Ye Feng looked at the black short fat man and said, "who are you, and where did you send Joanna?"

The black short fat man looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "you don't care who we are. For the sake of you winning me, I can tell you that Joanna is safe, and Gu Zhaohui is also safe!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at the black short fat man, listening to what he said, as if they were not aiming at Joanna.

At this moment, jesteffe, who was still in the cage behind him, said, "are you from the guard of the Han Dynasty palace?"

The short fat black man's face sank when he heard the words. He immediately looked at jesterfield and said in surprise, "who are you? Do you even know the Han Ding palace guard? "

Jesteffe immediately said, "look at your boxing is just fierce and fast, I guess 7788, now listen to your tone, it seems that you don't want to aim at Joanna's appearance, I can be absolutely sure! You are the guards of the Han Ding palace! "

Black short fat man smell speech brow slightly a frown, immediately toward Jester Fei way, "the fist road is fierce and quick, and not only the Han Ding palace guard people!"

Jesterfeld said, "but only the Hanks captain of the palace guard can use the one move style! What's your relationship with Hanks? His apprentice? Or the men? "

The little fat black man, hearing what jesteffe said, frowned at jesteffe again and said in a deep voice, "you seem to know a lot of things?"

Jesteffe shrugged. "Just a little bit about ronarsburg, not much!"

The black short fat man said to jestefeld, "it seems that your identity is not simple. It's absolutely necessary to test you!"

At this time, Ye Feng said to the short fat black man, "so it's the president who asked you to test us?"

Black short fat man is cold hum a way, "and miss Joanna had contact with people, of course, have to check, but Joanna just called, said you are just his ordinary friends, so we really want to send you to the security bureau plan also changed!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the short black man and said, "do you think we have any problems now?"

Black short fat man said, "you all look not too simple, indeed there are a lot of suspicious places, but you did not harm Miss Joanna, and listen to miss Joanna said, you are still her life-saving benefactor, so we will not do anything to you for the time being!"

Jesteffe asked the little black man, "so, you're not going to let us go?"

When the fat black man heard that he was about to speak, jesteffe said to the fat black man, "you should be Hanks' apprentice, don't you

On hearing this, the short fat black man was stunned. He frowned and looked at jesteffe. Then he stood up and said to jesteffe, "who are you? How do you know my name? Do you know me? "

Jesterfield said, "I don't know you. I just heard your name, but I met your master Hanks a few times. He praised you very much at that time. He said you were the most favorite of his disciples, just a little proud!"

Jack Tang was even more surprised when he heard this. He looked at jesteffe in a dazed way, because this sentence was indeed the admonition of his master Hanks, and the woman in front of him knew this, which was beyond Jack Tang's expectation.

Thinking of Tom, Jack instinctively went to the cage and said to jesterfield, "who are you?"

Ye Feng at this time in the heart is also a while ponder, secret way this time to long arsenic Castle originally but want to hide identity, but Jester fee seems to have to expose himself in front of Tom Jack.

Jesteffe stood in the cage and looked at Jack and said, "you don't need to know who I am. I'm just a nobody..."

Jack looked at jesterfield with a sneer and said, "if you know so many things, it means that you are not a simple nobody. You're embarrassing me, ma'am

Jesteffe immediately said to Jack Tang, "you don't have to be embarrassed. My name is a Nan, and you won't know me if you say it. The reason why I know so much is because I knew a person from longarsenbao before, and she told me a lot about longarsenbao. That's why I yearn for longarsenbao. I have to visit longarsenbao in my lifetime."

Jack Tang frowned at jesterfield and said, "do you think I'll believe you when you say that?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I see you are not bad. That's why I'm talking to you so much. The purpose is not to make you believe me!"

After hearing this, Jack Tang looked at Jester for a long time, and then said to her, "what's the name of the man you know?"

Jesteffe said immediately, "jesteffe! That's the name. She told me it was

Jack Tang looked at jesterfield and said, "jesterfield? The senior member of the federal Academy of Sciences? "Jesteffe immediately looked at Jack in surprise and said, "do you know her, too?"

Jack Tang said immediately, "she's an alien of the federal Academy of Sciences. I'm afraid that few people in longarsenburg don't know her, but she died many years ago How could you know her? "

Ye Feng has been listening to the conversation between jesterfield and Tom Jack. After listening to what Tom Jack said, he can't help but move. Did jesterfield die a few years ago?

But it's right to think that if jesteffe didn't die, how could she participate in Jock Emma's Micro universe project?

Jesterfield said to Tom jack, "I knew her before she died! Didn't she leave Fort lonas before she died? I saved her once on her way to escape, and then we went west together, and what I knew was what she told me at that time. When she arrived at her destination, we parted ways, but soon came the news of her death. I specially went back to have a look and saw someone collect her corpse for her... "

After hearing this, Jack Tang couldn't help staring at him for a long time. Then he said, "what you said is roughly in line with the reality, but I wonder why that wonderful flower told you this?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "jesteffe was already injured at that time. Kenneng, she had a premonition that she would die soon, so she knew someone I could talk to before she died, so she told me something she knew!"

As soon as Tom Jack heard this, his face suddenly moved. He instinctively stepped forward and looked at jesterfield. "You mean, she told you everything she knew?"

"I don't know what you're talking about? Is there any specific reference? "

Jack didn't speak at once, but after staring at jesterfield for a long time, he said, "it seems that we need to give you to the president!"

Jesterfield frowned. "What do you mean?"

Jack Tong sneered and said, "don't you know why jesteffe left ronarsburg? She didn't tell you? "

Jestfeld shook his head and said, "no!"

Jack looked at jesterfield in surprise and said, "I'm really surprised that she didn't tell you anything important that has nothing to do with her."

But jesteffe said, "we were just chatting at that time. There was one thing that didn't have a word. She didn't have any rules or purpose when she talked about it! That's how I listen! "

Tom Jack immediately sneered, "listen to me. It seems that if you listen to me, you will remember everything you should or should not remember."

Jesteffe shrugged and said with a smile, "who told me to have a good memory?"

Jack Tong looked at jesterfield thoughtfully for a while and said, "jesterfield may have mentioned my master Hanks to you, but it's impossible to mention his apprentice. No matter how we chat, we can't expect these unimportant topics. Do you think I'm so easy to cheat?"

Jaster Fei's face moved slightly, and then sighed, "well, if you see through, then I have nothing to hide!"

Tom Jack looked at jesterfield with a look on his face. "What?"

Jesterfield looked at Jack and said, "I'm jesterfield!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, Tom Jack's face is a face surprised, dubious looking at jesterfield, for a long time did not speak.

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