Seeing that all the people didn't speak any more, a Nan said, "what I said is the truth. If you don't believe me, I can't help it! I've told you all I know! "

At this time, the shadow of the Moon said to her, "jastefer is from the federal Academy of Sciences. How can she know the guards of the Han Ding palace?"

A Nan said to the moon shadow, "it's a coincidence. I have this memory. It's because jesteffe was in danger when he was involved in a scientific research project. Hanks, the leader of the Han Ding palace guard, was on a business trip and happened to save jesteffe. That's how they knew each other! As far as I can remember, the two of them are mutually affectionate, but I don't know if there is any further development. Maybe only the dead jesteffe and Hanks know about it! "

Ye Feng could not help nodding and said, "this explains why jesteffe gave things to Hanks after the accident. It turns out that they are in a relationship, so it's all right!"

But Dixie said at this time, "now the most important question is, what is this thing? We have to get in touch with Hanks and take this thing over to see it! "

Ah Nan immediately nodded and said, "that's what I mean. That's why I intentionally or unintentionally revealed a little bit of the relationship between Jesse and me. Besides, I also told Tom Jack that I knew his master, so that he could tell Hanks and bring him here!"

After hearing this, everyone was relieved. At this time, the robot came out and began to serve tea.

After drinking a mouthful of tea, Ye Feng said, "now the misunderstanding has been solved. If you have any questions, just ask them directly. Don't be bored in your heart!"

Dixie shook his head and said, "I have nothing to ask. I can't think of anything to ask for the time being."

At this time, the moon shadow shrugged, "I have nothing to ask!" Then he said to a-nan, "sister a-nan, don't get me wrong. I didn't aim at you just now. I was just curious. And after I asked, I didn't have any doubts!"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and then said to Yueying, "it doesn't matter. It's all my fault. I should have confessed long ago, but I always think it's better not to say it! I'm worried... " Then immediately, the front of the story changed again, "forget it, as long as you can understand it!"

Ye Feng said to her, "you are worried about me, aren't you? If I killed the former jestefel, do you worry that I will be bad for you after your identity is exposed? Don't be silly. If it's really bad for you, you'll be dead when you say you're jestfeld! "

Ah Nan nodded and said, "so it turns out that I think too much!"

At this time, the cat faced man came down from the second floor and said to a Nan, "a Nan, the view of this house is so good!" Then he looked at everyone and saw that they were not as serious as before. He immediately said, "it seems that everyone has made it clear? That's good. It's fine after the rain! "

The moon shadow without sleeves looked at the cat's face curiously, "are you not interested in these at all? Why don't you even ask? "

Cat face shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have no brain, but I believe that a Nan, you are all smart people. It's just because everyone has something to say in their hearts that they will cause misunderstanding. As long as you are honest and clear, there will be nothing left. What should I do with that heart?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but toward cat face a smile way, "is to say you have no heart no lung good?"? Or what to say? "

The cat faced man was just about to speak when he heard a knock at the door. All the people could not help but move and looked at the door one after another. The moon shadow said with a sleeveless smile, "who could it be?"

Ah Nan also said in a low voice, "this house should be a secret point of jestefeld. Most people don't know about it..."

Then he heard the knock on the door again. It was rhythmic. It seems that the knock on the door should be a gentle man.

At this time, a Nan immediately went to the door and looked at the person standing at the door from the monitor on one side. It turned out that it was a man in his thirties. He was wearing a dark blue suit, his hair was neatly combed, and he was wearing a pair of black framed glasses. As Ye Feng said, he looked polite.

A Nan then turned back toward Ye Feng and said, "a man I don't know, what should I do?"

Ye Feng also walked in the past at this time, staring at the monitor for a while, asked a Nan, "really don't know? I mean, there's no one in jestfeld's memory? "

Ah Nan shook her head and said, "there is no such person in my only memory of jesteffe!"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said to a Nan, "open the door, I'll stand at the door and listen to what he said first!"

A Nan took a deep breath and looked at Ye Feng. Then she opened the door. However, she saw that the man at the door was about to knock again. When she saw that a Nan opened the door, she immediately said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm the neighbor next door!"

Listen to that man say so, a Nan immediately says, "Oh, Hello, what can I do for you?"The man immediately said, "Oh, nothing's wrong. I just heard something here. I know you're back, so I came to visit you. I haven't seen you since I moved here."

Ah Nan said, "Oh, I seldom come to live in this house. It's always idle. I just came back today..."

The man immediately said, "Oh, so it is, that Can I go in? "

Hearing this, she immediately said, "I'm sorry, I'm very tired now. I just want to have a rest. If you don't have anything to do, wait until I have a rest!"

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately said, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I won't disturb you! Goodbye With that, he waved to her, then turned around and left.

After a Nan closed the door, she took a long breath and said to Ye Feng, "it's a neighbor!"

But Ye Feng pondered, "it seems that it is not so simple as the neighbor!"

A Nan looks at Ye Feng and says, "isn't it a neighbor?"

Ye Feng said, "how did he hear the movement here? Are we talking loud here? Even if it's loud, the sound insulation effect of the house should be OK. At least we haven't heard anything from other rooms, have we? "

A Nan a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly ground looking at leaf maple way, "do you mean?"

Ye Feng walked towards the living room and said, "this man should come to see the situation, but it's hard to say who it is! But to be sure, at least, he's not a neighbor! "

The cat faced man immediately said, "could it be Tom jack or theirs?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, as long as his people know where we live, they won't come easily! Unless Hanks is looking for her

At this time, the moon shadow immediately said, "could it be an old acquaintance of jasterfeld before?"

A Nan said immediately, "I don't have the impression of this person at all. Even if I'm an old acquaintance, I can't remember it!"

Dixie said, "if it's an old acquaintance of jasterfeld, he already knew that it wasn't jasterfeld who came back just now when she opened the door?"

Ah Nan immediately said, "that's for sure. I'm not jesteffe, and I'm not jesteffe now. He..." With that, ah Nan immediately said, "if you say that, his eyes that just looked at me did twinkle, as if he was wondering why it was me who opened the door!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "now don't think about it. If he wants to know the situation here, he should come again! What I'm most interested in now is whether Hanks will call on me! "

Moon shadow without sleeve said, "even if he comes, he won't come with what jesteffe gave him!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "that's for sure. I just want to see Hanks!"

At this time, the cat face man said, "don't say so much. Is there anything at home? Aren't you hungry? I'm starving! Can you get something to eat? "

After listening to this, everyone felt hungry. A Nan said, "this house has been deserted for a long time. Should there be nothing to eat?"

Cat face man immediately said, "well, we might as well go out to eat and just go out for a stroll. It's time for you guys from Huck bay to see the charm of metropolis, isn't it?"

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