At this time, Ye Feng took out a travel strategy and threw it on the table. "If you have a travel strategy, of course you need to see it! Who else would know? "

The cat face man can't help but wonder, "where did you get this strategy?"

Ye Feng said, "there are several books in each room of the guest house. There are local books in binfuxiang, global books in binfuxiang, and a special book in longarsenburg, the capital city. You must have some in your room too!"

The cat face man picked up the book that Ye Feng left on the table, looked at it, and then said, "I'll go. Longarsenbao is really big. Just looking at the map, it seems that there are eight districts, and the scope of each district may be equivalent to a city?"

Jesteffe looked at the cat and said, "there were really three or four cities in lonas castle before. After the establishment of the Federation and the expansion of several new areas, the scale of lonas castle was formed! As the capital of the Federation, it must be different from other cities! "

After a sigh, the cat faced man took a look around longarsene castle and said with a frown, "is it because the city is too concentrated that the surrounding places are too empty? Looking at the map, the nearest city to longarsene castle is thousands of miles away?"

After hearing what the cat faced man said, he immediately nodded and said, "yes, because the development of longarsenbao is too concentrated, the surrounding cities are also deserted, but those abandoned small cities have not become the concentration places of fireflies!"

"The cat face man immediately said," it's understandable that it's near the capital after all. It's impossible for the government to allow the surrounding cities to do so. On the one hand, it's too humiliating for the image project; on the other hand, it's also an unstable factor of public security. "

Ye Feng at this time toward the public humanity, "don't know the police station there is how to deal with the geek pioneer that guy!"

Jesteffe said immediately at this time, "before I came to the guest house, I specially asked. The police said that they are still pursuing the remaining fugitives in the whole process. The airport has been completely blocked. The police station has been sent to the hospital for treatment, and I said that he may bite his tongue to commit suicide, so his mouth is also blocked!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech, and doesn't say anything more. After a night in the guest house, the city leaders came to the guest house and wanted to give Joanna a special banquet. But Joanna declined, saying that she was too tired and just wanted to have a good rest.

After all, Joanna is the president's daughter, the first daughter of the Federation. Since she has spoken, no one can disobey her, so she has to give up and let Ye Feng have a good rest.

The next morning, Ye Feng and they were called up, saying that the transfer from longarsenbao had arrived in binfucheng. After they had breakfast, they were escorted to the airport by special aircraft, and there were police aircraft along the way.

Although there was an explosion on the other side of the airport and it was temporarily closed, after all, the explosion was in the airport, which did not have much impact on the timing and operation of the airport. The main purpose of the closure was to check whether there were other bombs left behind.

Jesteffe told the police that it was a liquid water-cooled bomb, which had a time limit. As long as it did not explode again at that time, it could not exist, but of course other types of bombs were not ruled out.

The police also asked for the information of the liquid water-cooled bomb from jesteffe. After all, this is not clear to all. However, after seeing that jesteffe said something about configuration, he immediately got a headache, because these things may be configured for ordinary people.

After arriving at the airport, Ye Feng and they were arranged to get on the plane. They passed by the place where the explosion happened yesterday. The bodies there had been cleaned up, but the place where the explosion happened was still in ruins, and the whole airport was in a mess.

After getting on the plane, I found that this plane only has VIP first class, but no business seat. It seems that it is a special plane used to pick up VIP in longarsenic castle.

Before taking off, the captain specially came to say hello to Joanna. After all, it was their honor to serve Joanna.

After the plane took off, Ye Feng and others breathed a sigh of relief. After leaving Huke Bay, they first met with air robbers, then met terrorist attacks by geek pioneers at the airport, and now they finally boarded the plane to longarsenburg.

At this time, the flight attendants said on the radio that the journey to lonas castle is about six and a half hours, which means that it is about eleven hours of earth time, which is a long journey.

But it's not surprising to think about it carefully. After all, eisf is a global Federation, and the planet is much bigger than the earth. Going to longarsenic castle on earth is equivalent to international travel, and it's far from China to the United States.

The setting of the plane is advanced. Everyone's seat space is spacious. Not to mention, there are a series of equipment around. There are separate refrigerators and wine cabinets, as well as separate monitors. You can watch the aisf's local square platforms and longarsenburg platforms online, as well as some movies.

Ye Feng is not interested in movies and local stations, so he directly opens the long arsenic Castle station to see the news program of long arsenic castle.

Generally speaking, the news program is no different from the news form of the earth. It reports the news of lonas castle in the near future, such as the decrees issued by the president and the events that happened in the urban area of lonas castle.On the whole, there is nothing to see. After all, longarsenbao station belongs to the federal station, which is controlled by the federal government, so there is almost no negative news. However, Ye Feng, who is unfamiliar with longarsenbao, has more or less learned about longarsenbao station, which has brought some distance closer.

After watching the news, the next is entertainment, which is similar to that of the earth. They all invite some so-called stars to participate in various entertainment activities, so as to raise the audience rating. Ye Feng does not continue to watch any more.

The journey of more than ten hours is too long. Ye Feng simply closes his eyes and plans to have a good sleep. It is estimated that it is almost evening in longarsene castle.

When Ye Feng woke up, he saw that the sky outside the window had begun to darken. After looking out of the window, he turned to look at other people, but saw that everyone was also resting with their eyes closed.

Ye Feng didn't talk much. At this time, he sat upright and took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator on one side. After a drink, he looked out of the window towards the ground.

At this time, Ye Feng saw a piece of light not far away. It looked like a color picture made of neon lights. It looked very bright.

But Ye Feng also knew that it seemed very close from mid air. In fact, there was still a long way to go. It seemed that he would fly for at least 100 minutes.

At this time, one side of Jester fee stretched a stretch, side head looked around, found that only Ye Feng awake did not rest, immediately toward Ye Feng Road, "you did not rest?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "just wake up! what about you? No sleep? "

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "I didn't sleep well in binfu ring last night, otherwise I wouldn't sleep on the plane!"

At this time, the flight attendant pushed the dining car over and asked Ye Feng and jesterfield, "what set meal do you need?"

Ye Feng was so asked, the secret way at noon that meal because of sleep did not eat, at this time is really a little hungry, immediately to a set meal began to eat.

Jesteffe wakes up the others one after another, and the flight attendants immediately give out the set meal, so they have a meal on the plane.

After eating, the cat faced man looked out of the window and said in surprise, "where are the lights?"

Jesteffe wiped his mouth, looked at it and said, "that's right!"

Cat face people can't help but sigh, "it's really big. When we make airplanes on our planet, we can see the lights below in small pieces at night. It's really the first time to see such a big piece of light!"

Joanna pointed to a golden light and said, "that's the Han Ding palace!" He said with a slight sigh, "but you can only see the lights, but you can't see the actual appearance. If you fly in a plane during the day, you should be able to see the whole picture!"

Cat face people see that a golden light area, can not help but be surprised, "the whole piece is?"

Joanna shrugged. "It's all over the place!"

After a sigh, the cat faced man looked at Joanna and said, "do you usually live here?"

Joanna shrugged and said, "of course, but it's not our family. There are many senior federal officials and their families living here!"

Then he looked at the cat's face and said, "if you have a chance, I'll show you around!"

The cat face man immediately said, "yes, yes, such a large group of palaces, it is estimated that the whole universe also has a little, how luxurious is it? How many people have been wasted

As soon as Joanna heard this, she immediately reminded cat face, "this is not built by the federal government, but by the previous local governments! That's not for the federal government! "

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