After all of them boarded the aircraft, when they passed Huck Bay Town, Ye Feng could not help looking down from the window and found that the whole town of Huck Bay was in a depression, as if the whole island existed for Emma's family. Now after Dante Emma and Jock Emma left, Huck Bay is a deserted City, which is no different from other abandoned cities. It's a sense of silence Sleep.

At this time, Ye Feng's heart is filled with depression. Dante Emma's declaration before leaving is still echoing in his ears. Dante Emma and Jock Emma's goal has never been Huke Bay, and maybe their intuition has not gone wrong. They may have started their goal and the change that has taken place now.

In any case, now Dante Emma and uncle and nephew Jock Emma have left Huck Bay, leaving a nearly abandoned city. Huck Bay was built to serve as an experimental site for Jock Emma from the beginning. Now Jock Emma has gone, and the experimental site has been bombed into ruins, so the meaning of Huck bay to the Federation is completely gone.

Jesteffe sat on the side of Yefeng and looked at Yefeng. "What are you thinking?"

At this time, Ye Feng shook his head and sighed. He didn't say anything, but he was thinking that the first battle between himself and Dante Emma had already begun, and the end was that he was completely defeated.

Ye Feng didn't feel it before. At this time, he calmed down to think about it. In fact, he was doomed to lose at the beginning. To tell you the truth, he was defeated because his memory didn't recover completely, and his identity with Mrs. ace was obviously insufficient.

The layout started by ourselves is limited to Huck Bay Island, while other people Dante Emma and Jock Emma have already started to lay out the whole Federation. It can't be overnight from the strategic perspective of Huck bay to the layout of the whole espresso, which shows that the other party has been prepared, at least with two hands.

On the other hand, Ye Feng has never thought about what he plans to do if Huck Bay is occupied by Dante Emma. Although the result is not like this, it at least shows that Ye Feng's strategic vision has problems, and all this comes from Ye Feng's identity.

Thinking of these, Ye Feng took a deep breath, lit a cigarette and smoked leisurely. With his other hand, he pressed his temple and pressed it slowly. At this time, he had a new idea in his mind.

Soon the aircraft flew to the system defense Bureau. After all the people got off the aircraft, Ye Feng went directly to his office and sat down. Jesteffe, Yueying Wuxiu and gulina all felt a little curious. Ye Feng has been silent since he came back from the Research Institute.

Ye Feng will be in his office, constantly smoking cigarettes, thinking about a problem, Dante Emma found his own position, so he himself, find what he is going to do next? Obviously, Ye Feng had an idea in his heart. He had already thought about it when he was on the aircraft, but he still had to think about it carefully, well and comprehensively.

After Ye Feng has figured out how to leave the office, he finds that he has been in the office for more than two hours, and it's still love time, while jesteffe, gulina and Yueying Wuxiu have been standing near the door of his office. They are all worried about Ye Feng.

After seeing Ye Feng come out, everyone is relieved. Jesterfield is the first one to ask Ye Feng, "are you ok?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, I just want to figure out some things!"

Jaster Fei frowned at Ye Feng and said, "well Are you clear now? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "think clearly!"

Jesteffe looked at Ye Feng tentatively and asked, "can you talk about it?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and the others, then nodded, "of course!" Said Ye Feng after a pause, this just said, "I decided to go to long arsenic Fort!"

People listen to Ye Feng so a say, all can't help a stunned, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng.

Jesteffe said immediately, "to Fort lonas? Why? "

Gulina also said to Ye Feng, "yes, it's so sudden!"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, gulina and others, "since the origin of everything is in lonarsene castle, and my memory is in lonarsene castle, I don't understand. What time do I waste on Huke Bay?"

After listening to Yan for a while, jesterfield asked Ye Feng, "so Have you decided to go to longerburg to get your memory back? "

Ye Feng definitely nodded and said, "that's right!"

Gulina immediately asked Ye Feng, "go to longarsenic castle, then what about Huke Bay? Give up? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and then said, "the value of Huck Bay was due to the laboratory of Jock Emma. Now the laboratory is gone. The federal government will come to investigate and even ban Huck bay!"

Gulina immediately asked, "so are you really going to give up? We're all going to lungsburg? With so many people and such a big battle, isn't it too much... "

Ye Feng looked at gulina and said, "you may have misunderstood me. I haven't finished my words yet. Yes, it was because of Jock Emma that Huck bay had the meaning of existence before, but that's only for the Federation. For us, Huck Bay is what we need now!"Gulina looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean, you said you were going to longarsene castle, then Huke Bay..."

This time, without waiting for Ye Feng's explanation, jastefer immediately said, "he means that he is the only one to go to longas castle, and we will stay in Huke bay!"

Gu Li Na a listen to this words, can't help a Leng, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, surprised way, "is that so?"? You're going to lungsburg alone? "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng lit a cigarette and took two puffs. Then he said faintly, "it's up to me to find my lost memory. You can't help me if you go!"

Gulina immediately said, "but Fort lonarsene is not another place. It's the capital of the Federation. And if something happens there or is recognized, you may be in danger."

Ye Feng smell speech then toward Gu Li Na a shrug shoulder, continue to smoke a cigarette way, "this you more worry, I now appearance is no longer before, can recognize my person affirmation not many, even have no, so I have nothing to worry about at all!"

Then Ye Feng looked at gulina and other people, and said in a deep voice, "since Jock Emma and Dante Emma have given up Huck Bay, it means that the federal government will also start to give up Huck Bay, and may let you all leave at that time, but I hope you will continue to guard here, and still regard Huck Bay as our base camp and the base camp of the activists!"

Ye Feng said here, zhengse said, "Jock Emma, they left Huck Bay should be a secret operation, so the Federation may not know, even if it is known, it may be a long time later, so we have to think that they are still in Huck Bay, and continue to stick to this side! So on the day I leave, Huck Bay will be handed over to you! "

Gulina heard this, looking at Ye Feng in her heart and said, "so, if you make a decision, there is no room for negotiation?"

Jesterfield said at this time, "that's because you don't know him very well. He really made a decision. No one can change it!"

Gulina can't help but be stunned when she hears the words, and then she looks at jesterfield with strange eyes. She seems to be curious why jesterfield knows Ye Feng so well.

But jesteffe said to Ye Feng at this time, "but after all, you can't go to longarsenic castle alone. At least you should take me and Dixie with you?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at jesteffe in surprise, but listen to jesteffe continue to say to Ye Feng, "the three of us are originally Mrs. ace, and I know a little about your past, the most important thing is that I am very familiar with longarsenic castle! When I get there, I can help you, and like you, Dixie is also looking for her lost memory. Don't you take her with you? "

Ye Feng is silent after listening to jastefer's words. He has to admit that jastefer has some truth to say. How can he find the lost memory and lose Dixie? But he and Dixie are both people who have lost their memory. Going to longarsenburg is like a dead end. One more jastefer who is very familiar with longarsenburg may be able to get rid of it What a hassle.

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