At this time, Ye Feng had already sat opposite to Jester fee, looked at Jester fee, and asked Jester fee directly, "do you want Gu Zhaohui to be a civil servant?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "his character is suitable for being a civil servant. He can't go back to lonarsene castle and have nothing to do. After all, he's absent from work so long that the FBI can't get in. Moreover, after I talked with him, I realized that his father didn't want him to be in the FBI, but Gu Zhaohui didn't It's impossible to make any breakthrough in technology, so the only way to go now is for civil servants to have an iron rice bowl. It must be like his father's idea. The most important thing is... "

Speaking of this, jesteffe immediately lowered his voice and said to Ye Feng, "once Gu Zhaohui is late in the system and starts to work nine to five, he will not affect our plan!"

Ye Feng knows what jesterfield means. She mainly wants to say that she can't influence her to stay with Joanna. After all, she has to go to work every day. Where can she manage other things?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help admiring Jester fee's ability to think of these, and can't help sighing and saying, "even so, I always think it's too deliberately arranged!"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "there is something wrong with your ideological awareness. I told you just now. You always think you are robbing Joanna from Gu zhaohuichi, but now look at them..."

Ye Feng can't help but turn his head and look at Gu zhaohuichi and Joanna, but Gu zhaohuichi's face is lost. Joanna's mind is not on Gu zhaohuichi's body at all, and she is looking at her side at this time.

Seeing this, jesteffe couldn't help laughing and said, "look at the look in Joanna's eyes when she looks at you. You're making good progress. That's right. You have to think that you're not harming Gu Zhaohui. You're helping him out of the sea of misery. You know you can't like him, but you have to sink in. That's the best ending for him!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at jesterfield and says with a smile, "you seem to understand these better than me! If you were a man, you would have nothing to do with me? "

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders immediately and said, "of course, if I am a man, I will do everything myself, but who calls me a woman? This is an eternal law on my planet, your planet, even if it's in ESF. Women are doomed to do a lot of things!"

Ye Feng then couldn't help but smile at Jester fee and said, "in this case, you'd better follow me instead of working so hard. Anyway, I've already talked to Joanna, and I don't care to talk to you any more!"

Jasterfeld said with a slight movement of his face, "it's like Joanna is something you like, but I'm a gift of that thing!"

Ye Feng said hastily, "I don't mean that!"

But Jester fee didn't continue this topic, but said to Ye Feng, "don't make such a joke with me. Once I take it seriously, I'm afraid you can't stand it!"

Ye Feng heard that Yan was about to say something, but he didn't say it in the end. He just shrugged his shoulders and said to jesterfield, "Joanna and I have already agreed that after the plane lands, we will separate and wait for his father or the federal surveillance to end. I will go to see his father in the name of Ye Feng!"

Jaster fee can't help but frown, "in the name of Ye Feng to see his father?"

Ye Feng shrugged and immediately said, "of course, as Joanna's boyfriend, I went to see Qiao Huiying!"

Jesterfield couldn't help but say to Ye Feng, "but what do you do to see Qiao Huiying? What do you want to do? "

But Ye Feng said to jester, "I didn't want to do anything, but when I talked about it with her, I just said that. Now that I'm talking about it, I can't say nothing, can I? What's more, I've explained that I'm going to see you as Ye Feng. I don't want to expose the name of Satan! "

Jesterfield pondered for a while, but he didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "wait until the time to see it. I always feel that you may not be able to see it!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "how can I see it?"

But jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "who is Qiao Huiying? He is the president of the United States. You use the name Ye Feng. Who is Ye Feng? Do you know him? Why waste time on you? "

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow wrinkle more tight, immediately said, "you didn't hear what I said? I mean, I went to see him as Joanna's boyfriend. Joanna is his daughter. She took her boyfriend to see her father. Will he disappear? "

Jestfel shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, but I can tell you that Qiao Huiying can be the president of the federal government. His idea may not be the same as what we speculated. Maybe in Joanna, he does show his father's side, but in the federal government, he is a politician famous for his iron hand!"

Ye Feng listen to jesterfield so a say, heart can't help looking at jesterfield way, "since you know, you still let me go to bubble Joanna?"

But jesteffe said, "it doesn't conflict. You go to visit Joanna to stabilize Joanna, not Qiao Huiying. But when you see Qiao Huiying, I advise you to think again!"Ye Feng was still staring at jesterfield and said, "do you have anything to say? You must know something. That's why you say that. Why do you always say half and keep half? "

Jestfeld said to Ye Feng, "I have said that for a long time, it is because your memory has not been fully recovered, so you may not believe me when I speak and speak out. Some things will be understood naturally only after your memory is recovered. In fact, you have more contact with Qiao Huiying than me. You should know him better than me. Unfortunately, your memory is missing. What's wrong with you Surely you don't even remember what Qiao Huiying looked like? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. If he hadn't seen the news about Qiao Huiying on the plane, Ye Feng might not have been able to remember what Qiao Huiying looked like.

When jesteffe saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "I can only tell you that Qiao Huiying, as the president of the Federation, is not a man of wine. Yes, he was elected by some interest groups, representing the interests of some interest groups, but he is not a mortal! If you are sure to see him, you must be prepared for it

Ye Feng listened to what jesterfield said, and immediately nodded, "forget it, don't think about this problem for the moment. Anyway, after the plane landed, we'll go our separate ways. Even if we go to see each other, we don't know when to wait! We'll see it then! The most important thing for us now is to find a foothold in Lungshan first! "

Jesteffe immediately said, "you don't have to worry about that. I have a house in lonzabur..."

But Ye Feng said immediately, "it's also a house in the name of you, jestefeld. Don't we blow ourselves up when we live in it?"

But jestfeld said immediately, "that house was not bought in my name. It belonged to a friend of mine who had been dead for many years! And the house was bought in his mother's name, so there should be nothing to find out! "

Yefeng listen to Jester fee said, can't help nodding, "if this is OK, but also pay more attention, as long as the other party want to deep investigation, also can find clues!"

Jesteffe immediately said, "I just said that there will be a temporary foothold, and I will definitely look for other footholds at that time."

Ye Feng listened to jesterfield say so, can't help nodding, then closed his eyes and said, "have a rest, it's estimated that the plane will land soon!"

But jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's over longarsene castle now. How about it? You still haven't recovered any memory? "

Ye Feng still closed his eyes, then shook his head and said, "I still don't remember at all. Do you think that when I come to longarsene castle, I'll have a flash in my head?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "there's no hope. It's just a surprise. It's easy for me and Dante Emma to recover their memories. Why is it so difficult for you and Dixie to recover their memories?"

Ye Feng also shrugged, "you ask me, I ask who to go, I also want to know why?" Speaking of this, he suddenly opened his eyes, looked at jesterfield and said, "what did Jock Emma do?"

Jesteffe could not help but wonder, "but why did he do it?"

Ye Feng said to jestefeld, "the only reason that makes sense is that he, or at least Dante Emma, is also related to what happened in those years, so Jock Emma wants to hide it on purpose!"

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