Just as Ye Feng finished this sentence, the aircraft behind suddenly began to accelerate, which was completely beyond everyone's expectation. Everyone already felt that the speed of the aircraft behind was the same as what they were riding.

Who would have thought that such an aircraft suddenly accelerated midway, and the speed was almost the same as that of the modified military aircraft before, which was far faster than that of the one they took.

Ye Feng had already relaxed his vigilance, but at this time, he suddenly thought of the previous aircraft, and immediately said to jestefeld, "they are in a group. They are going to attack us, so they deliberately fly to us one by one!"

Jaster fee smell speech heart is also a move, immediately asked Ye Feng way, "now how to do?"

Ye Feng immediately stood up and walked toward the driver's seat of jesterfield. At the same time, he asked jesterfield to get up and set up himself.

After jestfel got up and got out of the way, Ye Feng immediately started to operate the bridge. While driving the aircraft behind the display, he had to pay attention to the situation in front. After all, he had expected that the two aircraft of the other party might be one side, so he had to be on guard at all times.

The speed of the aircraft behind was far faster than that of the one they took, so the distance between the two aircraft was gradually narrowing. At this time, jesteffe, who was sitting in the co pilot's seat, saw the aircraft in front of him hovering in the air, which was obviously the one that had overtaken them before.

That is to say, Ye Feng guessed it. They are indeed a group. The past aircraft is standing in front of them, and the ones behind are also following. Obviously, their two aircraft have already communicated with each other.

Ye Feng asked Ye Feng at this time, "what is the flight principle of this kind of aircraft? Is it about electricity? "

Jester feiwen said to Ye Feng, "yes, the main thing is that the aircraft is solar powered, the current stored is limited, and it consumes electricity while charging. The military broke through this point. Their power storage capacity is better than here, so the power is large, and the final speed is superior to us!"

Ye Feng listened to jesterfield's words and immediately said with a smile, "I know! That's easy! " After that, he immediately said to the crowd, "everyone fasten your seat belts and show you what speed is."

Jester fee can't help but look at Ye Feng in consternation and says, "didn't you hear what I said? Is our speed at top speed now? This is entirely due to the problem of power storage capacity, which can not be broken through at all! "

Ye Feng smiles when he hears the speech. Then he reaches out his hand and sees that the electric box near the driver's seat has been opened. He takes a look at it and then draws out a wire. At the same time, his palm begins to control the electric pole. When the electric current comes out of his palm, he immediately grabs the wire.

Then I saw that the electric pole in Ye Feng's palm began to flow continuously towards the wire. At this time, the aircraft actually began to move faster and faster. Looking at that time, the speedometer actually ran to the top and kept shaking, which showed that it continued to rise, but the value could not be seen on the speedometer.

Jesteffe realized that Ye Feng used his own body as a battery, which broke through the limit of the battery storage capacity of the aircraft, so that the speed of the aircraft broke through the limit.

The speed of Ye Feng's aircraft is getting faster and faster, which is completely beyond the expectation of the other two aircraft, especially the one in front of him. Originally, he was still slowing down and hovering in the air waiting for Ye Feng's aircraft.

But when he saw Ye Feng's aircraft, he saw that Ye Feng's aircraft just flew in front of their aircraft in an instant.

And the aircraft behind them obviously felt that the distance between them and Ye Feng's aircraft was getting closer and closer. Seeing that they were about to catch up, they found that Ye Feng's aircraft actually speeded up.

Moreover, between the acceleration and disappearance of the Yefeng aircraft, it took only a few seconds, without giving them any time to react.

At this time, the driver in the driver's seat could not help scolding, "I Cao, what? This guy is obviously pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. It's obvious that they refitted it more outrageous than us. They are still driving so slowly here on purpose. Are you kidding us?"

Then he immediately picked up the walkie talkie and contacted the pilot of another aircraft, "what are you investigating? It's obvious that the aircraft has been refitted. You said that it hasn't been refitted! "

And the aircraft immediately replied, "it's clearly not modified. When we flew past them, we scanned and detected their aircraft, and their batteries were not half as good as ours. It's impossible to be wrong!"

After that, the pilots on both sides were puzzled. Besides the motor problem, the speed of the aircraft at eisf was also the problem of power storage. As long as the battery was small, the motor would be useless. However, as long as the motor was not too rubbish and the power storage could keep up, it could barely make up for the lack.

So as long as Ye Feng's battery on their aircraft is not big, we can basically judge that they can't exceed their speed, but the result is completely unexpected.At this time, Ye Feng is still speeding up, even outside the window, can't see the situation outside, any scene is a flash away.

Cat face person at this time can't help but toward Ye Feng way, "I depend on, you have this ability to say early, we don't need to go to what bin Fu ring airport at all, directly drive this aircraft to long arsenic Fort!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the words. So is the secret way. But then he feels a sense of awe again. He obviously feels that the faster the aircraft is, the faster the electric sensation in his body is consumed. In other words, the electric sensation in his body is limited, not unlimited.

At this time, jesteffe rejected the proposal of the cat face man and said, "longarsenburg is not a place where all kinds of aircraft are allowed to enter the city, and there are many other cities along the way. They are all forbidden to fly in the city, or even within many miles around the city. If they stare at it, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble!"

Ye Feng also nodded at this time and said, "I'd better go to binfuxiang airport. My current is not inexhaustible. It's estimated that it will be used up soon!"

Listen to Ye Feng and jesterfield say so, the cat face person shrugs a way, "I just casually say so! I don't know anything about Esther! "

Then he immediately looked at Joanna and Gu Zhaohui and said, "by the way, is there any interesting place in longarsenic castle?"

Gu Zhaohui said excitedly to the cat, "longarsene castle is so big that I haven't played all of it. There are many districts I haven't been to. I can only tell you that the district I live in has no fun! I haven't been to other districts, and I'm not very clear! "

The cat faced man could not help but be surprised. He looked at Gu Zhaohui in surprise and said, "are you still from longarsenbao? I don't even know where longarsene castle is Then he looked back at Joanna and said, "what about you? You don't and don't know? "

But Joanna said to the cat, "I'm not as late as Gu Zhaohui. I'm so old that I haven't left the palace several times!"

The cat faced man could not help frowning and said, "palace? Aren't you the federal government? Is there a king or something? Why else is there a palace? "

Jesteffe said, "before the Federation, Fort lonarsene was a palace with a king, but that regime had been replaced by the current Federation. At that time, in order to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, the new federal government continued to work in the palace."

When the cat faced man heard the words, he said, "if you have a chance, you must go to see the relics left by the last regime!"

Joanna immediately said, "what's the difficulty? When we get to longarsene castle, I can invite you to the palace to have a look. I also want to treat you well."

At this time, Ye Feng was flying the aircraft and said to Joanna, "that's unnecessary. Don't forget that we are not the same way as the federal government. After we enter the palace, we don't have to go back! That's not good! "

Joanna can't help looking at Ye Feng in amazement, and then said, "I don't mean that. I just want to invite you..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for Joanna to finish, and immediately said, "I don't blame you. I just remind all of us here that we're not going to play this time. Our identity is special. When we get there, we must try to keep a low profile and not make trouble!"

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