After the iron door is pulled open, Ye Feng and Yue Ying only see jasterfeld and cat face sitting near the door. They don't seem to have much energy. It is estimated that a lot of energy has been consumed here. After all, they can't open such a door by themselves, so they can't expect to open it any more.

Ye Feng opens the door. Jesterfield and cat face people see hope again on their already desperate faces. Ye Feng immediately reaches out to jesterfield, who is sitting on the ground, and pulls her up from the ground.

Jesterfield stood up, and the cat faced man immediately said to Ye Feng, "what the hell is going on here? We just came in to see if there are any Feliks in it. Unexpectedly, the door was closed, and we couldn't open it!"

Jesterfield also said to Yefeng, "what about you? Nothing happened to you

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "like you, we are locked up. We just got out of trouble!"

Cat face person but a face don't understand ground looking at leaf maple way, "we just tried a lot of methods, didn't open this door, how do you do?"

Ye Feng didn't speak when he heard this. At this time, he heard the moon shadow shrug his shoulders and said, "with love..."

Cat face people a face surprised to see a shadow of the moon sleeveless, obviously did not understand the meaning of the shadow of the moon sleeveless.

Jesteffe can't help but look at the shadow of the moon at this time, but she carefully found that the shadow of the moon's sleeveless clothes seem to be a little irregular, and the cheeks are red, can't help but frown slightly.

At this time, Dante Emma's voice sounded again in the corridor, but he sneered and said, "Satan, it seems that I really underestimate you. I just looked at the thermal monitoring, but I didn't expect that you could think of this method? What a genius

Ye Feng and moon shadow can't help but move when they hear this. Unexpectedly, every move in the secret room just now is monitored?

But the good thing is that it's just thermal monitoring, that is to say, what Dante Emma sees on the video is a thermal cloud. Although she can tell where they are and what they are doing, she can't see their faces clearly.

But even so, the shadow of the moon without sleeve also feel uncomfortable, immediately holding the powder fist, angry voice, "you abnormal!"

Dante Emma sneered, "I'm sick? I can have his metamorphosis again, when life and death are at stake, what I think of is actually doing that kind of thing with women! I'm really convinced

Jesteffe was shocked when he heard this. Just now he felt something wrong when he saw the moon shadow's sleeveless clothes. Now when he heard what Dante Emma said, he knew that his guess was right.

Cat face people smell speech is also a face puzzled, did not expect Ye Feng and shadow sleeve was locked in the chamber of secrets, actually do that kind of thing?

Yueying no sleeve saw cat face man and Jester looking at himself and Ye Feng with different eyes, and immediately explained, "you misunderstood, it was like this at that time..."

Ye Feng immediately interrupts the moon shadow and says, "there's no need to explain. Let's leave here first!"

With that, Ye Feng turns around and walks away, but Dante Emma in the stereo doesn't seem to want to bypass Ye Feng. She continues to say, "you don't want to save felik and the fireflies in the abandoned city?"

Ye Feng then stopped, looked up at the corner of the monitoring, and then said aloud, "OK, you let them go, I'll stay alone!"

Dante Emma immediately said, "I know you can't limit your ability now. What can I leave you for? Stay and kill me? I might as well leave some hostages. Besides, they are all soldiers, and I am short of soldiers. Isn't that right? "

Ye Feng also wants to talk. At this time, moon shadow immediately takes out the laser pistol and shoots several shots at the surveillance video in the corner, directly destroying all the surveillance videos in the corridor.

After the fight, the moon shadow sleeveless also indignant toward Ye Feng said, "there is nothing to talk with him, I believe they must still be here, let's find it ourselves, don't talk with him!"

Jesteffe immediately said, "yes, they must still be here. If they leave here, gulina will inform us, unless they are dead!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, then immediately said, "OK, let's continue to search, but be careful of Dante Emma's trap!"

"The cat face man said immediately," this time, the four of us will not be separated. Let's act together! Otherwise, if there is any problem, it will be the same as just now! "

Thinking of just now, jesteffe couldn't help staring at Ye Feng and Yueying again. Then he nodded and said, "that's right. Try to concentrate your strength and don't disperse. I don't know what else Dante Emma is up to!"

Ye Feng nodded, immediately looked around, suddenly thought of something, and then toward the three humanity, "there is underground, Dante Emma should not hold them on the ground, it must be underground!"

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately took the lead in running towards the elevator, and jesterfield, cat face man and moon shadow sleeveless immediately followed.

Finding the elevator entrance, Ye Feng immediately presses the elevator and goes in. After they all come in, Yueying no sleeve immediately shoots the monitor in the elevator.Ye Feng just pressed the button on the third floor underground, and immediately said to jesterfield, "remember where Joanna was found last time?"

Jesterfield smell speech heart next move ground to see to leaf Feng way, "you mean, that pole electricity experiment institute?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "only that place is the most secluded and has the largest space. I believe it can accommodate a lot of people. They are not one or two. They should be there!"

Jaster fee immediately nodded and said, "I remember the underground space is not small. Even if it's not there, there are several places to hide!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, and then said, "anyway, today we must find Felix and miracle!"

Soon the elevator stopped on the third floor underground. As soon as the door of the elevator was opened, it was an open space. Originally, countless scientific research containers here seemed to have been abandoned, including a rusty iron ware outside.

After Ye Feng came out, he looked left and right, and then divided into two directions. Jesteffe reminded Ye Feng, "don't spread out this time, let's go together!"

Ye Feng nodded, and then identified a direction to continue to walk forward, jester fee behind the three of them.

The moon shadow has no sleeves, but says to Ye Feng, "last time I came here, but I really don't know that there is such a universe under this research institute!"

Ye Feng knows that Yueying Wuxiu said that she was here last time, which means that Yueying Wuxiu came to find the U-disk pen that Jock Emma left in the Research Institute. That's when she met Yueying Wuxiu.

Ye Feng continued to walk in front for a long time. Then he found that the basement was different from the one he came to last time. He remembered that the last time he came here was not to make an elevator. Instead, he found the corridor leading to the underground in a separate secret room.

Ye Feng thought and then stopped, toward Jester fee way, "here is a new place!"

Jesteffe had been suspicious for a long time. Listening to Ye Feng's words, he stopped and said, "yes, I just found out that it's totally different from the place we went last time."

The cat faced man looked around in mist and said, "why can't I see that it's different from last time?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "last time we saw these scientific research containers on the ground, but this time it was underground. Last time we took the corridor and corridor, this time we took the elevator!"

Moon shadow stood on the other side, and saw that there seemed to be a button on the container. Curious, she pressed it. She didn't want that the container was originally closed with iron, but now it slowly opened.

When Ye Feng and others heard the voice, they could not help but look to the moon shadow's sleeve less side. Jastefer reminded the moon shadow's sleeve less way, "don't press things indiscriminately!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve and says innocently, "I didn't mean to, but I've pressed it. What should I do?"

As soon as she spoke, she saw that the iron sheet outside the container had been completely opened, but inside it was a transparent glass container full of light blue liquid, and there was a person in the liquid.

Ye Feng and others can't help but move when they see this. Ye Feng immediately walks over to have a look, and his face suddenly moves again. In this container, there is a fruity woman, and she looks very familiar.

Jesteffe and the cat face man came over, and their faces suddenly moved. The cat face man said with straight eyes, "it's not Is that a girl

When Ye Feng heard this, he suddenly remembered that the fruity woman in this container is indeed a Nan, but it's not jastefer. In other words, the woman in this container is a Nan's body in the micro universe, not jastefer's body now.

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