Since it's not a big problem, Ye Feng doesn't ask too much about it. He just looks at it for a while and then leaves. However, it's hard for eisf to stay up until dark. Ye Feng goes to gulina for the night, and there is no less fierce fight with gulina that night.

Gulina also seems to know this time and Ye Feng a farewell, also don't know when to see again like, overnight kept asking, fortunately Ye Feng's physical fitness is OK, otherwise let any man during the day just had a few times, this night and continue to do, what body also can't stand.

Although gulina's tenderness and wildness coexist in her body, which makes Ye Feng a little reluctant to part with her, Ye Feng still makes up her mind to go to longarsene castle. After several lingering experiences, Ye Feng still coaxes gulina to sleep. He knows that if gulina doesn't sleep any more, he will be in bed.

After gulina had a rest, Ye Feng stood in Yantai, smoked a cigarette and went to bed. The next morning, Ye Feng woke up. She thought she woke up early, but didn't expect gulina to wake up earlier. Besides, she cooked a good dish for Ye Feng herself.

After Ye Feng got up, he took a look at it and couldn't help sweating. All the dishes on the table were filled with tonic. Ye Feng couldn't help being black headed. Is this the compensation for yesterday?

However, Ye Feng still ate up. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng was wrong. This breakfast was not gulina's compensation for yesterday, but today's pre compensation. Because after breakfast, gulina immediately entangled with Ye Feng. After three or four times of fighting, gulina completely let Ye Feng go.

Although Ye Feng was lusty before, she had never tried to do it with a woman more than ten times in two consecutive days. If she was not strong, she would not have been able to go to longarsenic castle, or even Huke Bay.

Even if ye Feng is such a tough man, he also feels backache and sighs. No wonder the old saying goes that it is very reasonable to say that there are only dead cattle and no cultivated land. As a yak, his blood essence is almost consumed and he dies, not to mention ordinary cattle?

When Ye Feng leaves gulina's room and goes downstairs, she happens to meet Yueying, who has no sleeves. When she looks at Ye Feng, she frowns and says, "are you sick? Why is your face so ugly? "

Ye Feng was speechless for a while. He could only bear the evil he had made. He just nodded to the moon shadow and said that he might have caught a cold last night. He really felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the shadow of the sleeve did not see Ye Feng is from gulina's room out, otherwise with the shadow of the sleeve, you can see through yourself at a glance.

Soon Ye Feng saw Dixie and jasterfeld, Gu zhaohuichi and Joanna, especially Gu zhaohuichi. He was very excited, as if he wanted to return to his hometown.

Seeing that all the people who wanted to leave had arrived, Ye Feng nodded, and then said a word to the people. After starting, he immediately went to the direction of the aircraft.

When Ye Feng and they boarded the aircraft, the cat faced man rushed over and said to jesterfield, "ah Nan, I'll go with you, too? I haven't seen longas yet

Hearing this, jestefeld could not help but look at the cat face man hesitantly, and finally sighed, "forget it. You can stay in Huck Bay. We need you more here. We're not going to visit longarsene castle. We have something important to do!"

The cat face man said to jesterfield, "I'm not going to visit. You have something to do. I can help you."

Jester fee heard the speech and pondered for a long time. He didn't speak for a long time. Ye Feng looked in his eyes and immediately nodded, "let him come up. There are so many people, so I don't care about one more!"

As soon as the cat face man heard this, he immediately nodded to Ye Feng, and then got on the aircraft. Jester Fei heard that Ye Feng agreed, and she had no more to say.

Gulina then rushed over to watch the aircraft take off and kept waving to Ye Feng, but she didn't say anything. She said goodbye last night and this morning. She knew that Ye Feng had made up her mind to go to longarsene castle at this time, and her words could not change anything. It was better not to say anything, so that Ye Feng could go on his way.

When the aircraft left the system defense Bureau, felik and miracle were standing on the playground. They also knew that Ye Feng left today. When they saw the aircraft, they stood at attention and saluted Ye Feng's aircraft, which was equivalent to sending Ye Feng off.

Soon the aircraft flew out of the Huck Bay. Ye Feng looked back at Huck Bay from the window. Although this place is not a good place, after all, after returning to eisf, the first place to settle down is Huck Bay. In the future, it may become the base of the action group he founded. He is somewhat reluctant to part with it.

But soon this sense of reluctance was replaced by other feelings. After flying inland, there are many abandoned cities like miracles. Some cities are not as big as miracles, while others are more than twice as big as miracles.

Ye Feng can't help but hear what Dante Emma said when he left. He said that he wanted to recruit them, but he woke him up. It seems that Dante Emma has already looked at the abandoned city. Maybe they will stay in one of the abandoned cities after they leave Huck Bay.Jesteffe is the pilot of the aircraft. After all, jesteffe is the only one who knows the way here. Even if he has a navigation system, he can't find the right way as long as he is not familiar with the topography of eisf.

Although both Joanna and Gu zhaohuichi are native Mrs. ace, they almost never leave longarsenic castle. Joanna came to Huke Bay because she was tied up, while Gu zhaohuichi was helped by others, almost all of them were rubbed by downwind aircraft.

Jesteffe positioned the navigation coordinates at binfu ring, and the speed of the aircraft was close to the top speed. At this speed, jesteffe estimated that he would not arrive until about afternoon, so that all of you would take the opportunity to have a rest.

Ye Feng is sitting in the co pilot, looked at Jester fee, and then asked her, "tired or not, tired let me drive for a while, really can't, don't you still have automatic driving?"

Jesteffe then said to Ye Feng, "there are more opposition forces in the Federation than Huck Bay, and there are many groups similar to robbers and robbers. If they stare at us, we will have bad luck. Whether we can get to binfu ring or not is a problem, so we have to stare at them manually and can't drive automatically."

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded, for Huke bay outside of the situation he knows little, at best is to have been to the miracle of the waste city.

And after yesterday's and this morning's physical exertion, Ye Feng really has no spirit. She needs a rest to replenish her energy. She doesn't have to be polite with jester, just let her wake up if she feels tired.

After Ye Feng fell asleep, he didn't know how long it took to wake up. As soon as he woke up, he saw that jesterfield was concentrating, and he glanced at the video surveillance from time to time.

Ye Feng asked jester, "what's the matter?"

Jester fee saw Ye Feng wake up, immediately said, "we are being followed!"

Ye Feng smell speech also immediately look to the driver's seat next to the video, see behind is indeed two aircraft behind.

"How long have you been following?" jesterfield said immediately

Jesteffe immediately said, "it's been more than 40 minutes. It's one at the beginning, and there's just a second one!"

Ye Feng heard a sigh in his heart and asked jesterfield, "after 40 minutes of tracking, there is no other action?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I haven't found it yet. I've been following. There's no further action!"

Ye Feng immediately operated the monitor at this time, and wanted to maximize the video to see what happened to the aircraft behind. However, even if he maximized the video, he could not see the timing of the aircraft, let alone the people in the aircraft.

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng at this time, "don't worry too much. Maybe the small city nearby found us and didn't know where we came from, so they sent us to investigate!"

Hearing the words, Ye Feng could not help but said to jesterfield, "gulina must have said hello to all the cities along the way to binfu ring."

Jesteffe said, "it's no use saying hello. What should be investigated is to investigate! It's routine! "

Yefeng listen to jesterfield so a say, can't help but take a deep breath, and looked at the monitor, heart secret way, hope is just the general inertia of the nearby city.

Just as he was thinking about it, jesteffe suddenly exclaimed, "no, a plane has suddenly accelerated!"

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