Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move, immediately look at the monitor, do see a aircraft suddenly began to speed up, and see that speed is far faster than the aircraft he took.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to be surprised, jesteffe immediately gave Ye Feng a reasonable explanation, "his aircraft should be a modified military aircraft, and the speed is much faster than our civilian aircraft. We are already extremely fast, but we still can't compare with it!"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "are we targeted by the nearby military?"

Jesteffe immediately operated the map on the monitor. After searching for it, he said to Yefeng, "the map doesn't show any military facilities and bases nearby!"

Ye Feng said, "since it's military facilities and bases, how can it easily appear on the map? It must be hidden on the map!"

Jestfeld said to Ye Feng, "eisf is different from other civilizations. He belongs to a unified global civilization, so after the construction of the federal system, military facilities and bases are open to the public. Of course, except for some major military facilities that need to be concealed, other military bases and some infrastructure are not displayed on the map, There will be signs on the map to prevent ordinary people from entering by mistake. "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move, if so say, that may be nearby what military region aircraft.

However, jesteffe added at this time, "but this kind of military aircraft is not unique to the Federal Military Region, and many opposition forces also have it, so we are not sure whether the other party is a member of the Federal Military or a member of the opposition forces for the time being!"

Ye Feng listen to Jester fee said, immediately toward Jester fee said, "first ignore him, see what they will do to catch up, if you want to attack, they will attack!"

Jesteffe nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "I'm trying to get in touch with the channel of the other party's aircraft to see if it can be connected. If it can be easily connected, it means that the other party may not be a member of the Federal Military, because the military channels are secret related and can't be connected so easily, unless they take the initiative to contact us On the other hand, then the other party is probably not a member of the Federal Military! "

Ye Feng a listen to this speech, immediately nodded, motioned Jester fee to continue to try to contact with each other, to see if in the end can contact.

At the same time, other people on the plane began to wake up one after another. When they knew this, they could not help feeling nervous.

But at this time, jestfel said to Ye Feng, "I've searched the other party's channel!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this. This is not good news. It shows that the other party's aircraft is probably not from the military, which is more complicated.

After all, Ye Feng's current status is a bit more official, belonging to the federal system. Once they encounter non federal system, it will be more troublesome.

Ye Feng picked up the walkie talkie and tried to talk to each other, "Hey, why are you following us? Who are you

The other party's voice quickly replied, "we're not following you. We're being followed. We're speeding and trying to get rid of you!"

Ye Feng and jastefer could not help but move when they heard this. Jastefer immediately said, "the accelerating aircraft should follow us first. If what he said is true, then they are followed by the aircraft behind us."

Ye Feng immediately took the walkie talkie and continued to ask, "who are you and why are you being followed?"

The other side immediately asked, "who are you?"

When Ye Feng was about to speak, jastefer immediately said, "we can't tell them that we are from the federal government. If they are from the opposition forces, we will be in trouble. Our goal now is to rush to binfucheng airport as soon as possible, and don't care about anything else!"

Ye Feng listen to Jester fee said so, immediately to the walkie talkie said, "since you are not tracking us, then forget it, each good luck!"

The other side didn't respond for a long time. When Ye Feng thought that the other side had given up responding, he suddenly heard a sneer and said, "it's the people from the air theft group who are tracking us. Our aircraft is faster than you. We'll get rid of you in a moment. You Hey, hey, not necessarily! "

On hearing this, Ye Feng could not help frowning and murmuring, "air theft group? What is it? "

Jesteffe immediately said to Ye Feng, "the air theft group is a rising force in recent years. The force is not big, and the force is still relatively scattered, but it is particularly difficult. They are specialized in robbing some aircrafts left alone in the wild. If they are, they will be in trouble!"

At this time, the cat faced man snorted coldly, "it's just a small group of robbers. What's the trouble?"

Jestfel said, "although they are not powerful, they are very troublesome, because these guys do things without death. Every time they act, they are determined to burn the jade. That is to say, what they are aiming at must be successful. In the end, even if they die, they will burn the jade with each other!"People can't help but feel awe at what jesterfield said. At this time, the speeding aircraft behind has already surpassed their aircraft.

At this time, there was a proud voice from the walkie talkie, "goodbye, let's go first. You should be their target! Good luck

Hearing this on the walkie talkie, everyone could not help but move. At this time, jesteffe added, "this is the main reason why their power has not been able to grow!"

Ye Feng smell speech, the heart can't help but move, this way of robbery, can strengthen the power is really strange.

At this time, he took another look at the monitor and found that the aircraft in the back didn't speed up to catch up with the one that had already left, but it still followed. Maybe, as those guys who had left said, they had replaced those guys and become the new target of the air theft group.

Jesteffe said at this time, "you don't have to worry. If they can catch up with the aircraft in front of them, they will speed up a long time ago, but they haven't speed up all the time. This shows that the aircraft they are using is also civil and has been in the category of extreme speed, so as long as we don't slow down all the time, they may not be able to catch up with us!"

Everyone was relieved to hear what jesteffe said, but Ye Feng didn't care about it. He just wanted to keep the average speed and get to binfuxiang airport in the afternoon. He didn't want to make a fuss, but if the other party really wanted to take extreme measures, he was not very hot.

The two aircrafts are flying one after the other. Both aircrafts are almost at top speed, so although the aircrafts behind are in hot pursuit, they haven't caught up with Ye Feng's aircrafts.

At this time, the cat faced man hummed coldly, "these guys know that they can't catch up, and they are still so persistent. They have a lot of perseverance!" Then he immediately said, "is there any laser weapon on the aircraft? Let me give it to them and they will be honest!"

On hearing this, jesteffe immediately comforted cat face humanity, "we don't know whether the other party is from the air theft group. We can't listen to others. If not, we take the initiative to attack. Don't we have nothing to look for?"

But the cat faced man asked jesterfield, "what if it is? I think most of them are, otherwise why are they always following us? "

Dixie did not speak, then suddenly said, "is it possible that they and our goal is the same, in fact, is also to go to binfuxiang airport?"

When they heard this, they were all stunned, but the cat faced man immediately said, "if so, the guy who ran away from the aircraft just now would not say that they were air robbers!"

Ye Feng pondered for a long time, and didn't say anything. At this time, he said, "what a Nan said is right. We can't take the initiative to attack before we are sure who the other party is. Our goal is to go to the airport. If we can make less trouble, we can make less trouble!"

Then he said, "we are ready for defense. We don't take the initiative to attack, but if the other party takes the initiative to attack, we are not easy to provoke!"

Jesteffe added at this time, "we don't know who the gang who just escaped are, and we can't believe what they say!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right. In a word, we can't be in chaos here. Let's wait and see what happens!"

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