People can't help but move when they hear what the cat face man said. The secret way is that they can't even leave the door because they are being watched by the guards of the Han Ding palace. That's more abnormal. What should they do? It's not easy to arouse people's suspicion.

Ye Feng was the first one to agree, "OK, let's go out and have a meal. We should do what we want to do. It's right to say that there is no Han Ding palace guard."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, they all nodded their heads and agreed. They began to stand up and prepare to leave the apartment and go out to find food.

A group of people open the door to leave the apartment room. As they pass by the door next door, a Nan subconsciously looks at the door and finds that the door is closed, so she doesn't say much and follows Ye Feng downstairs.

When they left the apartment building, Ye Feng didn't notice that the guards of the Han Ding palace were still nearby. They didn't know whether they had withdrawn the surveillance or whether the surveillance people had hidden in the dark instead.

Ye Feng they did not care so much, since they have decided not to care, there is no need to care about these.

A group of people stroll on the road. Although the city of lonas castle is very big, there are not many pedestrians on the street. After all, in this era, many people go out mainly by flying machines, and occasionally solar powered vehicles. Walking has become a rare phenomenon.

So Ye Feng and his party are walking on the road. Occasionally, when they are seen in passing solar cars and low flying aircraft, they can't help but feel a little shocked and surprised. They seem to be different from the super city of lonas castle.

But Ye Feng didn't find the strange look in the aircraft and solar car. They still went their own way. However, after a long time, they found that they couldn't see where to eat in the street. They couldn't help but feel sad.

At this time, a Nan said to the crowd, "in jesteffe's memory, there is a restaurant nearby that is OK..." After looking around, he pointed to the front and said, "that's the fourth floor of the brown building!"

They immediately followed ah nan to the brown building, and soon went up to the fourth floor. They found that it was really a restaurant, and the occupancy rate was not low. It was not easy to wait for a table, so they went to sit down.

But at the same time, a Nan's face is a change, Ye Feng see in the eye, can't help toward a Nan way, "how?"

A Nan said in a low voice, "I saw the neighbor who came to me just now!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears this. He immediately follows a Nan's eyes and sees that he is sitting in front of a table not far away. He is really the gentle man in the video, but he is just sitting there alone, as if waiting to serve.

At this time, the robot attendant comes over and asks Ye Feng what they want. They can place an order directly on the display on the robot's chest and buy it directly.

Ye Feng doesn't know how to order, so she gives it to a nan to operate it. After a Nan orders a few special dishes here, when it comes to the payment, she immediately thinks of the membership card of Jester fee, and immediately enters the card number and password. Unexpectedly, jester fee still has a balance here, so she settles with Jester fee's membership card.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Ye Feng looks at the neighbor's table. However, he sees that the neighbor is also looking at his side. When he sees that he is looking there, he immediately nods to Ye Feng, as if to say hello.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, did not make the reaction, but saw that 'neighbor' unexpectedly uninvited, stood up, walked toward them this side, has been walking to everybody's table, this just toward a Nan a smile way, "so coincidentally, you also come here to eat?"

Hearing this, she could not help looking up at the neighbor, then nodded and said, "yes, what a coincidence! Are you coming here for dinner? "

The neighbor nodded to her and said, "if you don't mind, I'll sit down and eat together? Anyway, I'm alone. I see so many people on your side. It looks like it's very busy! "

Before ah Nan spoke, the neighbor had already extended his hand to Ye Feng and others. He did not forget to introduce himself and said, "Hello, I'm Hannibal. I live next door..."

As soon as Ye Feng heard the name, he felt a little confused. On earth, Hannibal was a perverted murderer. However, looking at Hannibal's gentle appearance, it seemed that there was no such sign.

Hannibal seemed impolite. After shaking hands with a group of people, he immediately moved a stool and sat down between Ye Feng and a Nan. He said with a smile, "I've been alone all the time. I haven't eaten with so many people for a long time!"

The cat faced man then took a look at Hannibal and said, "you are quite familiar with yourself."

Hannibal didn't know whether he didn't hear the banter or pretended he didn't hear it. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, "in the jungle of steel and concrete like lonas castle, the feelings between people are the same as those of cold cement. It's rare to meet people who are not so young. Should we warm up, or should we warm up, or else we should warm up My feelings are really weak! Don't you think so? "Hannibal's words, Ye Feng they a few speechless retort, cat face person also just a smile way, "what do you do?"

Hannibal immediately stood up, took out a business card box, took out his business card, and scattered it to the public, saying, "I'm a doctor, a surgeon! Please give me more advice

Ye Feng took Hannibal's doctor and said in his heart, NIMA, is this the rhythm of doctor lamb?

At this time, the robot waiter began to serve the dishes, and a-nan said, "don't say it. The dishes are coming. Let's eat first."

Hannibal sat down and said, "I ordered a few dishes, too!" Then he immediately said to the robot on one side, "bring my order to this table, too!"

When the dishes were ready, Hannibal said, "nice to meet you all!" Then he raised his glass and said, "let's have a cup of tea instead of wine."

At this time, the cat face man said, "we just want to have a quiet meal. We don't want to do so many tricks. You come uninvited. Why do you still want to turn away from the guests?"

Hannibal put down his glass and said with a smile, "OK, then eat vegetables!"

All of them did not speak any more. They were eating. The atmosphere on the table was a little embarrassed. Hannibal wanted to speak several times in the middle of the way, but he finally put up with it.

After all the people had finished eating, the robot attendant came up to clean up. As soon as Hannibal was about to speak, the cat faced man immediately gave a guest order and said, "now that we've had dinner together, we want to talk about privacy here, so it's not convenient for you to sit here any more?"

Hannibal stood up, nodded to the crowd, and then said, "good bye, then. I'll live next door to you, and you can come to me whenever you have something to do."

After they all nodded, they watched Hannibal leave. After Hannibal left, the cat faced man said, "I've never seen such a thick skinned man!"

At this time, Yueying no sleeve picked up the business card on the table and said, "I can't see it. I'm still a master swordsman!"

A Nan said at this time, "no matter what he does, I feel that his motive is not pure. If he can't contact, he can't contact!"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "this Hannibal is very interesting!"

The cat face man can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "is that cheeky? What's interesting? "

Ye Feng then took the business card on the table and said, "he is clearly a doctor in charge of surgery, but I see that his hand is a gun holding hand, and look at the cocoons on his hand, which can't be grasped in one or two years, at least ten years of gun holding history."

When people heard this, their faces were all moving. At this time, Dixie said, "now we'd better not make a fuss. No matter he's a doctor or a killer, as long as we don't get in touch with him, it doesn't matter to us."

The cat faced man said to him, "the problem is that we don't take the initiative to have an intersection with him, but he wants to have an intersection with us, and you can see that he even takes the initiative to come over for dinner, and he can't hide in time. What can he do?"

When she heard this, she said, "I think Hannibal must have some purpose, and he will come to us again!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "instead of guessing, it's better to ask directly when we come back next time. I believe this Hannibal is also a smart man, and he must know what we have seen! Otherwise, he would not have come to us on his own initiative! "

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