Jesteffe was stunned to see this scene. He looked at himself in the container and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The moon shadow without sleeve looks at Ye Feng and Jester Fei in surprise and says, "who is the woman in this? Who is a girl? "

Ye Feng and jesteffe did not answer the question of moon shadow without sleeves. At this time, Ye Feng suddenly thought of a question and said, "no, we shouldn't have such a big body before!"

Jesteffe was still in surprise. Listening to Ye Feng's words, his heart suddenly moved and he thought that they all had bodies in the micro universe before.

In other words, if her body appears here, it should be almost invisible to the naked eye. How can she have such a big body?

and the moon as like as two peas, the iron outside the container opened one by one, and inside it all showed the same body as Nan, one by one and the same as the one.

The shadow of the moon has no sleeves, and the cat's face looks straight. After all, there is nothing on a Nan's body. For him who has been secretly in love with a Nan, it's just welfare.

However, after opening a few more containers, Yueying found that there were other people's bodies, including Ye Feng's and cat face's.

When Yueying Wuxiu saw the body before the cat face man, she couldn't help staring at the body of the cat face man in the container in consternation, and said in surprise, "what is this? Is it a cat or a man

After seeing his former body, the cat faced man's desire was swept away when he saw her body just now. When he saw his former self, the cat faced man's sense of inferiority came out again.

At this time, Ye Feng went to a container with his former body. After looking at it for a long time, he didn't speak, but he was thinking, what is Dante Emma doing? Why are so many of them cloned?

At this time, Yueying no sleeve walks to Yefeng, looks at Yefeng in the container with Yefeng's eyes, and frowns, "who's in this? So absorbed? You're not interested in men, are you

Ye Feng murmured to the shadow of the moon: "this is what I look like in the micro universe!"

On hearing this, Yueying Wuxiu immediately moved her heart. After looking at Ye Feng in surprise, she immediately stared at Ye Feng's former body in the container for a long time and said, "I can't see that you look pretty handsome in the micro universe. It's a bit like you before, but it's not as big as you!"

Jesteffe immediately said, "whatever Dante Emma wants to do, I think we should destroy this place first."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but side head to see to Jie si te Fei way, "are you sure to destroy?"

Jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you still want to stay here, waiting for one day when you meet a former self standing in front of you and want to kill you, do you have to do it?"

Ye Feng listen to Jester fee say so, a think is also, immediately toward the moon shadow sleeve said, "give it to you!"

Moon shadow sleeveless of course understand Ye Feng's meaning, immediately took out a pistol, to the surrounding container can't stop shooting, suddenly the blue liquid in the container with a clone are flowing out of the broken container.

Moon shadow sleeveless also used a pistol to shoot a few shots on those clones. After walking to Ye Feng's former body and having a look at it, she murmured, "I really can't bear it!"

However, the shadow of the moon without sleeve, that is to say, it didn't think much about it. It shot a hole in the head of the clone.

Cat face man looked at his body shot by the shadow of the moon, a burst of taste in his heart.

Ye Feng and jastefer continued to walk forward at this time. After opening an iron door, they stood motionless at the door.

The moon shadow has no sleeve this time to walk over, see Ye Feng and Jie si te Fei stay to stand at the door, can't help but wonder a way, "how to stand here not to move?"

Walking to the front and back of Ye Feng and jastefer, she can't help but move when she looks at Ye Feng and jastefer's dull eyes. Then she looks at Ye Feng and jastefer's eyes, and her face is also moving.

I didn't expect that there would be a larger space behind the iron gate than now, and there were several times or even tens of times more containers than here. Moreover, the containers here had no metal shell at all, but were all transparent glass containers, inside were all clones with blue liquid and red fruit body, and there were also many other containers Many of them are Ye Feng and jastefer. Of course, there are cat faced people.

When the cat faced man came, he was stunned and couldn't help but wonder, "what is this guy going to do? Are you going to make us an army? "

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. He thought that the cat faced man usually talked about things in a wrong way. This time, he got to the point. Dante Emma would not clone so many of herself for no reason. She must have a plot.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately nodded to the moon shadow sleeveless again, and the moon shadow sleeveless immediately broke all the containers in front of him.Ye Feng and jasterfeld are standing in the same place, looking at the corpses everywhere in the warehouse. They can't help feeling empty in their hearts. After all, there are countless themselves in it.

And at this time, Dante Emma's voice came from the space. She said, "I really can do it to countless people who look like myself."

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech immediately raise a gun to start looking for monitoring everywhere, but the leaf maple at this time but pressed the gun way in her hand, "listen to what he wants to say in the end!"

Dante Emma's voice immediately said, "how can I say that? Thank you very much, Satan. If you don't aim at the Institute, we really can't help it!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move ground looking at all around, immediately loud way, "what meaning?"

Dante Emma didn't know if she heard Ye Feng's words. She continued, "because of you, it seems that everyone on the island has set their goals here, which also gives us time and opportunity..."

Ye Feng smell speech, heart immediately move, immediately blurted out, "his purpose is to leave Huke Bay?"

Jesteffe, moon shadow and cat face could not help but move when they heard this.

At this time, Dante Emma's voice in the stereo continued, "I believe you have guessed that, yes, we have left Huck Bay. Compared with the whole eisf, the sky of Huck Bay is too small. How can I show my ambition?"

Ye Feng's heart was shocked when he heard this, but Dante Emma continued to say, "but after leaving Huck Bay, I believe we won't see each other for a while, but I left you a gift before I left!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "gift?"

Dante Emma continued, "thanks to your advice, I thought of where to raise more soldiers to be cannon fodder, so as a thank you, I didn't kill felik and his soldiers! They're hiding somewhere in the Institute. You can find them! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart immediately is a move, raise more soldiers? Does Dante Emma mean he's going to the abandoned city to recruit?

At this time, Dante Emma continued to say, "but don't blame me for not reminding you that you don't have much time left. Now calculate the time, there is almost half an hour left. After half an hour, everything in the Research Institute will no longer exist, so you must find them in half an hour, otherwise Ha ha ha Oh, I forgot to tell you that this time is still earth time

When Ye Feng heard this, he was shocked. But jesteffe, moon shadow and cat face all changed their faces. What Dante Emma said was so obvious that he must have planted some bombs in the Research Institute.

At this time, Dante Emma continued to say in the stereo, "goodbye, Satan, I know we will see each other again. At that time, we will see if you can get into lonarsene castle, or if I can control Esther. Our competition has just begun. I hope you can have a firm foothold in Huck bay!"

Then there was a rustling sound in the stereo, presumably Dante Emma had turned off the call.

The moon shadow has no sleeve, this time Dynasty leaf maple says, "now how to do?"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng immediately said to Jester fee and moon shadow, "you leave here first, I'll stay and find someone!"

As soon as jesteffe heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "how can that work? You heard it, too. Dante Emma said it's going to explode soon!"

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