at the door to have a look. If they can't open the door, they knock on the door and shout the name of jesteffe.

And then Dante Emma's voice rang out in the corridor, "I didn't expect this would not trap you!"

Ye Feng doesn't pay any attention to Dante Emma at all. He goes on to find jesterfield door by door. After knocking on an iron door, he immediately hears the echo inside.

Ye Feng knew that this must be the place where jestefel and cat face were trapped. He immediately controlled the extreme electricity in his body and immediately pulled the iron door open.

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