Soon the aircraft began to land. In the process of landing, Ye Feng and others saw the words of binfuxiang City Federal Police Branch written on a building in front of them.

After the aircraft landed in the courtyard behind the building, Ye Feng and others were brought down. After the bandit got off the car, he called, "shoot us, just for death, Jihad will win!"

Ye Feng knew that the goods meant that he was going to involve all of them, because he was always talking about us, not me. Obviously, he wanted to tell everyone that he and Ye Feng were together.

However, Ye Feng and several of them were locked in a separate room. I don't know how long it took for the door of the detention room to open. A man in a police uniform came in.

After coming in, the man said nothing. After sitting down, he lit a cigarette. Then he took a look at the file. Then he looked up at Ye Feng and said, "are you Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng nodded, did not speak, the Officer immediately said, "do you know why I was arrested?"

Ye Feng did not speak, the other side immediately said, "do you know why I didn't come to you after I caught you? That's because we came in with you at the trial one by one, but we've all told you, and now you're left! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, can't help laughing out, staring at the opposite police officer way, "Sir, you this move to cheat those new people can also, but want to cheat me to confess is not too look down on my intelligence?"

That police officer smell speech to stare at leaf Feng to see after a long time, this just sneer a way, "you think very clever?"? I tell you, this case is the biggest one since binfu opened. Do you know how many people died at the airport? Up to now, it has not been fully counted, but that's the case. The number of people has exceeded three figures.... "

Ye Feng immediately interrupted the police officer, "I said, officer, you can go and get the surveillance video of the airport to see if this explosion has anything to do with us. The injured and scalded one is the criminal of this case. We are the passengers going to the airport by plane!"

The police officer smell speech still stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just continues to say, "do you think we don't want to see, you before the action, already destroyed the crime scene several important monitoring, so can't see at all, you think this intelligence quotient, want to fool past?"

After listening to the police officer's words, Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath and said, "it seems that the bandit's IQ is not low. Do you know how to destroy the monitoring before the action?"

The police officer immediately sneered, "the bandit's IQ is not low? Aren't you a gangster? Are you exaggerating yourself in disguise? "

Ye Feng said to the police officer at this time, "I say, sir, before you investigate, do you have a look at who are our colleagues this time, and then make the conclusion that we are bandits?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the police officer immediately took a look at Ye Feng, and then picked up the file again. Just now, he just had a general look, but did not look at the details of the people involved.

At this time, I picked it up and saw that the first few pictures belonged to Ye Feng, jasterfeld and Dixie. However, they were all pseudonyms. The police officer just flipped over and over again, but he saw Gu zhaohuichi's information. He could not help frowning, "Gu zhaohuichi? The only son of Gu zhaohuide, vice president of the Federal Research Institute? "

Ye Feng reminded the police officer, "keep looking down!"

The police officer listened to Ye Feng's words, immediately turned a page, and saw that it was the cat face person's information, and the name was not very special. With a frown, "what's special?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "let's talk after turning it over!"

The police officer then turned to the last page and saw that Joanna's information was displayed on the data. His face suddenly changed. Even the whole person stood up and said in surprise, "Joanna? President Qiao Huiying's only daughter? Joanna, the first daughter of the Union? "

Ye Feng saw the police officer's expression, immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "you are not suspecting that the only daughter of the federal president wants to blow up the binfu ring airport, are you? So that's what the president meant? "

The officer's face turned blue and his hand trembled. Then he took a look at Ye Feng and looked at the file. He was afraid that he had read it wrong. Then he left the detention room without saying anything.

Ye Feng knows that the police officer must have gone to verify the information on the file. It is estimated that once verified, they will be able to get away. However, the original plan was that they didn't know each other with Joanna and Gu zhaohuichi. It seems that they can't do it now.

After all, if the police confirm Joanna's identity, they will report it to longarsene castle. Then they will know what happened to Joanna. But there is no way. He can't be trapped in binfucheng airport and delay his plan.

Sure enough, as Ye Feng expected, someone would come to release them soon, and they would be treated as guests. Of course, it was thanks to Joanna.

Before interrogating Ye Feng, the police officer who wanted to call Ye Feng changed his face. He was submissive when he spoke to Joanna. After all, maybe for a policeman in a small city like him, he didn't have much chance to see Joanna's original story in his life.At the same time, Ye Feng also gets a message, that is, the police station has made contact with longarsene castle, where she knows that Joanna is here, and has specially sent a connecting flight to pick up Joanna and her party from longarsene castle.

Before that, Ye Feng was arranged to have a rest in the police Hostel, and there were police defenders throughout the whole process. After all, it was the president's daughter who arrived in person. Of course, the security system had to be perfect.

Seeing the control around the guest house, Ye Feng once suspected that the police, special police and armed police on the other side of the airport had been transferred.

But Ye Feng underestimated the police force of binfu ring. After all, binfu ring is a big city nearby. Although it is not ranked in the world, it is the only city in the surrounding area. Therefore, the police force of the whole city is not comparable to that of Huke Bay.

Although it can be said that the police force near the guest house may be the most elite, at best it is about one tenth of the whole city scenic area.

All of them didn't want to exaggerate, but they were helpless. Joanna's identity had been exposed. In addition, there was an explosion at the airport. In case Joanna's whereabouts were exposed, no one could guarantee that the next target of the bandits was the police hostel.

Ye Feng in the guest house, also specially for himself will Joanna's identity exposed late and she apologized, but Joanna shrugged, "it's nothing, I use the real name, even if you don't say, will find out, you said, but reduce our time in the police detention room!"

Gu Zhaohui said, "but originally we didn't know each other. It seems that we can't do it now. Now longarsenbao has sent a special plane, and binfuxiang's police station must have told us the situation here, so longarsenbao already knows that we know each other!"

But jesteffe said immediately, "that's OK. At that time, we'll say that we met by accident. It happens that we all went to longarsene castle, so we'll go together! That's it

But Ye Feng immediately said, "I'm afraid it's not as simple as you said. Now there's an airport explosion here in binfu ring, and the president's daughter is also here. People on the other side of longarsenic castle will not be foolish enough not to investigate us! And even if nothing happens to binfuxiang, people who are close to the president's daughter will be monitored and investigated. So we went to longarsenbao. After saying goodbye to Joanna and Gu Zhaohui, we have to do nothing! Only in this way can we ensure our safety. As long as we feel that we have no problems, we will relax our vigilance! "

When the cat faced man heard this, he couldn't help but say, "then we can't do anything when we get to longarsenic castle?"

After hearing the words, jesteffe said, "just take it as a tourist. It's just right to take you to get familiar with the terrain of longarsene castle, so that you can do things in the future!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "that's not bad. I think this binfu ring looks like the capital of our side, and such a city can't be ranked in the aisf. I'm really curious. What's longarsenburg like as the capital!"

Ye Feng looked at the cat and said, "longarsenbao is just a super urban agglomeration made up of several cities like binfuxiang. In addition to the unique landmark buildings of longarsenbao, it's just a big urban agglomeration. There's nothing special about it!"

The cat face man can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "don't you have lost your memory? How do you know that? "

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