Ye Feng looked back at jesterfield and said, "it's my fault that makes feilik and miracle face the present danger. I can't watch them blow up here!"

On hearing this, jesteffe said immediately, "I won't go either. I'll stay and find someone with you."

Ye Feng can't help but say to jesteffe, "I owe felik and the miracle. You don't owe them, so there's no need for you to stay and put yourself in danger!"

As soon as jestfeld was about to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "I've made up my mind. All three of you will leave here. I'll just stay here!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately releases the electric pole into his palm with his mind. Then he looks at jesterfield and Yueying and says, "my ability will not die here, but if you stay here, I will be distracted!"

Jesteffe and Yueying, seeing Ye Feng like this, were stunned and nodded immediately. After they took a look at Ye Feng, they looked at each other again. Then they left with Maolian.

After the three of them left, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then took a look at the clone full of warehouse, thinking that now we don't need to deliberately destroy one by one, anyway, when the explosion starts, everything here will be destroyed.

Ye Feng then continued to run in front, opened several doors in succession, behind the door are the same scene, are countless clone containers.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng's heart can't help shivering. How many clones did this Dante Emma get here? Is this really going to prepare for the clone army?

But Ye Feng doesn't quite understand why Dante Emma has made so many clones, but she has to leave Huck Bay secretly and go out to Philadelphia to find soldiers?

There are so many clones, and they are all themselves and cat face people. Anyway, they are better than those guys in the abandoned city. Dante Emma, who is so smart, won't let go of the strong hand and go for the second place, right?

At this time, Ye Feng stood next to his own clone container, staring at himself in the container for a long time, and then found that these clones were actually defective.

I didn't find it before, but now I'm standing close. If I look at it carefully, I can see clearly that these clones are either less or more. It's obvious that they are not perfect clones.

However, Ye Feng also has no time to see these, after all, these clones will not exist in half an hour.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He continued to run forward. After several warehouses in a row, he opened a door and finally found that there was no container in it, and they were all locked up here.

Felik and miracle were sitting on the ground. When they saw the door open, they immediately looked to the door. When they saw that it was Ye Feng, they immediately stood up.

Felik is the first to run towards Ye Feng. When he comes to Ye Feng, he immediately bows his head and says, "instructor, let you down!"

Ye Feng had a cursory look. There were still 80 or 90 people in it. That is to say, the brothers in the abandoned city brought by Felix had nearly half of the casualties.

At this time, Ye Feng reached out and patted felick on the shoulder, then said, "this time I don't blame you, it's my miscalculation, I shouldn't let you come here!"

Feilik said immediately after hearing the speech, "it's not the instructor's fault. It's just that we are too careless. We think there is no one here, so we are too aggressive..."

Ye Feng doesn't want to explain anything to Felix, and then he looks at the miracle, but he sees that the miracle is still sitting in the same place, and his clothes are dejected.

At this time, miracle suddenly clenched his fist on the ground and smashed it. Then he gave a roar, stood up quickly and said in a angry voice, "this revenge is not a gentleman. I must kill the guy who set a trap for us and avenge my dead brother!"

Ye Feng immediately went to the miracle, reached out and patted the miracle on the shoulder, and said, "you have done very well..." Then he looked back at the survivors and said in a loud voice, "your performance this time is great!"

Although he was praised by Ye Feng, everyone couldn't remember. After all, nearly half of the people who were still training together had already died here.

At this time, felik went to Ye Feng's side. Just as he was about to say something, Ye Feng immediately interrupted, "don't say anything more. We have to leave here now to study all the bombs!"

As soon as he heard this, felik's face suddenly moved. He immediately clapped his hands at the crowd and said in a loud voice, "wake up. Do you hear me? There's a bomb here. We have to get out of here now!"

Everyone was shocked when he heard that. Ye Feng immediately took the lead in running towards the door. He also said loudly, "keep up, don't drop one!"

Felik and miraculous Wenyan immediately followed him, while others followed him one after another. A crowd immediately ran out of the warehouse along the path.

Soon a crowd ran to the elevator entrance. There was only one elevator here. Ye Feng immediately let these people go up one by one, while he left behind.When felik saw that he had to stay behind with Ye Feng, the miracle was the same, but Ye Feng asked him to go up first, and asked them not to wait for themselves after they went up. He immediately left the Research Institute and ran as far as he could.

Watching waves of people get on the elevator, Ye Feng's mood finally relaxed. After all, if you go up more, you may die less.

Finally, when the last batch arrived, Ye Feng, felik and the rest of them boarded the elevator together. After they got to the ground smoothly, Ye Feng did not stop, and immediately began to run away from the building.

But in the process of Ye Feng and their running, they heard a loud bang, and even the whole building and the ground were shaking. Looking at the sound of the explosion, it seemed that it came from the ground. It must be that the explosive was hidden underground.

A few people who ran with Ye Feng were stunned by the explosion, but Ye Feng said in a loud voice, "keep running, don't worry!"

At this time, Ye Feng and felik did not care about other people. They just ran outside. When they ran to the gate of the building, there was another explosion, and the whole building began to collapse.

Ye Feng, felik and others used up their last bit of strength to run away from the building in an instant, and the building behind them began to collapse as soon as they ran away.

Ye Feng continued to shout, let everyone do not stop, continue to run outside the wall of the Research Institute.

After a crowd ran out, there were several explosions behind them, and the whole ground began to shake.

No one dares to turn back. They keep on running until they have no strength. Then they sit on the ground one by one, panting.

Ye Feng can't help but stop. Then he looks back at the back, but he sees that the whole research institute has been bombed out, and even the original position of the research institute has collapsed. It must be that the underground space below has been bombed and collapsed.

And at this time, the sky sounded the sound of aircraft, Ye Feng looked up, but not far away in mid air to see three or four transport aircraft.

After those aircrafts came near and fell, Ye Feng saw that gulina was the one who got on and off one of them. Unexpectedly, gulina would come to pick them up with the transporter.

Gulina ran over and immediately said to Ye Feng, "I just received the news that they have damaged the defense system and caused a defense loophole. They have already run away!"

Ye Feng knew that gulina said they were uncle and nephew Dante Emma and Jock Emma, then nodded and said, "I know it all!"

Gulina took a look at the collapsed Institute, took a deep breath, and then said, "this is really a trap! Fortunately, you all escaped! " Then he looked around and asked Ye Feng, "is there anyone else?"

Ye Feng said, "just now I saw that it was going to explode. Everyone just wanted to run for their lives, so maybe they all ran away, but they should be near the research institute!"

Gulina smell speech this just relaxed one mouthful air way, "all right good!" Then he went back and asked those transporters to leave one behind. The others went to search nearby, and all the people found were transported back.

After the arrangement, gulina looked at Ye Feng and said, "it seems that Dante Emma's goal from the beginning was not Huck Bay, but to escape?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath after hearing the speech, and then said, "this time it seems that it's on his way!"

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