The aircraft has been driving in the direction that jesteffe said. The whole aircraft is shuttling through the high-rise urban jungle, and soon heard the cat face humanity, "is the golden building over there what you call the Han Ding palace?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking in the direction of the cat faced man. Behind the tall buildings in front of him, you can see a piece of golden buildings, shining in the sunlight.

At this time, the cat faced man said to the driver, "can you fly over there and let's have a close look?"

If you don't want to, the driver said to the cat faced man, "what are you kidding about? There are no fly zones within five li of the Han Ding palace, don't you know?"

The cat faced man could not help hearing the words, but muttered, "I'm sorry, I really don't know!"

At this time, Ye Feng said to the driver, "flying along Huhua street, you should be outside the forbidden area, and you can see the whole Han Ding palace completely!"

The driver can't help but look at Ye Feng in amazement. "It seems that you know a lot about here! Did you do a lot of strategies before you came here? But if you fly along Huhua street, it will be farther and farther away from where you live! "

At this time, jesteffe said to the pilot, "help me. It's our first time to come to longarsene castle. It's rare to have a chance to see the Han Ding palace so close in mid air. It's a pity not to have a look. I heard that the local people in longarsene castle are very hospitable!"

I don't want the driver to say, "I think you flattered the horse. I heard for the first time that someone commented on the hospitality of the people in longarsenic castle." Then he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "well, I'll do a good job and take you around Huhua street once!"

On hearing this, jesteffe immediately expressed his thanks to the driver. The driver immediately turned around and flew to Huhua street. After bypassing more than a dozen buildings, the golden and resplendent Han Ding palace appeared in front of him.

From the perspective of high altitude, Ye Feng knew that the Han Ding palace was several times larger than the Forbidden City he had seen on the earth. Moreover, all the building materials were gold. Under the sunlight, he could see it very dazzling.

At this time, the cat faced man could not help saying, "I can't see the golden color so clearly!"

The pilot said, "it's intentional. It's just to blink. Otherwise, in this era when everyone can afford an aircraft, if everyone's eyes are fixed on the Han Ding palace, isn't the safety problem of the federal leaders the biggest hidden danger?"

Ye Feng then toward driver way, "originally Han Ding palace is red primarily?"

The pilot nodded and said, "yes, it turned out to be red. After the founding of the Federation, many orphans of the former dynasty assassinated the current president. In order to protect the leaders of the Federation, special gold materials were used in addition to the red walls and red tiles, which became what it is now. After the beginning, it was only used in a few fixed places, and gradually began to play The whole Han Ding palace is like this! "

The cat faced man sat back with a disappointed face and said, "it's boring. I can't see clearly. What else can I see? The eyes of the people who are doing it are going to be dazzled! "

The driver looked at the cat and said, "if you want to know what the Han Ding palace looks like, you can buy a model of the Han Ding palace near the Han Ding palace. Many stores have it for sale. You can collect it!"

But the cat faced man muttered, "no, I really can't see clearly. I want to buy a fake model. Do you want to ask?"

After hearing this, the driver asked the people, "do you want to see it or not? If you don't, I'll send you back!"

Jesteffe then looked at Ye Feng, and saw that Ye Feng did not look at the Han Ding palace outside. Then he said to the driver, "turn around, I don't want to see it!"

As soon as the pilot heard this, he immediately turned the direction of the aircraft and continued to go to the address jestfel said. After flying for about half an hour, jestfel said, "land here!"

The driver said, "two blocks to go, right?"

Jesterfield said, "no, just stop here!"

The pilot said, "that's not good. I've been ordered to send you back. If Deputy Captain Jack Tang knows that I didn't send you in place, I'll be punished after I go back. Don't make it difficult for me to do it!"

Jasterfeld nodded after a while of pondering and said, "then you can send it!" Finish saying and Ye Feng looked at each other, two people in the mind know, this driver is to know where they live, really want to go back to Tom Jack account should be detailed address.

In addition to Ye Feng, Dixie and Yueying have no sleeves. Everyone knows why Jack Tang insists on sending them away. It's just that they pretend they don't know if they don't know.

Soon the aircraft flew over two blocks, the aircraft began to land, until it reached the ground, which was a smooth landing.

Jastefer said to the driver, "thank you very much!"

The pilot just nodded a smile and said nothing. He watched everyone get off the aircraft one by one. After everyone got off the aircraft, the pilot didn't fly away immediately.Ye Feng and they all know the real purpose of the driver. No one asked. They just follow jesterfield forward. At this time, the cat faced man hums, "what does this guy want to do?"

Jesteffe said to the cat faced man, "don't worry. He's also a routine. Besides, we expected that before we came here, didn't we? Now we just need to take care of ourselves. Sooner or later, they will relax their vigilance and even completely withdraw their pursuit of us! "

Ye Feng is a while pondering. When jesteffe is talking to Tom jack, he always feels that jesteffe is deliberately leaking some flaws to make Tom Jack doubt them. But this is only Ye Feng's own guess. He has not thought of what jesteffe's purpose is and what's good for her.

Soon, jesteffe took a group of people to the downstairs of an apartment building. At this time, the cat faced man looked back. The pilot got off the aircraft and followed them all the time. Seeing the cat faced man looking this way, he immediately avoided to one side of the alley.

Seeing this, the cat faced man could not help sneering and said, "Han Ding palace guard? That's the tracking technique? Who can be followed? "

Ye Feng said to the cat face man at this time, "maybe they don't intend to hide it at all. It seems that they are deliberately telling us that they are following us. Otherwise, in any case, there are many ways to really follow us secretly with the degree of scientific and technological civilization of eisf. There is no need to do so!"

Jesteffe immediately said, "you're right. They just need to send out a few stealth detection vehicles. Their purpose is to tell us that we have been monitored by them!"

The cat faced man asked jasterfeld, "why do they do this? If you doubt us, just lock us up. If you let us go, just follow us secretly. Now you don't know whether they are idiots or we are idiots! "

Jesteffe said humanely to the cat, "if they don't let us go, they don't expect to find anything on us, but they let us go and follow us with hidden things. They're afraid that if we find them, they will have to show their cards. So they do this on purpose. They just want to warn us and don't mess with us. It's a conspiracy to tell us they're watching Let's see what we can do! "

Cat face person smell speech or full of don't understand, leaf Feng then nodded a way, "don't care him, we should do what or do what!"

Jesteffe immediately took Ye Feng and them into the building, and then entered the elevator. The cat faced man said, "that guy must follow us to see which floor we will be on. We'd better press every floor, so as not to be noticed by them!"

Jesteffe said, "the other party is likely to see if we will do this, so as to judge if there is any problem on our side. Moreover, if the other party really wants to know which floor we are on, it doesn't need to do this at all, so it's easy to find out, so it's better not to use this kind of trick!"

Since arriving at longarsenic castle, Dixie has seldom spoken. At this time, he suddenly said to Ye Feng, "I want to act alone!"

Ye Feng a listen to Dixi si so a say, immediately complexion move, "alone action?"

"I don't want to waste my time under the action of these idiots in the Han Ding palace guard," Dixie nodded! Now that they're staring here, we should distract them and distract them! "

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