Soon the map display showed that they were about to arrive at binfu. At the same time, the two aircrafts behind had already been abandoned by Ye Feng. Ye Feng began to release his hand holding the wire, and immediately the aircrafts began to slow down and soon recovered to their original speed.

When it's very close to binfuxiang airport, the aircraft starts to land. After all, in the airport, it's not for your aircraft to fly everywhere, so the aircraft will be in chaos.

After landing, Ye Feng and others quickly got off the aircraft, sorted out the shape, and walked toward the airport.

When they arrived at the gate of the airport, they began security check. Fortunately, before they left, gulina bought tickets and prepared e-ID cards for them, and soon passed the security check.

When they got into the airport, they got their boarding pass and sat in the waiting room waiting for the plane. The cat faced man looked very disappointed and said, "this airport looks not small, but the airport of essf is similar to the airport of our planet! Nothing special! "

Jesteffe said at this time, "the airplanes here are actually large manned aircraft, and they all use solar energy, but the storage capacity of batteries on the airplanes is not comparable to that of ordinary airplanes."

At this time, just outside a plane began to take off, Ye Feng and others immediately looked at the window, but saw that the plane's appearance is really different from the earth's, there is no wing, is not long, but an oval container.

Ye Feng didn't have any impression of eisf's plane. This was the first time he saw it. He couldn't help looking more.

Jesteffe took a look at the boarding time of their flight. At this time, he said to Ye Feng, "we may be early. We have another hour to board!"

Ye Feng took a look at the time and knew that jesteffe's time was Elsie's time. He couldn't help nodding and said, "since it's early, we don't have any place to go, just wait here!"

Although I said that, I was thinking that one hour of essf's time was a hundred minutes, which was waiting for me.

Ye Feng simply closed his eyes and began to close his eyes. Other people also took this opportunity to rest. Some of them couldn't sleep, such as cat faced people, looking around at this time.

Gu Zhaohui couldn't sleep. After all, he had been out for so long to find Joanna. This was the first time he went back after he left longarsenic castle.

After putting away his curiosity, the cat faced man sat on the side of jesteffe. Seeing that jesteffe didn't rest, he asked jesteffe, "are you really Mrs. ace?"

Jestefeld took a look at the cat faced man and said, "it's been so long. Don't you believe it yet?"

The cat faced man shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not that I don't believe it. After all, you don't have to cheat us. You're just curious..." So, when you took us away from colonial star, you wanted to go back to eisf

Jestfeld sighed, "how to say, it's not the time to escape, but in the process of escape, my memory of Esther gradually began to recover, so the goal also began to change!"

The cat faced man looked at jesterfield with a deep thought for a long time.

When jesteffe saw the cat faced man staring at him, he said with a slight sigh, "I'm sorry to drag you in. Maybe without me, you may all go back to your home star!"

The cat faced man sniffed at the words and said, "what are you saying? Without you, we can't even escape the colonial star, let alone go back to our home star! Actually... " At this point, the cat face man immediately looked around and continued, "it's not bad here, and it's not worse than our planet. Besides, I don't have any relatives or even friends on my own planet. It doesn't make any difference for me whether I can go back or not."

Jesteffe nodded when he heard this, and then said, "if I have a chance to let you go back, I will inform you..."

The cat faced man said to jestefeld, "what are you talking about, my daughter I mean, we've already agreed that where your daughter will be and where our brothers will be! We are not Friends? "

Jesteffe listened to the cat's face and immediately nodded with a smile, "thank you!"

The cat faced man also gave a smile, then leaned back in his chair, looked up at the ceiling and said, "I don't know what longarsenic Castle looks like. I'm really a little curious!"

Jesteffe said to the cat faced man, "there's still a little time, we can board the plane, and then you'll know!"

The cat face man nodded and then said to jester, "those robbers won't come all the way here, will they?"

Jesteffe is toward the cat face humanity, "those people are firefly nature of people, in the federal side are no identity people, even if there are, it is estimated that they are also on the blacklist, they simply can't get into the airport!"

The cat faced man could not help nodding and sighed, "the situation of essf is much more complicated than our planet. It's too chaotic here. It's totally different from our ideal future global Federation!"Jesteffe said humanely, "this is not the case when the Federation was established. If there are no problems in the beginning, it does not mean that there will be no problems in the future. The biggest problem of the essf Federation now is that the Federal Code has not changed for nearly a hundred years, and the current federal situation is completely different from that of a hundred years ago. The code can not keep pace with the times The trouble is strange, not to say it's Elsie, even for our planet! "

When jesteffe was talking to the cat face man, Ye Feng sat on one side with his eyes closed and listened to them all. He didn't sleep. He just closed his eyes and cultivated himself.

On the other side, Joanna and Gu zhaohuichi are sleepless. Gu zhaohuichi says that Joanna has not been back for a long time since she was tied out of longarsene castle. This time, she has mixed feelings.

After all, those who return to longarsenic castle with Joanna are all against her father and the federal government. She has been persuaded by Ye Feng before.

But now it's time to go back to longarsene castle. I feel that I agreed too hastily. But if I wait to go back to longarsene castle and ask Joanna to report Ye Feng, she can't do it.

At this time, Joanna's heart was also tangled. Gu Zhaohui, who was sitting on one side, looked in his eyes. At this time, she asked Joanna, "what are you thinking?"

Joanna was in a trance. After listening to Gu zhaohuichi's question, she came back to herself. She looked at Gu zhaohuichi, shrugged her shoulders and said it was OK.

Gu zhaohuichi obviously saw that Joanna had something on her mind, but she refused to say, and she couldn't ask any more questions, so she had to stop asking.

Joanna then looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "after you go back to longarsene castle, you decide to follow Satan and them?"

Gu Zhaohui listened to Joanna's question. He looked at her in amazement and said, "what do you mean?"

Joanna shrugged her shoulders and said, "nothing. I just asked casually. We are different from them. They have changed their face, but we are still the same. If we go back, we will be found immediately!"

Gu Zhaohui's heart suddenly moved when he heard what Joanna said, and immediately said, "yes, we just got the boarding pass. I have a look. I used my original name, and so is yours?"

As soon as Joanna heard this, she immediately said to Gu Zhaohui, "mine too. That's why I asked you if you followed Satan after you got off the plane."

Gu Zhaohui hesitated and didn't answer Joanna's words.

At this time, Ye Feng said on one side, "don't worry about it. After you get off the plane, you can go wherever you want!"

Gu zhaohuichi and Joanna can't help but look at Ye Feng, but Ye Feng still keeps his eyes closed and doesn't open.

Gu Zhaohui immediately asked Ye Feng, "master, what do you mean by that?"

Ye Feng continued to close his eyes and said, "Joanna is right. Your boarding passes are all under the original name. Maybe you know the news about your return to longarsenic castle, especially Joanna! So after you get off the plane, you can go wherever you want to go, regardless of us! "

Gu Zhaohui said immediately after hearing the speech, "but I'm going to follow your master..."

Before Gu Zhaohui finished, Ye Feng immediately said, "you listen to me right. Now you are targeted. After you get off the plane, you pretend you don't know us. Are you helping us? Besides, we're not going to travel. We'll leave after a few days. We'll have a long time in longarsenic castle. There are still many opportunities to meet each other!"

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