As soon as Joanna heard this, her face suddenly moved. She was both excited and incredible. She even couldn't believe her ears and looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng see Joanna so, can't help a shrug, looking at Joanna way, "how? I dare to marry, but you dare not? "

But Joanna asked Ye Feng, "what do you mean?"

But Ye Feng looked at Joanna and asked, "what do you mean?"

Joanna immediately stares at Ye Feng and says, "there is no shortage of women around you, and they are all first-class beauties. There are countless people who want to marry you. Why do you want to marry me? Because my father is the president of the Union? "

Ye Feng can't help staring at Joanna after hearing the speech. After taking a deep breath, he said to Joanna, "you are much smarter than I thought, so I'm not going to lie to you, you guessed right! That's why! "

As soon as Joanna heard this, her face suddenly looked at Ye Feng, but she didn't say anything. Obviously, she didn't expect Ye Feng to be so straightforward. For a moment, she was speechless.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately said, "but you have to believe me. I did it to protect you Of course, and your father... "

Joanna looked at Ye Feng and said, "protect my father?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "as I said, if your father is my father-in-law, then no one can hurt him, and at that time, even if the regime changes, it will be his own business. In this way, the harm will be minimized!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Joanna's heart suddenly moves. She stares at Ye Feng for a long time and doesn't speak. Obviously, her heart is also thinking about Ye Feng's words. How true and how false are they?

But after thinking about it, Joanna immediately said to Ye Feng, "but you don't like me at all! Is that right? "

Ye Feng looked at Joanna solemnly and said, "if you like it, you must like it. You are so beautiful, so young, and you have a good figure and a good family background. How many men dream of eisf, such as Gu zhaohuichi..."

Joanna said at this time, "you know what I mean, I'm not just talking about liking, but Love, do you love me? "

After listening to what Joanna said, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at Joanna for a long time, and then exhaled, "I thought you grew up in a political family and naturally won't mention this word. In your family, isn't political interest more important than anything? Didn't your father teach you that? "

Joanna immediately said to Ye Feng, "I'm sorry, maybe you're wrong. Although I grew up in a political family, my father never mentioned politics to me and advised me not to engage in politics. It's impossible to sacrifice my love in order to achieve any political interests!"

Ye Feng sighed at Joanna and said, "so You can give up your father's political interests for your love

Joanna's heart moved when she heard the words, and she was silent again. If she gave up her father for the sake of her love, and she could not do it, Joanna was not sure.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately said, "when you were born in a political family, you must consider political interests. This is not a question of whether you are willing or not, but whether you can put aside politics. Because the blood relationship between you and your father can not be changed, your blood and even your genes are naturally political, so your future life is doomed to be political." A road to politics is not far away, whether you are willing or not, everything about your father is related to your destiny, and everything about you is also related to your father's destiny, which can't be avoided! "

Ye Feng said here, can't help but look at Joanna, and then immediately said, "I know your inner entanglement, this can't blame anyone, everyone's fate from the moment of birth has been more or less doomed, you are like this, I am like this, other people are like this, you can choose love, loyal to love, but what about your father? ”

Joanna then said to Ye Feng, "can my father be better if I sacrifice my love?"

Ye Feng then said to Joanna, "I don't want to cheat you. I can only tell you that if you sacrifice your love, your father may not be able to develop in the direction you want, but if you don't want to, then your father will certainly go in the direction you don't want to see..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath, leaned forward to look at Joanna and said, "besides, although your marriage has been shadowed by politics, it may not be impossible to get love..."

Joanna listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help a burst of astonishment looking at Ye Feng, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng shrugged to Joanna and said, "I just said that any of your conditions are very good. I have no reason not to like it. Although it may be a little far away from the so-called love in your heart, I believe that as long as we get along with each other, I will let you experience what is called love! No matter how beautiful love is, it's also something in the world. As long as it's something in the world, it can't avoid vulgarity. There are still many practical problems that we have to face. You and I can't avoid vulgarity! "

Joanna listen to Ye Feng say so, heart can't help but a while pondering looking at Ye Feng, for a long time also didn't speak.Ye Feng looked at Joanna at this time, and then said in a deep voice, "what about you?"

Joanna can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "what am I? What do you mean

Ye Feng looked at Joanna and said with a smile, "I said, I like you. What about you? How do you feel about me? I've said so much. Don't let me talk here wishfully in the end... "

Joanna looked at Ye Feng, thought for a while, then said, "if I say I don't like you, do you give up?"

Ye Feng nodded, "that's right!"

Joanna didn't expect Ye Feng to be so frank. She couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "if you really like it, shouldn't you fight for it even if I don't like you?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "do you mean that I treat you the same as Gu zhaohuichi? I know you don't like it, but I still want to pursue you reluctantly? I'm so sorry, I can't do such a thing! "

Joanna frowned and looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled face. "Haven't you ever done that for a woman?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "never!" Then he immediately said to Joanna, "but it has nothing to do with anything else, but there is no pursuit between you and me, because there is no such possibility between you and me!"

Joanna looked at Ye Feng and said, "why?"

Ye Feng shrugged and looked at Joanna and said, "in about an hour, the plane will land at the airport of longarsenburg. When you land, you will be taken away by your father's people, and we will have to go our separate ways. Moreover, we will be monitored by your father or the federal people. In order to keep our distance, no one will doubt us, so I'm sorry We have to keep a distance, so how can I have a chance to pursue you? "

As soon as Joanna heard this, her heart suddenly moved. She said, "yes, I'm back in longarsene castle now. Her father will send someone to pick me up directly. There's no chance to see Ye Feng again.".

Thinking of this, Joanna can't help asking Ye Feng, "do you mean that even if I promise you, we can't meet again?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "in theory, that's true, but it's not ruled out that after your father or the federal people cancel the surveillance on us, we should be able to meet again!"

Joanna immediately said to Ye Feng, "if I promise you now, can't you go with me to see my father?"

Ye Feng Wen Yan frowned at Joanna and said, "to see your father? In what capacity? What's Ye Feng's identity? Or Satan? "

Joanna can't help but look at Ye Feng in amazement and say, "what's the difference?"

Ye Feng then said to Joanna, "if you are going to see your father as Ye Feng, your father will not agree to this marriage at all. After all, Ye Feng is just a lonely and nameless man, who is not worthy of his precious daughter at all!"

Then he continued immediately, "but I don't want to expose that I am Satan now, and it's the same with your father. Besides, my memory hasn't fully recovered. I still need time to investigate many things in those years, such as why I killed Dixie and why Dixie betrayed the union. How many unclear things are there, including your father's It's related to this matter. I need to find out all these, so it's impossible for me to see your father! "

Joanna can't help but feel a move when she hears the words, and immediately says to Ye Feng, "then you can go to see my father as Ye Feng. My father is not the kind of person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich. He won't look down on you because of Ye Feng's name!"

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