After staring at jesteffe for a long time, Jack was surprised and said, "are you jesteffe? How is that possible? Jesteffe is already dead

Jesteffe looked at Jack and said, "you know jesteffe is dead. What else do you doubt? I said that jesteffe told me before he died. If you don't believe it, I said that I am jesteffe, and you don't believe it. So what do you believe? "

At this time, Jack Tong looks at jastefer with a deep thought. He seems to have been completely confused by jastefer. One moment, jastefer tells her, another moment, she is jastefer. Now he feels that he has completely lost his ability to judge which sentence jastefer says is true or false.

Ye Feng also looked at jesterfield with a deep thought at this time. He didn't know why jesterfield did it, but it can be seen from the lines of jesterfield's words that jesterfield knew this Tom jack, otherwise she couldn't have known so many things.

But just now jesteffe suddenly revealed his identity, which was a bit unexpected to Ye Feng. But now after listening to jesteffe's words, Ye Feng knows that jesteffe's original words are purposeful, and she just wants to forgive Tang Jack.

After pondering for a moment, Jack Tang said to jasterfeld, "even if jasterfeld told you before he died, you are also related to jasterfeld now. Just this, we can send you to the Security Bureau, you know? Don't you know what jesterfield did? "

Jasterfeld shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm sorry, jasterfeld didn't tell me why she left lonarsburg, so I don't know what she did in those years!"

Jack Tang snorted coldly, "if you say you don't know, you don't know?"

Jesteffe asked Jack, "don't say I don't know. Even if I know, what can I do? What did I do to the Federation? Or did I go on with jesterfield's mistake? I'm just a poor man now. The only mistake I made was to fly to longas castle with Joanna. Besides, I really don't know what I've done wrong. "

After hearing this, Jack Tang can't refute it. His face moves slightly. He doesn't want to say anything. At this time, his mobile phone rings. He immediately goes to one side to connect the phone.

When he began to talk, his tone was normal, but then his face moved. He immediately looked back at Ye Feng. After a few of them, he immediately covered his mouth with his mobile phone and walked towards the door.

At this time, Ye Feng picked up the cat face man on the ground. After he pinched the cat face man, the cat face man gradually regained consciousness. As soon as he regained consciousness, he had a cold war. Then he felt the pain in his face and hummed a few times.

Ye Feng asked cat face, "is it OK?"

The cat faced man covered his mouth and said, "it's OK. I can hold this one and a half! No one can die

After that, the cat faced man stood up and looked around. He found that Jack was not there. He immediately said, "where was that guy just now? Run away? "

At this time, the moon shadow with no sleeves said with a smile to the cat face, "yes, just now that guy punched you in the face and directly broke the bone of his hand. Now he went to the doctor to bandage it!"

When the cat faced man heard this, he couldn't help but wonder, "is it true or not?" But then it came to me that they were knocked unconscious with one blow, and one of their teeth was knocked off. How could they break the hand bone and the shadow of the moon has no sleeve? This is saying that they are thick skinned in disguise.

At this time, Ye Feng walked up to jesterfield and said in a low voice, "what are you doing?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders to Ye Feng and said, "I'm just talking with him. I can't tell which one is true and which one is false from his IQ."

Ye Feng stares at jesterfield and says, "it's not just that Tom jack, but I can't tell the real from the fake."

Jaster fee smell speech face slightly move, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "you doubt me which is a lie?"

Ye Feng stares at Jester fee for a long time, then says to him, "you..."

Just said a word, this time Tom Jack has come back from the outside, see cat face man has stood up, can't help but look more, then a smile, "cat Ye wake up?"

The cat faced man could not help humming. This guy was obviously teasing himself. If he didn't know that he couldn't beat him, he would beat him in the morning.

Tom Jack saw that the cat faced man's face was ugly. He didn't even look at himself. He couldn't help laughing. Then he took another look at Ye Feng and some of them. Then he nodded and said, "OK, you can go!"

Cat face man can't help but look at Jack in amazement and say, "can we go now? What do you want to do? "

Jack Tong shrugged and said, "what? Would you like to let you go? " After a pause, she said, "Miss Joanna has already told the captain of our nail palace guard that you are all her friends. Let me release you immediately. How can I go against her wishes? Although I think you have a lot of doubts, I have no choice but to let people go! "Then Tom Jack motioned one of his men behind him to open the iron cage. The man took out a remote control in his hand and pressed it. The iron railings around and on the roof immediately began to retract.

At this time, Jack Tang walks up to Ye Feng. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he reaches out his hand to Ye Feng and says, "your skill is good. I'll ask you if I have a chance!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan stares at Tang Jack in front of him for a moment. After that, he reaches out his hand and simply shakes Tang Jack.

Jack Tang went up to the cat face man and held out his hand to the cat face man, saying, "don't care, master cat, we don't know each other anymore!"

But the cat faced man snorted coldly, "if it wasn't for your surprise, I might not have lost to you!"

Jack Tong shrugged and said, "yes!" Then he extended his hand to the front.

The cat faced man was still not happy, but after all, he held out his hand and just patted it on Jack's palm, which was regarded as a handshake.

Jack looked at jesteffe and said, "you can go! I'm sure we'll see you again soon! "

The cat face man looked at Jack and said, "what else do you want to meet?"

Tom Jack said immediately, "you are all miss Joanna's friends. We will meet again some time."

Then Jack said to one of his men, "send them to where they want to go!"

The cat face man said, "no, we'll go by ourselves."

Jack Tang said, "the traffic in longarsene castle is complicated. It's better for them to send it off! What's more, we can't hit the aircraft here at all! "

Ye Feng then said to Tang jack, "thank you."

Tang jack also shrugs his shoulders and looks at Ye Feng with a smile, but he doesn't say anything more. Then he sees Ye Feng and several of them leave.

On the aircraft, cat face talent surprised way, "this person good end let us do?"

The moon shadow without sleeves said, "they said it, but Joanna asked them to let people go!"

But the cat faced man asked, "didn't they tie Joanna? How could you listen to Joanna again? "

Jesteffe said to the cat faced man, "you just fainted, so you didn't hear. They are from the Han Ding palace guard."

The cat faced man can't help but wonder, "Han Ding palace guard?" With that, his heart moved and he explained, "I was not dizzy just now, I just had a rest..."

The moon shadow has no sleeve and says with a smile, "well, you should know everything about what happened just now."

Cat face immediately white eye shadow sleeve, shadow sleeve is a shrug, turned his head, when did not see.

Ye Feng said, "it must have something to do with his phone call!"

"The cat face person hears speech to say immediately," a Nan is not to say, it is Joanna to let him let us, have what relation with that telephone

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "according to my guess, that phone call should be made by Hanks. It should be Hanks who really wants to release people, but it's not sure whether it's due to Joanna."

After the aircraft took off, the pilot asked Ye Feng where they were going. Jesteffe immediately said an address. Then he said to Ye Feng, "anyway, let's leave here first!"

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