Ye Feng is talking here when he suddenly hears a loud bang. A waiting room not far away is suddenly bombed into ruins. There are countless passengers killed and injured, and they are wailing all over the place.

Ye Feng's face suddenly moved, "Shua" to stand up and look at the distance, and the passengers around suddenly fell into a mess, wailing, crying everywhere, the whole airport immediately chaos.

"What's the matter with NIMA? Is the airport security check so relaxed? Can bombs be brought in? "

At this time, a loud bang was heard again, and an explosion also happened in a waiting room not far away. Suddenly, people in the whole airport began to run towards the exit, and there were crowded tramples in the chaotic crowd.

In the waiting room on Ye Feng's side, the waiting passengers have almost run away. Only Ye Feng and a few of them are left. At this time, the cat faced man asks Ye Feng, "what shall we do? Run or not? "

Ye Feng looked at the disorderly crowd running in the distance, and the scattered luggage bags and suitcases, and asked cat face, "how can I run there?"

"We'll get out of here first, or if we're the next explosion point, we'll die for nothing," said Dixie

Ye Feng didn't speak. At this time, he immediately squatted down to check under the seat to see if there were any suspicious items. However, he didn't find anything. There were only some scattered salutes in front of the seat, which must have been left behind by unscrupulous passengers.

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng immediately at this time, "according to the two explosions just now, the other party should use liquid water-cooled bomb. This kind of bomb only needs a drink bottle, and it can have great lethality!"

The cat face man then asked again, "why didn't you find it out during the security check?"

Jastefer said, "it's impossible to find out this kind of liquid water-cooled bomb at ordinary times. Their formula is very simple. They only need a bottle of pure water, and some common things in life, such as ammonium nitrate, chloramphenicol, etc., which can be configured in a short time! And the configuration is very simple, these things are poured into the water, after a certain period of volatilization, it will form a powerful explosion

Ye Feng can't help frowning when hearing the words, "that is to say, as long as these things are scattered and brought in, and then configured in the airport, it's ok?"

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "yes, and the cost of this kind of bomb is very low. Anyone can match these things in the market, so if you want to check, you can't start at all!"

The cat faced man said to jestefeld, "this is not the time to investigate the murderer. We have to leave here first!"

Jestfel said at this time, "there should be no bomb. The volatilization time of this kind of bomb is fixed. That is to say, only these two bombs are configured at the same time. If there are any, they should explode, but so far they have not exploded, which means that there is no bomb configured at the same time for the time being!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown when he hears the words, "bombs configured at the same time? In other words, what if they were not configured at the same time? "

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders at this time and said, "there is no way to determine, so the cost of this kind of bomb is very low, but the danger is very high. Because of its simple configuration, its power is huge, and its materials are from living materials, it is very difficult to find out. These bombs are also the top contraband in the federal list, but they can't be completely eliminated!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng immediately nodded, and then walked towards the crowd, saying, "no matter how much, don't stand here for the time being, everyone is running, only we stay, but it's easy to cause doubt!"

Other people listened to what Ye Feng said, and immediately began to follow Ye Feng to walk towards the crowd. However, the people in front of them were already congested and hardly moved more than half a step. Some people even climbed directly to the top of the crowd and stepped on their shoulders and heads. However, they were dragged down before they took a few steps.

And the gate there is a mess of porridge, originally small place, the crowd was blocked in there, and the airport armed police who came in a hurry from outside were also blocked in the outside.

Seeing this, jesteffe could not help looking at the crowd, and then said to Ye Feng, "if there are bombs configured at other times, if you throw them into the crowd at this time..." Speaking of this, I didn't go on, but took a breath of cold air.

Ye Feng smell speech also followed to take a breath of air conditioning, jesteffe said, let Ye Feng feel spine are some cold, if there is a bomb in the crowd, then the consequences are unimaginable.

Think of here, Ye Feng immediately toward the public humanitarian, "don't follow the crowd, we go to the nearby toilet, hide in the other side to avoid the wind again!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, they immediately followed Ye Feng to the bathroom of the airport. Ye Feng was at the front. At this time, they just saw two people wearing hooded T-shirts coming out of the bathroom. They came out of the bathroom in a panic. When they saw Ye Feng, they were stunned. They stood in the same place and stared at Ye Feng. Their faces were all alert .Ye Feng's side also immediately stopped, and the people on both sides just looked at each other and froze. At this time, Ye Feng murmured to jesterfield, "pay attention to their hands!"

Hearing the words, they immediately looked at the opposite two people's hands, each holding a transparent mineral water bottle, and their foreheads were dripping with cold sweat.

At this time, jesterfield moved his steps a little and hid behind Ye Feng. He didn't let the other party see him. Then he whispered, "these two people are suspicious. The mineral water bottle in his hand is also suspicious!"

Ye Feng smell speech then immediately mumble a way, "you all don't move, I go up to subdue them!" With that, he immediately rushed to the other side with a vigorous step.

The two opposite people seemed to have no idea that they would suddenly rush towards them. Their faces changed greatly, and they immediately ran in the opposite direction, and they ran in two directions respectively.

Cat face people see, immediately step forward, toward Ye Feng way, "you chase a, I chase a!"

Ye Feng smell speech a nod, immediately toward a person chase in the past, and cat face person is homeopathy toward another chase up.

Ye Feng's feet are fast. He soon catches up with one and kicks the man over. But the moment he falls to the ground, he immediately throws the mineral water bottle in his hand in the direction of the crowd.

Ye Feng saw this, heart immediately a Lin, immediately gave up tracking the man, and then a fly, toward the mineral water bottle flying towards the crowd.

After Ye Feng catches the bottle of mineral water, jesteffe immediately says, "don't open it, just soak it in hot water!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard that the hot water supply room was on one side of the toilet. He immediately went there, put the mineral water bottle under the hot water tap, and immediately turned on the tap. The hot water immediately stared at the mineral water bottle and washed it. The water in the bottle, which was still pure color, suddenly turned orange, then turned crimson, and the bottle burst open in an instant Come on, just blow the bottle open, and the sewage splashes all over the floor.

When Ye Feng sighed and looked back, he saw that the man who had been kicked to the ground had already disappeared, and the cat face man also caught up with him. They were fighting on the ground. The man just held the mineral water bottle tightly. No matter how the cat face man broke it, he couldn't break his hand.

The man sneered at the cat face, "let's die together!" Then he began to sneer, holding the cat face man firmly in his hand, and he was ready to die with the cat face man.

Cat face people see immediately want to get away, don't want that guy dead drag cat face people, how are not willing to let go.

Ye Feng immediately went over and directly pulled the cat face man and the man up from the ground. Then he dragged them to the hot water room and immediately put the man's hand under the hot water tap. As soon as the tap was turned on, the man immediately screamed like a pig, and his hand immediately released the mineral water bottle.

Ye Feng immediately took the bottle away and washed it under another hot tap. Soon the bottle burst, but it didn't explode.

The man who was still holding on to the cat face man, released his hand and was about to run away. However, he was grabbed by the cat face man and sneered, "do you want to run now? Is it too late? "

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