Thinking about this, Ye Feng nodded to jesterfield and said, "you're right. You and Dixie are indispensable. So it's decided that you and Dixie and I will go to longarsenburg, and the others will stay at Huck Bay?"

Gulina a listen to this, can't help staring at Ye Feng looked for a long time, this just slightly sigh a way, "so next time to meet when?"

Ye Feng looked at gulina, pondered for a moment, then said to gulina, "maybe soon?"

Gulina murmured, "maybe?" In the eyes is not give up, after all, just and leaf maple began, did not expect to face this kind of parting.

Jesterfield looked around at this time, and did not see Dixie. He couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "this kind of thing is not up to you and me to decide for Dixie. We must ask Dixie's consent. Maybe she has other plans?"

Jesteffe is right. She made a decision for Dixie, but she didn't ask for Dixie's advice. Maybe she didn't plan to go back to longas castle?

At this time, but not far from the sound of Dixie said, "I have no problem, I also happen to have this plan, then go to longarsenic castle!"

Listen to Dixi si so say, leaf Feng can't help but heart next move, immediately toward not far Dixi Si nodded.

At this time, gulina said, "Huke Bay doesn't have the means of transportation to longarsene castle. If you want to go, you must go to the nearest inland city binfuxiang. There is an airport over there, which can directly reach longarsene castle."

Ye Feng listened to Gu Lina's words, immediately nodded, and then said, "let's go to binfu ring first."

Gulina can't help but say to Ye Feng, "are you going to leave immediately?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "since it's decided, of course, it's going to leave soon..." Then, seeing that gulina's eyes were not right, he immediately moved his heart and said, "that's OK. We'll fix it for a day and start tomorrow morning!"

Gulina didn't continue to talk, and jastefer and Dixie also went to prepare. Ye Feng went back to his office and sat down to smoke. Gulina opened the door and came in.

Seeing gulina come in, Ye Feng is not surprised. Gulina is reluctant to leave, so she wants to say goodbye to herself.

Gulina stood at the door staring at Ye Feng for a long time, see Ye Feng is just sitting there smoking, she finally can't help, up to hold Ye Feng crazy kiss.

Ye Feng also tries his best to cooperate with gulina. He plays passionate dramas in his office several times. Until gulina is exhausted, Ye Feng looks at gulina and says with a smile, "don't you always have a clear distinction between public and private, and don't talk about private affairs during working hours?"

gulina says with a light thump on Ye Feng's chest, "why do you decide to go to longlong so suddenly "Arsenic castle?"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "I've been here too long. In fact, I should have been there long ago, but I'm glad I didn't go early!"

Gulina looked at Ye Feng and said, "why?"

Ye Feng immediately pinched gulina's cherry mouth and said, "if I went early, where would I know you?"

Gulina listen to Ye Feng said, immediately limbs and dead entangled Ye Feng, let Ye Feng continue to hand in ammunition, this just let Ye Feng go.

Ye Feng immediately arranges clothes, gulina can't help but ask Ye Feng, "where are you going?"

Ye Feng said to gulina, "since I have decided to leave, there are many people who want to say goodbye..."

Gulina can't help frowning when she hears this, "you have good physical strength. Are you going to say goodbye to so many people?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help looking at gulina in amazement and said, "what do you think? I mean, go and have a look at Felix and miracle. For them, this defeat is likely to be a psychological shadow, especially a miracle! He's a new recruit

Gulina knew that she had misunderstood Ye Feng. She blushed and didn't speak awkwardly.

After finishing his clothes, Ye Feng and gulina waved and left the office. But after a few steps, someone on one side said, "the way to say goodbye is really good!"

As soon as Ye Feng hears the sound, he knows that it's the moon shadow without sleeves. He can't help looking back, but he sees that the moon shadow without sleeves is standing on one side of the wall smoking cigarettes, but his eyes are staring at Ye Feng.

Leaf maple heart can't help but move, secret way this wench shouldn't have been eavesdropping outside the office? This office is temporarily partitioned, so the sound insulation effect is not very good.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, the shadow of the Moon said at this time, "so, since you didn't plan to take me to longarsenic castle, you didn't plan to say goodbye with me, did you?"

Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "long arsenic castle is not very friendly to you. After all, you are the dead servant of the opposition. Many people may know you when you go to long arsenic castle, which will cause you a lot of trouble..."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to finish, Yueying immediately shrugged her shoulders and said, "if you let me go with you, these are not problems, but if you didn't plan to take me from the beginning, these are not problems at all!"Ye Feng can't help but light a cigarette and look at the shadow of the moon and say, "you'd better stay and help them build Huke bay!"

Moon shadow can't help laughing, "it's the first time I've heard that dead attendants can build a city well. Don't forget that my occupation is sabotage and assassination. Who do you want me to stay and assassinate?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng sighed, "since that's the case..."

Did not wait for Ye Feng to finish, then listen to the elevator there came a voice of a person, "I also want to go back to long arsenic Fort!"

Ye Feng followed the sound and saw that Joanna and Gu zhaohuichi were walking towards this side. It was Joanna who spoke just now.

Joanna had been walking very fast. When she saw Ye Feng, she went faster. She arrived in front of Ye Feng in a few steps. Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "why don't you inform me when you go to longarsenic castle? I'm going back, too! "

Ye Feng did not speak, Gu zhaohuichi immediately said, "yes, how can we not count us two when we go to longarsenic castle?"

Joanna saw that Ye Feng looked at herself and said, "what do you think? I'm asking you something! Why not me? "

Ye Feng said to Joanna, "aren't you going to pay a private visit?"

Joanna can't help but be stunned and said, "what kind of private visit? I know almost all that I need to know. I don't want to stay here any more. I want to go back to longarsenic castle! "

Said did not wait for Ye Feng to speak, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "whether you take me or not, if you don't take me, I will go back!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng took a deep breath and murmured, "it seems that it's not easy to go to longarsenic Castle immediately!" Speaking of this, he sighed, "let's go, let's all go together."

Joanna and Gu Zhaohui couldn't help saying, "really?"

Ye Feng looked at Joanna and Gu Zhaohui and said, "as Joanna said, even if I don't take you, you will go by yourself. It's better to have a companion on the road together than that!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve, but says to Ye Feng at this time, "the meaning that all walks together, I can understand, also count me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to the moon shadow and said, "legs are all on your own. Joanna and Gu zhaohuichi compare with you. They are just good babies. They can think of going to longarsenic castle by themselves. Don't tell me, you never think about it!"

The moon shadow without sleeves can't help laughing and smoking a cigarette, but he doesn't say anything more. In fact, the answer is no more obvious. If Ye Feng directly refuses himself, the moon shadow without sleeves has already had his own plan.

After Ye Feng got on the ground, he went directly to the gymnasium. Just as Ye Feng thought, after they came back, they were all the same as Xie Cai's ball. The confidence before they went to perform the task was completely wiped out.

After all, felik is a veteran and has suffered a lot of setbacks, so he soon recovers, and is still enlightening miracles and the soldiers. Ye Feng looks at miracles, as if he still listens to felik's words. After all, the friendship built from the dead is the most reliable.

Seeing this, Ye Feng can't help sighing. He used to trust them too much, so he let them carry out the task. Now he feels that he doesn't trust them too much, and he feels that they will never recover. But seeing that felik is trying to enlighten them, Ye Feng knows that it's not a big problem.

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