After listening to Ye Feng's words, jester Fei didn't say anything more. Now everything is conjecture, and there is no real evidence at all, so there is no evidence to say too much.

As time goes by, the flight attendants have already informed Ye Feng that they should fasten their seat belts and be ready to land at longarsensburg International Airport. Ye Feng and others will no longer walk around and return to their positions to fasten their seat belts and wait for the plane to land.

However, unlike take-off, this kind of Sunman aircraft has the same nature as a helicopter when landing, hovering in the air, gradually starting to lower the altitude until it stops steadily on the ground.

After the plane landed smoothly and the flight attendants wished you a pleasant journey, Ye Feng and others untied their seat belts and began to leave the cabin. At this time, several objects that looked like cars were parked outside the plane.

Ye Feng can't help but frown and ask jesterfield, "does ace have a car, too?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "except for airplanes, no one is allowed to fly in the airport. So to get out of the airport, there must be land vehicles!"

Ye Feng nodded. As soon as a crowd got off the plane, a crowd of people in black rushed over and immediately took Joanna to one side and said, "president, let's pick you up to the palace!"

Joanna didn't say much. She directly followed the group of people into the car, and only one of the cars was left. The rest left behind the car carrying Joanna.

At this time, several people in black came and arranged for Ye Feng to get on the last bus. After getting on the bus, some people in Black said to Ye Feng, "please come with us to the Federal Security Agency and accept the investigation!"

Then he said to Ye Feng, "don't be nervous. It's just a routine check. We know you all know Miss Joanna, but after all, Miss Joanna has been away for such a long time. We all need to check the friends we've met!"

The cat faced man couldn't help saying, "what if we refuse to check?"

The man in black just glanced at the cat's face and said, "you'll take it!"

What else did the cat face want to say, but he was held down by Ye Feng. At this time, Gu Zhaohui said, "Joanna and I have known each other since childhood. Do I have to be examined?"

The man in black just said faintly, "the order I received is that all people should be investigated. Whether they are new acquaintances or have known each other since childhood, they should be treated the same way!"

On hearing this, Gu Zhaohui suddenly looked at the man in black, "do you know who my father is? My father is the vice president of the federal Academy of Sciences

Hearing this, the man in black could not help looking at Gu Zhaohui. He just nodded and said, "I know!" There was nothing else to say.

Seeing this, the cat faced man couldn't help laughing at Gu Zhaohui and said, "it seems that your father's name doesn't make you feel privileged."

Gu Zhaohui was depressed for a while, but the man in Black said faintly, "no one has privilege in longarsenic castle!"

Another humanitarian in Black said, "his father is the director of the Security Bureau, my father is a member of Parliament, and we have no privileges..."

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly changed when he heard this. If this is the case, his father's so-called vice president of the federal Academy of Sciences is really nothing compared with his father. Whether he is the director of the Security Bureau or a member of Parliament, he is a man with a clear eye.

Let's not say the Secretary for security is in charge of the security work of the whole Federation. Even the Federal Bureau of investigation belongs to the subordinate unit of the Security Bureau, and its status can be seen.

It seems that the members of the Parliament are not as arrogant as the Secretary for security, but not everyone in the Federal Parliament can get in. There are only 13 members in total. Although all the members of the parliament must have no other positions in the Federation, these 13 members can decide the direction of the whole federal policy.

In this way, what does a vice president of a scientific research institute count in front of them?

Gu Zhaohui was so depressed that he regretted that he shouldn't have mentioned it at all. If he didn't mention it, he would not be as embarrassed as he is now.

Ye Feng, jesteffe and Dixie did not speak. They had some thoughts in their hearts, but it was not convenient to speak in the car.

After the man in black left the airport, there was an aircraft waiting for Ye Feng outside the airport. As soon as he got off the bus, he immediately got on the aircraft.

When the aircraft took off to a certain height, people could see that the nearby urban area was full of tall buildings, which looked like a forest of steel and cement.

The cat face man is even more surprised. The scale of the city is far beyond his imagination. In fact, not only the cat face man, but also Ye Feng is shocked. His concept of city is still the city on earth.

It's the first time Ye Feng has ever seen a city with dense high-rise buildings, such as longarsenburg, and the highest floor has already risen to the sky. The eyes that Dixie looks out of the window seem to be similar to Ye Feng's.

Only jesteffe and Gu zhaohuichi hardly look out. Gu zhaohuichi is a native of longarsenbao. It's no surprise that she is familiar with it. Jesteffe has completely recovered her memory, so she is not unfamiliar with longarsenbao.In a short time, the aircrafts have already entered the cluster of tall buildings, and not only that, it is completely different from Huck Bay. The aircrafts flying in the air can be seen everywhere between the buildings in the whole city, and even there are special landing places outside every floor of some buildings.

I think these flying machines have become a necessity for people in longarsenburg. However, there are many cars on the ground, but they are not so congested. These cat faced people are amazed.

Soon the aircraft flew towards a building, and finally stopped on the platform outside the first floor in mid air. After everyone got down, the cat faced man could not help but curiously walked towards the edge area.

The friendly man in black reminded cat face, "no one will be responsible for falling down! This is the 60th floor! "

Cat face people smell speech heart immediately a sh, originally also want to go to the side to have a look, at this time only feel legs a little soft.

Soon a crowd was brought into the main building of the building, which was a simple office space. Two people in black had been taking Ye Feng around the office area, and then they came to the innermost conference room. Then they opened the door and invited them in.

Among them, the man in black, whose father is the Secretary for security, said to a crowd, "you have a rest here, and we will summon you one by one!" Then he looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "didn't you say that you and miss Joanna knew each other since childhood? Then you'll be the first

Gu zhaohuichi just sat down, then stood up again and looked at the two people in black in surprise, "where are you going? What's the first one? "

The man in black just said to Gu Zhaohui, "don't be nervous. It's just the usual way to ask questions."

Gu Zhaohui later heard that Yan then looked back at Ye Feng, but saw that Ye Feng nodded to himself, and then followed the two men in black to leave.

After Gu Zhaohui left with the two men in black, the door of the conference room was closed. The cat faced man stood at the window, looked out of the window, and sighed, "this is just another world!"

Outside the window, there are towering high-rise buildings, one after another, and even the whole sky is covered by these high-rise buildings.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "we'll just wait here?"

Ye Feng didn't speak yet, but jesteffe immediately said, "we have contact with Joanna. It's conceivable to accept the investigation. I believe we don't have any problems!"

Said jestfel also toward Dixie and Ye Feng make a wink, Ye Feng immediately heart next move, and then glance around, but did not find monitoring and other things.

However, Ye Feng believes that jesteffe will not wink at himself for no reason. There must be hidden monitoring or monitoring facilities in this conference room, or even both. He just hasn't seen them yet.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at this time and said, "it's just the long journey to longarsenic castle. It's very tired. Let's have a rest!"

At this time, the cat face man also sat back, looked at the crowd, and then said, "when the business here is over, we'll go out and have a look!"

Jesteffe said to the cat faced man, "it's just a little more tall buildings, a little higher than the average city, and the city is a little bigger than the average city, nothing else! There's nothing to shop about! "

The cat faced man saw that jesteffe's face was different, so he didn't say anything. He just sat down and leaned back in the chair to refresh his mind.

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