The cat face man immediately said with a smile, "I just casually said that. You are too high! You can't make a joke like this

Joanna frowned and took a look at the cat faced man. In fact, she realized that she cared too much about it.

And Ye Feng also noticed that Joanna seems to be particularly concerned about other people's views on the federation or her father, but it's no wonder that Qiao Huiying is her father when she thinks about it carefully.

What's more, Joanna also knows the purpose of their trip. In fact, in the final analysis, Ye Feng also realizes that this time he comes to longarsenic castle with Joanna and Gu zhaohuichi, it's totally an adventure.

After all, Joanna is a relatively unstable factor. Although she promised that she would help them, after all, the family relationship is constantly changing. If there is an accident, it is the problem of family relationship.

And the difficulty is that even if Joanna betrayed them for her father's sake, it's reasonable. They can't say it.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng hissed and didn't say anything more. However, jester Fei looked at all this and said to Ye Feng, "are you worried about Joanna, too?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at a jester fee way, "you also see out?"

Jesteffe said, "in fact, when I was in Huck Bay, I had already seen a clue." Then he immediately added, "but it's her father after all. She's in a complicated mood. Even if she finally chooses to stand by her father, it's understandable!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, "that's right, that is to say, we can't completely trust Joanna, and we can't put the treasure on Joanna. Besides, in the final analysis, we didn't expect Joanna to influence his father, so as to change the whole eisf, which is totally unrealistic!"

Jesteffe then said to Ye Feng, "this is of course, but we have to worry about whether it will affect us once Joanna chooses to stand on her father's side. If he tells his father about our whereabouts in lonarsene castle, it will be a devastating blow to us!"

After listening to jesteffe's words, Ye Feng immediately pondered. Jesteffe was right. The so-called unstable factors were exactly the same. Once Joanna stood at the end of his father's, it meant that their whereabouts were completely exposed. For them, it was a fatal danger. After all, in lonarsenic castle, it was not like Huck Bay Li is just the imperial city at the foot of the emperor. If it can be used as the capital of the Federation, it must be a net of heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath, took a look at jesterfield, and then said, "do you mean we can't tell Joanna where we are staying?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "in fact, don't you find it? Between us and Joanna, there is no longer a problem of foothold. Joanna knows that I am Satan. If this point is exposed, it is the most fatal! "

Jester fee listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately is also a ponder, for a long time did not speak, even if the mind is so careful Jester fee, also realize what crack way.

Ye Feng then said to jesterfield, "in this way, we can only hope that Joanna won't disclose our identity. Now we don't want to be tied to her. It's impossible, so in the final analysis, we must strive to stabilize this unstable factor!"

Jaster fee can't help but look at Ye Feng and said, "the plane will land soon. Do you have any idea?"

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng said, "it seems that I can't see any way for the moment!"

Jesterfield also thought deeply for a moment before he said to Ye Feng, "maybe you can start from Gu zhaohuichi!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at Jester Fei with a frown when he hears the words? Although he loves Joanna secretly, Joanna doesn't seem to like him. It's unrealistic to expect Gu Zhaohui to influence Joanna! "

Jesteffe immediately said, "I'm right what you said. Joanna doesn't like Gu zhaohuichi..." Said the facial expression immediately move, immediately toward the leaf maple a smile way, "that can only depend on yourself!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but look at jasfield way, "I?"

Jesteffe said immediately, "yes, it's you!" After jestefelton said it for a while, he continued, "don't forget, Joanna's idol is you! It's time for you to play the role of an idol. Now no one can influence Joanna, only you can! "

Ye Feng fell into silence when he heard what jesterfield said. In fact, jesterfield was right. Now it's obvious that Joanna can't be influenced by anyone. The only thing she can do is to rely on herself, just as jesterfield said.

When thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Joanna's direction, but sees that Joanna is staring out of the window in a daze, and Gu Zhaohui on one side is staring at Joanna.

At this time, jesterfield said, "only by turning her into your woman and being loyal to you, can you completely calm down this unstable factor. Think about it for yourself!"Listen to Jester fee so say, Ye Feng is a while pondering, this just nodded a way, "you say this really is not the way of the way! If it's not forced, I really don't want to take this step! "

Jaster Fei looked at Ye Feng, and then took a look at Gu zhaohuichi, and immediately said, "are you worried about Gu zhaohuichi?"

Ye Feng sighed, "Gu Zhaohui rushed to Huke bay to save Joanna not far away from longarsenic castle. How much he likes Joanna can be imagined. Now if I do this, it is tantamount to robbing his beloved woman from my friends. I have never done this before!"

After hearing the words, jester Fei said to Ye Feng, "if Joanna and Gu zhaohuichi fall in love and you rob Joanna from him, it's really your problem. The problem is that Joanna doesn't like Gu zhaohuichi at all. Even without you, Joanna can't choose Gu zhaohuichi in the end, so you're not robbing!"

Ye Feng then said to jesterfield, "I don't worry about this, but once Gu Zhaohui finds out later, if he resents because of the woman being robbed, it's contrary to our original intention. After all, Joanna is not the only one who knows my identity!"

Jaster Fei then shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "so, you can only do it in secret, and try not to be discovered by Gu Zhaohui, and I will also help you!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but surprised looking at Jie si te Fei way, "you assist me from the side?"

Jesterfield said, "it's time to keep it a secret, and I'll try to persuade Gu Zhaohui to give up on Joanna."

Ye Feng sighed a little at this time, "they all say that I am lustful, and there are many women around me, but this kind of robbing women from other people's hands is really inexperienced, and I feel a little nervous!"

Jesteffe could not help laughing and said, "for women, and when you are nervous, I really didn't think of it!"

Ye Feng listen to Jester fee so a say, can't help but also a wry smile way, "you didn't think of, I didn't think of more!"

Just then, Gu Zhaohui didn't know when to stand beside Ye Feng and said, "master, what are you talking about? It's so mysterious!"

Ye Feng didn't expect that Gu Zhaohui was late. He immediately coughed awkwardly, "Oh, nothing! Talk about what happened after landing for a while! "

Gu Zhaohui nodded his head and said, "I also want to do it. After landing, I don't want to go back. I'll follow you!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately toward Gu Zhaohui late way, "you don't want to think, you don't forget, you are still the FBI trainee agent, you don't go back to work?"

Gu Zhaohui shrugged his shoulders and said, "when I left, I didn't even ask for leave. I've been absent from work for a long time. I've already been dismissed. I won't have a class waiting for me when I go back!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "then you go back to find your Lao Tzu. Your Lao Tzu will definitely arrange for you! Besides, if you come back now, there must be news from longarsene castle, and your father will know better. I don't want to take it with me in longarsene castle. Your father will come to me for help in three days and two days! "

As soon as Gu Zhaohui was about to speak, jesteffe immediately said, "that's right. Besides, after we land, we will passively accept the secret investigation. You don't want others to know our identity, do you? So go back! "

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