Ye Feng walked up to the man at this time, pinched his chin, looked at him, and immediately said, "why do you want to blow up the airport? Do you know how many civilians you killed? "

The man's mouth was pinched by Ye Feng, but a few words popped out of his mouth, "for the holy war, sacrifice at all costs! What are the casualties? "

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the words. He feels that the slogan he says is from the geek vanguard. He has been listening to the geek vanguard about jihad or not.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng frowned and said, "are you a geek pioneer?"

That person did not say anything, but his mouth was exerting. Ye Feng knew that he could make him talk by holding his chin. So what force was this guy still using on his mouth?

Think of here, leaf maple heart immediately move, immediately force in that person's chin a twist, immediately is the other side's chin began to dislocate, then let go of the hand, sneer a way, "want to bite tongue suicide?"? It's not that easy! "

The man's jaw was dislocated, but he could barely say, "you people, don't know the greatness of Jihad You can't organize the great holy war. At that time, not only here, but also the whole eisf will be baptized by the fire of war! "

Ye Feng face suddenly a heavy, dark scolded a neuropathy, then with his hand in the person was scalded injury a pinch, that person immediately pain scream up, then Ye Feng toward cat face humanity, "will he tied up, will give the police!"

Ye Feng then walked back and took a look around. The crowd gradually began to restore a little order, but he was still waiting to leave the airport, and many armed police officers and soldiers came in.

After the cat face tied the man up, he pushed forward to Ye Feng. At this time, the armed police came. Seeing Ye Feng standing at the door of the bathroom, he immediately asked them, "what are you doing here?"

Jesteffe immediately explained, "we found a bandit with a bomb in his hand..."

On hearing this, the armed police officers and soldiers suddenly looked at the man who was held by the cat faced man, and then asked, "where's the bomb?"

Jesteffe said immediately, "it's been lifted!" Then he pointed to the burst mineral water bottle on the hot water pool not far away and said, "that's it!"

The armed police took a look and then said in surprise, "do you think that mineral water bottle is a bomb? Are you kidding? "

Jesteffe immediately said, "it's a simple liquid water-cooled bomb..."

At this time, an armed police officer immediately scolded, "don't talk nonsense, I've seen a lot of bombs, but I've never seen a mineral water bottle explode!" Then he went to a crowd and looked at them. Then he hummed coldly, "I think you are very suspicious!"

With that, the man stepped back and waved his big hand, "catch them all!"

A group of armed police soldiers came immediately, and wanted to arrest Ye Feng. Seeing this, the cat faced man said angrily, "are you really good? We helped you catch the bandits in the explosion, and you want to catch us? "

Armed police officers and soldiers sneered and said, "I see that you look strange. You are not a good bird at first sight!" Then he immediately yelled, "I've caught them all, and they'll be killed if they're arrested!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he was about to get angry, but he saw that jesterfield winked at him, so he had to bear his temper.

Several armed police soldiers came over and immediately handcuffed Ye Feng and the bandit, escorting them outside the airport. Others continued to investigate the danger in the airport.

The cat faced man then snorted coldly and asked jesterfield, "ah Nan, these guys obviously want to frame us. Why don't you let me resist?"

Jesteffe said humanely to the cat, "at this time, the armed police have the right to arrest any suspicious object. After all, it is a felony to carry out an explosion in a place with a large flow of people, such as the airport. They should not be negligent! It's inevitable

The cat faced man could not help sighing, "if we had known this, we might as well have ignored everything!"

At the gate, the armed police soldiers escorted Ye Feng out of the special passage. When they got out of the airport, they immediately got on the police aircraft and sat them on the back seat of the same aircraft.

Although the bandit dislocated his chin, he sneered at Ye Feng and said, "you are really unlucky. It has nothing to do with this. You have to bring yourself in, ha ha..."

Cat face immediately grabbed the man by the collar and said, "you should know that we have nothing to do with you. Can you help us prove that we are innocent?"

But the man sneered, "when the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent, so is the jihad. You are the martyrs of Jihad!"

When the cat faced man heard the speech, he immediately punched the guy. At this time, the armed police on the aircraft immediately stopped and said, "what are you doing? Be honest with me

Cat face person can't, had to retract a hand, suffocating to sit back to the original position, stare at the person in front of me.

Don't want that person at this time loud voice way, "I confess, no, is our confession, just the explosion, is we do! Everyone here has a share. Shoot us! "Seeing this, the cat faced man immediately kicked the man's crotch, and the man fell to the ground instantly. The armed police on the aircraft immediately came over and forced the cat faced man to the ground. At the same time, they took out the handcuffs and handcuffed his feet. At the same time, they warned Ye Feng, "you all be honest with me!"

"It seems that today we can't do without binfu ring. We're going to be here for a few days!" he said

Ye Feng pondered for a while and didn't speak. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, other people sat and didn't speak any more.

Soon, the police aircraft left the airport and headed for binfuxiang city. At this time, the man on the ground sat up and looked at them with a proud face. It seemed that he was facing them and said, "let's meddle in your business. Is retribution coming?"

Ye Feng gave a cold smile, but still didn't say a word. Soon the aircraft flew into the urban area, looking at the towering buildings, which could not be compared with Huke Bay.

The bandit said at this time, "it's a pity that we should press several bombs here at that time. If we could blow up more than a dozen such buildings, it would be better than the airport!"

The cat faced man then said angrily, "pervert! Are you a cold-blooded pervert? "

But the bandit still said with a smile to the cat faced man, "what are you so excited about? Look at your appearance, it's really suitable to join us. Your indignant look is so suitable for us! Are you interested in joining us? "

Then, without waiting for the cat face man to speak, he immediately snorted, "but now it's too late to say anything. Like me, when you enter the city, you will all accept the federal sanctions, but don't lose heart. We all died for the jihad. You should feel the supreme glory just like me!"

Gu Zhaohui could not help but scold him at this time, "you are a complete pervert!"

Jestfel said at this time, "this is the brainwashing product of geek pioneers. I can't blame them!"

Gu Zhaohui said coldly at this time, "what kind of organization is the geek pioneer? Are these Extremist Terrorists cultivated?"

Jestfeld sighed, "there are many organizations like geek pioneers on the planet of essf! There are many more extreme than geek pioneers. What you see today is just a drop in the ocean! "

At this time, Dixie immediately said, "we should actually reflect on why eisf has become like this, why these people can even give up their lives to carry out these terrorist attacks!"

Joanna didn't speak all the time. At this time, she took a deep breath. "There's something wrong with the system of eisf. The problem doesn't happen in one day or two. Of course, it won't be solved in one day or two."

Jesteffe said immediately at this time, "that's why we need to rebuild a system, a relatively perfect system, which protects both civilians and others!"

After hearing the speech, everyone pondered, and no one continued to say anything. Looking at the high-rise buildings outside the window, Ye Feng sighed slightly. If there is no reform, the high-rise buildings here will not take much time, and they may become the same as their hometown.

Behind the prosperity, there are always unknown ulcers, everything can not escape the law of nature.

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