As soon as the cat face man heard this, his face suddenly burst, and he rushed to the iron prison. He used all his strength to break the iron railing, but no matter how hard the cat face man used, the iron railing did not move.

Seeing this, the fat black man couldn't help smiling and said sarcastically, "our cat has come here, so..."

But before the black fat man finished, he saw that the two iron railings that the cat faced man was holding began to show signs of bending at this moment.

Seeing this, the short fat black man's face suddenly changed. At this time, he saw that the blue veins of the cat faced man's neck were all up. It seemed that he was exerting all his strength.

At this time, even Ye Feng and Jaster fee can't help but be surprised. They didn't expect that the cat face man had so much strength. It was the first time for them to see him.

Jesterfield, in particular, looked at the cat's face in surprise. "How can you be so strong?"

At this time, the cat face man blushed and his neck was thick, and he didn't say anything, but everyone knows that at this time, the cat face man would take a breath. Once he spoke, he would be relieved.

The two iron pipes that were broken by the cat face man were completely bent at this time. The cat face man immediately got out of the gap and rushed to the black short fat man.

However, at the same time, several men in black beside the short fat black man took out pistols at the same time, and the muzzle of several guns almost aimed at the cat face man at the same time.

Seeing this, the cat faced man immediately stopped and stood in the same place, waiting for the short fat black man to say, "is that all you can do?"

On hearing this, the fat black man couldn't help laughing. Then he stood up, reached out and pressed down the guns of those around him. At the same time, he took off his sunglasses and put them on the chair.

At this time, the short fat black man said to the cat faced man, "I should have told you that. You're just a brute force. I thought you had great ability."

With that, the short fat black man immediately loosened his neck tie, untied the button on his mouth, then tilted his head, and the joints on his neck rattled.

At this time, the short fat black man looked at the cat faced man, and at the same time, he untied the twist on his sleeve, and his mouth turned to the cat's face. "I'll show you if that's all I can do."

When the cat faced man saw that the other side was like this, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and he even laughed and said, "so, you want to fight with me alone? Well, Mr. cat, I can't wait for it... " Then he began to keep moving.

At this time, the short fat black man just shook his arms and waved to the cat faced man.

Ye Feng and others are standing on the side of the iron railing at this time, looking at the cat face man. Ye Feng snorts at this time, "he's not the fat man's opponent!"

Jesteffe, Dixie and Yueying can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise. But before they ask why, they see the cat faced man roaring and rushing towards each other.

But just as the cat faced man rushed towards the little black fat man, the little black fat man stood still and waited.

Until the cat face man rushed in front of the black short fat man, one jumped up, and at the same time, he punched him in the face. But as soon as he punched, the black short fat man's fist had already come to him.

Without waiting for the cat face man to recover, he was hit in the head, his whole face was beaten and deformed by the black short fat man, and even a tooth in his mouth jumped out with the blood, but the cat face man immediately fell to the ground and did not move.

Everyone can't help sighing. Ye Feng takes a look at the cat faced man on the ground and finds that he is just knocked unconscious by the black short fat man. There should be no danger to his life. He is relieved.

Jester feize immediately squatted down with a cat face man in his body and asked him if he had anything to do with it. At this time, the short fat black man just shook the hand that hit the cat face man's head just now and looked at the cat face man lying on the ground with disdain. "I thought the cat was so powerful, but it was just like that."

After that, the black fat man looked at Ye Feng and Dixie in the cage, and then sneered, "do you want to try?" Then he immediately said, "it's a pity it's all women! I don't even want to do it! "

Black short fat man said to look at Ye Feng, see Ye Feng is looking at himself, he can't help but smile, "I said wrong? You think you're a man? You are the same as the three of them. In my eyes, there are only four women now! "

But Ye Feng didn't say anything. He came out of the gap that had just been broken by the cat face man. He stood in front of the railing and moved a little. He waved to the short black fat man and said in a deep voice, "look who's a girl!"

Black short fat see Ye Feng this posture, just like when he was to cat face man, his posture is almost the same, can't help but smile and say, "it's a good model to learn!" Said to see a leaf maple way, "you move!"

Ye Feng laughs and says "yes". He rushes towards the short black fat man in an instant. Before the end of the word "OK" falls, Ye Feng is in front of the short black fat man and hits the short black fat man in an instant.

Black short fat face a change, obviously did not expect Ye Feng's speed is so fast, but his reaction is not slow, immediately is also a punch, straight to Ye Feng's head.Black short fat man's fist is excellent in both strength and speed, and few people can escape. Once Ye Feng is hit in the head, it is estimated that Ye Feng will also be hit with a few teeth and fall to the ground like cat face man.

However, as soon as the black short fat man smashed his fist out, Ye Feng's figure suddenly disappeared. Before the black short fat man came back, he felt the wind on one side. When he turned around, he saw that Ye Feng's fist was in front of him.

As soon as the black short fat man's face changed, he immediately turned aside, but Ye Feng's fists still crossed his cheek, as if ye Feng's fists were very fast. Although the black short fat man escaped, his cheek was still scratched by Ye Feng's fists, and he felt a burning pain.

However, Ye Feng didn't give the black short fat man any chance to react. After a blow, he immediately followed with the second blow, and directly hit the black short fat man's chin from the bottom to the top.

"Bang", the whole body of the black short fat man was directly pounded by Ye Feng and flew back. He just sat on the chair and crushed his sunglasses.

Without waiting for the black dwarf to react, Ye Feng came to the black dwarf again. He grabbed his collar and pulled him up. At the same time, he waved his fist towards his face.

However, at the same time, several of the black short fat man's men immediately raised their guns to Ye Feng. Ye Feng looked left and right, and then looked at the black short fat man's face full of horror. Then he released the black short fat man, stood up, shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not so much!"

The black short fat man rubbed his chin at this time. Fortunately, his fighting ability was good. Otherwise, Ye Feng's fist just now could break his chin bone.

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, the black short fat man slowly stood up, waved his hand to the people around him to put down his gun, and then looked at Ye Feng. Then he touched his chin and said, "look, you really have two hands!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to the short black fat man, "if it wasn't for your men to stop me, I would probably not have two hands! I'll just smash your face! "

What Ye Feng said was plain, but it was particularly harsh to hear in the ears of the black short fat man. However, the black short fat man and Ye Feng also had a hand in hand, and he knew that Ye Feng's words were not joking or exaggerating.

If it wasn't for his subordinates to stop him just now, maybe he would be just like what Ye Feng said, and the whole face could be destroyed by Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, the black dwarf looked at Ye Feng again and then said, "what's your name? From where? Where do you work? "

Ye Feng looked at the black short fat man and said, "Ye Feng, from Huke bay!"

"Huck Bay? Where? Never heard of... " Then he looked at Ye Feng again. After a long breath, he said, "but it doesn't matter. The hero doesn't ask the source. Your name is Ye Feng, right? I appreciate you

Ye Feng, on the other hand, said to the short fat black man, "there are many people who appreciate me, not many more of you!"

Black short fat man can't help but be surprised, then sneer a way, "your tone is very drag!"

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