Gu Zhaohui could not help but look at Ye Feng when he heard what jesterfield said. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say anything else, he had to sigh a little, and then he said, "after the show, master, can I go to see you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "as long as the federal people do not continue to focus on us, there will be no problem at all!"

At this time, jasterfeld said to Gu zhaohuichi, "by the way, Gu zhaohuichi, I have something to ask about your father!"

Gu Zhaohui could not help but be surprised when he heard the speech. However, he was surprised to think that jesteffe was also a colleague of his father. He immediately nodded and said, "I don't dare to ask you. If you have anything, just ask me directly."

But jesteffe took a look at Ye Feng sitting opposite her and said, "Satan, I have something private to ask. Don't sit here. Get out of the way and give Gu Zhaohui a seat!" Finish saying still made a wink toward leaf maple.

Ye Feng immediately realized that jesterfield had something to say to Gu zhaohuichi. He was obviously creating an opportunity for himself to get along with Joanna alone, because everyone knew that as long as the plane landed, Joanna would be picked up by someone sent by her father.

In other words, that is to say, whether Ye Feng can catch Joanna, that is, in the process of landing, it all depends on whether he has this charm and skill.

At this time, Ye Feng sighed a little in his heart, then stood up and said to Gu Zhaohui, "you sit down and chat slowly. I'll go to talk to Joanna for a few words!"

Ye Feng doesn't want to hide Gu zhaohuichi too much. Otherwise, if he doesn't say it, he will go to Joanna again. Gu zhaohuichi will also ask what he will explain at that time, but he will have some backhand.

Even so, Gu Zhaohui late listen to Ye Feng said to find Joanna to chat, also want to ask Ye Feng to find Joanna chat what.

But jasterfeld didn't give Gu Zhaohui the chance at all. He immediately said to Gu Zhaohui, "by the way, your father is living a long life now?"

Gu zhaohuichi was looking at Ye Feng. After listening to jasterfeld's question, he immediately moved his brow. Then he looked at Gu zhaohuichi and said, "Oh, it's 62, isn't it?"

Jesterfield immediately said with a smile, "what kind of son are you, what do you mean? Don't you even remember your father's age

Gu Zhaohui immediately gave an embarrassed smile and quickly explained, "no, no, that's 62..."

Ye Feng didn't stay much. At this time, he immediately sat in front of Joanna, who was staring out of the window in a daze. She took a look at Joanna, and immediately looked out of the window again. She said, "there's a saying called" hometown is timid, it's about you! "

Joanna is in a daze. After listening to Ye Feng's words, she can't help but recover. She looks at Ye Feng and says, "yes, I've been away from longarsenic castle for so long. I don't know how my father's health is!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "your father should be in good health!"

When Joanna heard this, she couldn't help but wonder, "how do you know?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just know!" Then Joanna looked at herself in surprise and said with a smile, "didn't you watch TV after you got on the plane? I read the news of lonarsenic castle and saw your father attend a meeting. It seems that he is in good spirits! "

Joanna this just suddenly Oh after, this just looked at Ye Feng way, "you this time to long arsenic fort, won't be to assassinate my father?"

Ye Feng can't help but be surprised when he hears the speech, but then he says with a smile, "how can you think so?" Then, without waiting for Joanna to speak, she immediately said, "even if you kill your father, what can change? Except that you have lost your father, there is no change in the political system of the whole Federation. It's just a new president and a new first daughter, and I may be wanted all over the world. Why bother? "

Joanna was relieved to hear Ye Feng say this, nodded and said, "yes, even if you kill my father, the system of eisf will not collapse. Besides my father, a lot of people want to be president!"

Ye Feng looked at Joanna and said, "since you got on the plane, you've been in a daze. Do you think we'll kill your father all the time?"

Joanna was shocked, then immediately shook her head, but nodded again and said, "I'm worried about this, but it's not all because of this. My heart is very tangled now, and I don't want to hide it from you! It's because you want to fight against my father, so I feel like a double faced person now! "

Ye Feng immediately said to Joanna, "I have explained more than once that we are not against your father, but against the current federal constitution. If your father does well, maybe we will continue to be president for your father after we overthrow the old constitution!"

As soon as Joanna heard this, she suddenly looked at Ye Feng excitedly and said, "are you serious?"

But without waiting for Ye Feng to reply, he immediately showed a look of disappointment and said, "you must be lying to me. If you really overthrow your present constitution on that day, you will become the new federal president. Even if you don't want to do it yourself, the people around you will also step up to you when the situation forces you!"Ye Feng can't help but move. It seems that Joanna is not stupid. She can see the situation clearly. To tell you the truth, Joanna is right. It would be nice to keep Joanna's father alive if she got to that point. After all, she is the head of the old system. The revolution has always been in the habit of killing the head of the former dynasty. Let alone that after the establishment of the new system, she will still use the former system The brain is a precedent.

But Ye Feng didn't say that. Instead, he said to Joanna, "what if your father became your father-in-law at that time? When the son-in-law gives up his position to his father-in-law, there should be no objection, right? Besides, even if I come to sit down, I believe your father will not object, will he? "

Joanna listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "what do you say? Father in law? What do you mean

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but immediately a smile way, "I am so casually a say!"

Joanna didn't know how to make sense at first. Then she thought about it clearly. She looked at Ye Feng with a red face and said, "you mean, you marry me?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng said with a smile, "I'm just joking!"

Joanna smell speech immediately face a change to look at Ye Feng, but did not wait for her to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "no matter how to say, you are still the first daughter of love, not a few people can climb up, I am the same!"

As soon as Joanna heard this, she couldn't help staring at Ye Feng and said, "I've never had this idea of climbing high or low!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng asked, "you never want to marry me? Although I'm only joking, it's really sad to hear that! "

As soon as Joanna heard this, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "I don't mean that. I mean I've never had the idea of hierarchy."

Ye Feng said with a smile, "it seems that I was wrong. In other words, have you ever thought of marrying me?"

When Joanna heard what Ye Feng said, her face turned red again. She immediately said to Ye Feng, "I can't say you I won't tell you... " Then he turned his head away and looked out of the window, but Yu Guang glanced at Ye Feng from time to time.

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "I don't know who your final husband will be! The future is still full of countless possibilities! " With that, Ye Feng took a look at Gu zhaohuichi, who was talking with jestefeld over there, and said, "Gu zhaohuichi is good!"

Joanna said immediately, "I know he likes me, but I'm not I can't say I don't like it at all. How can I say? It's just the feeling of being too familiar. It's like my brother. I don't have that feeling at all. So don't make fun of me and him in the future. I don't care, but I'm worried about Gu zhaihui. Think about it later! "

Yefeng listen to Joanna said, immediately nodded, "understand, feelings can't be forced, Gu Zhaohui late also early one day will understand!"

Joanna nodded and said, "I hope so." she looked at Ye Feng and said, "actually..." Then his face turned red again, and he shook his head and said, "forget it, it's nothing!"

But Ye Feng frowned at Joanna and said, "what in fact?"

Joanna shook her head and said, "nothing, nothing, no more!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "don't you really want to marry me?"

Joanna's face suddenly more red, and then toward Ye Feng way, "if you really think so, I dare to marry, you dare to marry?"

Ye Feng can't help but be shocked when hearing the speech, and then said with a smile, "if you dare to marry, I dare to marry!"

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