Yefeng listen to Jester fee, no, if Jester fee is right, then her name is a Nan, jester fee is just her fake name.

Ye Feng listen to such a Nan said, can't help but eyebrow way, "Tom Jack interested in the problem? Do you mean, Jack said at that time about the defection of jesteffe? "

Ah Nan nodded and said, "that's right. Jesteffe defected because he discovered a secret of the Federation."

When he heard the words, he immediately said to her, "is it because of this problem that I rebelled at that time?"

At this time, ah Nan said to Dixie, "let me explain first. You said that I didn't say a word about what happened in those years, which made you very confused. In fact, to tell you the truth, because I'm not jasterfeld at all, she just copied some memories for me, and these memories are related to some technical problems, even if I know some things, they are all It's related to technical problems, so it's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't know at all! "

At this point, ah Nan looked at Dixie and continued to say, "but sometimes, I don't think you can recover your memory, and you are worried. That's why I told you the only information I know, but maybe it's because what I know is not comprehensive, so it's your misunderstanding!"

The moon shadow has no sleeves, but she interrupts a Nan and says, "wait a minute You said you were not jasterfeld, so why did you pretend to use jasterfeld's name? And what do you mean by talking to Tom Jack over there? What is the purpose? "

Ah Nan immediately said, "pretending to use the name of jesteffe is jesteffe's own meaning. She knows that she will die soon, but she doesn't want the federal people to know that she is dead, so she wants me to continue to live in her name..."

Yueying Wuxiu immediately interrupted a-nan, "no, since jesteffe's life is not long, she should know that if you continue to recognize her name, it will bring you inconvenience, or even death!"

Ah Nan immediately explained, "you're right. At the beginning, jesteffe was worried about this, but she saw that I had some skills, and my skills were much better than her. In addition, I like this girl very much, so I had to help her in the end!"

At this time, Yueying looked at the girl and said, "then why do you say that to Jack Tang? In other words, why do you expose yourself? "

The girl then said to the moon shadow, "that's because in jesteffe's memory, there is a memory about Jack. And in jesteffe's memory for me, Hanks, the master of Jack, is an old friend of jesteffe. The purpose of this is to let Jack pass the news to Hanks."

"To Hanks?" she asked? What do you want him to do? Are you going to meet her? "

Ah Nan said immediately, "yes, because there was a very important thing handed to Hanks before jesteffe left ronarsburg. I had to take it back!"

The shadow of the moon without sleeves immediately asked a Nan, "what is it?"

But a Nan looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "I can't tell you this for the time being!"

At this time, Dixie asked her, "in other words, you don't know all about that year?"

A Nan can't help shrugging her shoulders when she hears the speech. After taking a look at Dixie, she looks at Ye Feng again and says, "I'm really sorry, I've been hiding you for so long!"

But Ye Feng looked at a Nan and said, "so how did you participate in the micro universe project?"

Ah Nan immediately said, "at that time, jesteffe separated us in order to create time for me to escape. She asked me to go to Huck bay to participate in the micro universe project in her name!"

Yueying Wuxiu immediately said, "jesteffe is a traitor to the Federation. Although Jock Emma is far away in Huck Bay, he must know So what's the connection between jesteffe and Jock Emma? "

A Nan shrugged and said, "I don't remember that, so I can't answer you!"

Then, how do you know that jesteffe is dead

After taking a deep breath at this time, she said to Dixie, "because she knew who was chasing him at that time, and she knew that she would surely die!"

When she heard the words, she frowned. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "you mean..."

Ah Nan nodded and said, "that's right!" Then he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's you, Satan, who are chasing jestefel!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he suddenly looked at her and said, "is it me? It's me who killed Dixie, and it's me who killed jesteffe now? Who was I from? Is it federal? "

A Nan said to Ye Feng at this time, "I don't know. I can only wait until your memory is completely restored."

Yueying Wuxiu immediately asked her, "is it still wrong? If you know that it's Satan who killed jesteffe, that is to say, you know that Satan is the murderer of jesteffe, and you still approach him on purpose?"Ye Feng originally thought of this question, but was asked by the moon shadow sleeveless quickly. At this time, he immediately looked at a Nan, waiting for her answer.

A Nan immediately said, "it's a coincidence to meet you on the spaceship. When I knew that Ye Feng was Satan, I was also shocked. I even thought about revenge for jasterfeld. But I know I will not be your opponent. And the longer I get along with you, the more I feel that there must be something strange in that year. Satan may not be the real murderer of jasterfeld !”

But Ye Feng said to her, "that's because I haven't recovered my memory. If I can completely recover my memory, I will be the real murderer who killed jestefel, or even my nature? What do you do? "

Ah Nan looked at Ye Feng and said, "even if you are the real murderer who killed jestefeld, why do you want to kill Dixie? A woman you love so much? "

But Ye Feng said to a Nan, "some people don't have bottom line when they are bad. Maybe I am such a person!"

Ah Nan shook her head and said, "maybe, but I don't think so!"

Ye Feng frowned, "why?"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I can't say it. Maybe it's the intuition you often say."

"So, that's to say, you have a purpose to come to lonzabur

A Nan said, "no, it's my plan to come to eisf. At that time, on the spaceship, I had secretly changed the course of the spaceship, but you didn't know it!"

"That is to say, did you bring us to eisf?"

Ah Nan nodded slightly and said, "that's right!"

There was a moment of silence when he was in the room, but ah Nan looked at everyone and continued, "what else do you want to ask? You can ask them now! "

At this time, Ye Feng immediately asked her, "what are you going to do after you take back the things that jesterfield put in Hanks?"

A Nan shook her head and said, "I don't know, because I don't know what that thing is. After I came to eisf, in fact, many times, I'm a step-by-step person. I need your help, so sometimes I can only comply with your opinions, because if I come to eisf, I'll come to longarsenic castle, you will doubt me!"

Moon shadow asked immediately, "did you destroy the system outside Huck bay system defense bureau?"

Ah Nan immediately shook her head and said, "no, although jesteffe may have something to do with Jock Emma, I have nothing to do with them!"

Ye Feng immediately asked ah Nan, "so, your ultimate goal is to avenge jesterfield?"

Ah Nan shook her head and said, "no, jesteffe's business is just a part of it. In my memory, jesteffe's idea that has penetrated into my bone marrow is to overthrow the old system and build a new system! So my ultimate goal is the same as yours, because jesteffe's idea is my idea now! And don't forget, although I'm not jesteffe, I'm also Mrs. ace. I also know that eisf's maladies are deeply afflicted by these maladies, so it's not against my original intention to overthrow it! "

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng pondered for a long time without saying another word. Dixie also pondered for a long time without saying a word.

The shadow of the moon has no sleeves to think about, it seems to want to find the flaw in a Nan's words, a pair of eyes are still staring at a Nan.

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