Hearing this, she frowned and said, "now they know how many of us we are. If you leave now, it's easy to attract each other's attention? Suddenly one person is missing, and the other person is not a fool. How can he not see it? "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, his heart moved and he didn't speak for a while, but Ye Feng could see that his mood was a little restless at this time.

Ye Feng immediately said to Dixie, "don't be impatient. We've been waiting for such a long time. Now we are all in longarsenbao. Do you still care about waiting for these days?"

Jesterfield said at this time, "yes, we just have to be patient for a few days. After these people's attention is not on us, we can trace back to that year."

But Dixie snorted coldly, "do you want to know what happened in those years? I don't think you're interested at all, are you

Jesteffe could not help but look at him later and said, "what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean, you know it! Don't think everyone else is a fool. You are constantly revealing the relationship between you and jesteffe. What do you want to do? Now we're targeted, aren't we? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, to tell the truth, in fact Ye Feng is also suspicious of jesteffe's motive, but he didn't like Dixie can't bear to say it.

Jasterfeld sighed, "it's because of this that you want to leave alone. In fact, you just want to avoid me, don't you?"

"Yes, I just don't want to stay here. When I was in Huck Bay, I suspected that you had a problem. I knew what happened in those years, but I didn't say it. I said one or two words from time to time, hanging my stomach. What do you want to do? Now that you're in longas castle, you're still like this. What's the purpose of making Jack Tong suspect you

Seeing this, the cat faced man immediately said, "is there any misunderstanding in this? Ah Nan is definitely not such a person!"

At this time, the moon shadow said to the cat faced man, "at that time, you fainted. If you don't know what happened, don't interrupt!"

Then he immediately looked at jesteffe and said, "what Dixie asked was just my inner question. At that time, I was curious, but I didn't ask. Now that Dixie said this question, should you explain something?"

Jesterfield took a look at the crowd, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "what about you? Are you doubting me, too? "

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. At this time, the elevator had been opened. After looking at it, jesteffe immediately walked out of the elevator and looked back at several people in the elevator. "If you believe me, you will come down. If you start to doubt me, I guess you will stay here. You must have more doubts! Those who believe in me will come out, and those who don't believe in me will do as they please! "

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately walked out of the elevator way, "a Nan, I believe you!"

Ye Feng at this time heart next move, looking at jesterfield at this time is staring at himself, his heart is also a hesitation.

This time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "do you still believe her? At that time, she deliberately showed off her flaws. One time, she said that she was jesteffe, another time, she said that she was not. She deliberately mentioned the name jesteffe to attract the attention of Jack Tang? You can't see that, can you? "

Yueying Wuxiu immediately said to Yefeng, "yes, I even doubt that at that time in Huke Bay, gulina said that someone had damaged the security system from inside, didn't she..."

At this time, Ye Feng immediately interrupted Yueying's sleeveless words and said, "don't talk about the past. This way..." Then he looked at jesterfield and said, "aren't you going to explain?"

As soon as jesterfield was about to speak, Ye Feng immediately interrupted, "don't you think you have any problems? Since we are companions, it's better to ask questions than to hide them in our hearts? If you don't say this or that, it's reasonable for everyone to have doubts! "

On hearing this, the cat faced man also said to jestefeld, "yes, ah Nan, do you have any difficulty? Why don't you just tell them why? We are all together. It's not worth fighting for such a small thing! "

"I don't think she has any explanation at all," said Dixie coldly

Jesteffe took a deep breath at this time and looked at the people, "well, since you want to know why, come in with me and I'll tell you slowly!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately made a round and said, "that's good. If there's any misunderstanding, let's make it clear, so that everyone won't be suspicious..."

Ye Feng was just about to step out of the elevator, but Dixie said to Ye Feng, "do you still believe her?"

Ye Feng turned back to Dixie and said, "she is at best a suspect now. Should you also give her a chance to defend herself? Even the judge needs to hear the suspect's words before he is finally convicted?"

When she heard the words, she pondered for a while. At this time, the shadow of the moon immediately said, "yes, let's see what she will say. If we don't believe it, we can still go!""It's mainly up to you, I don't care!" she said with a shrug

Ye Feng was relieved and walked out of the elevator. Then he said to jester, "lead the way!"

Jesteffe immediately walked along the corridor to one side, quickly came to a door, opened the code lock, pressed a few numbers, the door immediately opened.

After jesteffe opened the door, people could see that it was a compound apartment with two floors. Just after entering the door, there was a large living room with a whole glass window on one side. You can see the outside scene.

On both sides of the living room were two rooms, as well as the bathroom and kitchen. After jesteffe came in, he said to the public, "sit down!"

After everyone came in, jesteffe went to one side and opened a door. There was a robot inside. She immediately started the robot and said, "go and pour tea for the guests!"

After the robot started, it immediately replied in an electronic voice, "yes, master!"

The cat faced man said strangely, "Nan, do you still have a robot here? Life is OK

At this time, the robot started up and began to go to the kitchen to prepare tea. Jesteffe sat down on the sofa in the living room. Then he took a look at the people and said, "sit down!"

Ye Feng sits on one side of jesterfield, while Dixie and Yueying are sitting opposite each other. The cat faced man says to jesterfield, "ah Nan, you can talk. Can I have a look?"

Jesteffe said to the cat faced man that he was at ease. Then he took a look at Dixie and the shadow of the moon. Then he said, "you're right. I really have a problem!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at jester and said, "what?"

Dixie sneered, "what? Are you ready to explode? "

The moon shadow without sleeve also looks at jestefel in surprise. She says in her heart, what is she doing?

Ye Feng saw jesterfield finish saying this, fell into a moment of silence, this just looked at jesterfield way, "what did you just say, what do you mean?"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "what else to ask, she admitted it!"

Ye Feng said, "even if you admit it, you have to know what she has done?" Then he immediately looked at jesterfield and said, "aren't you going to say it yet?"

Jesterfield took a deep breath and then said, "what I said to Tom jack is true. I'm not jesterfield!"

On hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded, staring at jesterfield. Ye Feng frowned and said, "aren't you jesterfield? You mean Are you really the one you're talking about, just the one who knew jesteffe before she died? "

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "yes, my name was a Nan. At that time, I met jesteffe by accident. She and I met at first sight. Unfortunately, she was seriously injured at that time and died soon. She told me a lot of things before she died, and copied part of her memory to me in her way!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "do you mean some technical problems of the federal Academy of Sciences?"

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "yes, in addition to these, there are also some memories about lonarsenic castle, and most importantly, there are some questions that Tom jack is more interested in!"

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