A Nan said that she had the same plan. When they went back, they saw a luxury solar car parked at the door of the apartment building, and there was a man in a black suit standing at the four corners of the car with eyeglasses. They didn't know where to visit.

When people saw this, they could not help but move. The cat faced man said directly, "is there any important person in this building?"

Even so, the crowd walked over. They thought the car was coming for them, but when they walked over, the four men in black didn't move at all. They didn't even look at them.

Ye Feng, they were puzzled. They didn't find anything different when they went upstairs. However, when a Nan opened the lock with the password, she stood at the door and looked at the direction of the living room.

Seeing ah Nan like this, Ye Feng's heart also moved. He immediately stepped forward and stepped inside the door. At this time, his face also moved slightly. In front of the landing window of the living room of the apartment, there was a man standing with his back to them. At this time, he heard the man say, "are you back?"

With these words, the man standing in front of the French window slowly turned around and looked at Ye Feng and a-nan at the door. However, he saw that the man's hair was less than forty. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes. He looked very energetic.

The man's eyes were particularly sharp. When he looked at Ye Feng, he looked up and down. Then he looked at ah Nan again, and then toward the two people, "how? Is it so strange to come to your own place? "

But after staring at the man for a long time, she murmured, "Hanks?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart can't help but look at a Nan a way, "he is Hanks?"

At this time, Hanks said to her, "don't you want to see me because you've revealed so much information to Tom Jack? You're surprised that I'm here now? "

At this time, the door of the Dixie and cat face and the shadow of the sleeve came in, see Hanks, can not help but look at some.

Hanks then sat down on the sofa, took out a cigarette and lit one. Then he looked at a crowd standing at the door. "Is that how you treat guests? The guests have been here for a long time, but the host hasn't shown up yet! "

Ye Feng then walked toward Hanks and said, "is that how you visit your master? Before the host came back, the guests came in first? "

Hanks couldn't help looking up at Ye Feng, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "this kind of password lock, for me, is the same as not locking the door, so I came in. You are so hospitable that you don't let me stand outside the door waiting for you!"

Then Hanks reached out and motioned to Ye Feng. They all sat down and said, "this is your place. Why do you look more formal than my guest?"

Ye Feng sat opposite to Hanks. A Nan came and sat down. Then she said to Hanks, "so you're here this time..."

Hanks shrugged again. "Oh, my main purpose this time is to see jesterfield's friends. There's no other meaning!"

Then Hanks looked at her and said, "I heard you were the last one to see jesteffe?"

Ah Nan shook her head and said, "to be exact, the one who killed jesteffe was the last one she saw!"

Hanks sniffed at Yan and took a deep puff of his cigarette. Then he nodded and said to her, "you're right!" Then he looked at the girl and said, "listen to Tom jack, jesteffe told you a lot before he died!"

Ah Nan immediately nodded and said, "not only told me a lot of things, but also copied part of her memory to me!"

Hanks immediately nodded and said, "as far as jesteffe's technology is concerned, it's not difficult to copy the whole memory to you, but why does she just give you part of it?"

A Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know. Maybe she wants to hide something. Maybe he doesn't want me to think of the things that made her unhappy."

When Hanks heard what ah Nan said, he immediately smoked a cigarette and looked at her. He didn't speak any more, as if he was thinking about something. After a long time, he took a look at ah Nan and said, "if you really have a part of jasterfeld's memory, I hope you take good care of it!"

After talking about this, Hanks immediately stood up and snuffed out his cigarette. After taking a look at the crowd, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "well, that's all for today's visit. I'll leave first!"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately stood up and said to Hanks, "let me bring you a word before jesteffe's death!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when she hears the words. Ah Nan didn't mention it to them. Did ah Nan deliberately make it up?

Hanks immediately stopped, looked back at her in surprise and said, "did she ask you to bring me a message?"

Ah Nan immediately nodded and said, "it's because of this that I deliberately revealed some information to Jack Tang to lead you out!"

After staring at her for a long time, Hanks said, "what did she say?"

A Nan immediately said, "I know you. I have no regrets in my life."When Hanks heard that, his face suddenly changed. He looked at her in a dazed way, as if the girl in front of him was no longer a girl, but jestefel.

But Hanks soon lost his mind. He knew that a-nan was a-nan, not jesteffe. Jesteffe was unique and no longer existed.

After taking a deep breath, Hanks nodded and said, "I know! Thank you

When Hanks finished, she turned around and left. Ah Nan immediately said to Hanks, "don't you have anything to say to jesterfield?"

After hearing this, Hanks stopped again, but he didn't look back. He just said, "she's gone. Who can I talk to if I have something to say?"

A Nan said immediately, "I keep part of her memory, that is to say, part of me is jesteffe, you can tell me!"

As soon as Hanks heard this, he turned around slowly. After looking at her for a long time, he shook his head and said, "no, even if you have all her memories, you are not her! She is irreplaceable, irreplaceable

Hearing this, she stared at Hanks for a moment. Then she nodded and said, "you're right. I can't replace her!"

Hanks looked at her for a long time and said, "thank you anyway."

Ah Nan said to Hanks immediately, "jesteffe asked you to give her things!"

Hanks can't help frowning at her and said, "that's the main purpose you brought me out, isn't it?"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't want to hide it from you, half of it, it all matters!"

Hanks said, "that's a good thing for me to hide. I promised jesterfield that I would keep it for her and wait for her to pick it up, but she's gone! I'll keep it all the time! "

A Nan immediately said, "she died because of that thing. Don't you want to know what it is? Or have you already seen it and already knew it? "

Hanks looked at the girl and said, "you don't know me very well. Although you have part of jesteffe's memory, you don't know jesteffe very well. It's because she knows I won't watch it, that she can trust me to give it to me!"

Ah Nan looked at Hanks and said, "don't you want to avenge her?"

Hanks looked at her thoughtfully and said, "so, you're here to avenge jestefeld?"

Then, without waiting for her to speak, she immediately said in a deep voice, "so, you used Joanna to come to longarsenic castle?"

A Nan said immediately, "we didn't use anyone, and I didn't come to avenge her, because the memory she left me didn't have the option of hatred. She has deleted the memory of hatred!"

Hanks couldn't help staring at her for a long time. Then he sighed, "she's thoughtful. Maybe this is the most appropriate arrangement before she dies! So, don't look at it. Isn't it obvious that jesterfield didn't copy the memory of it to you? I just don't want you to know, so we have to respect her wishes! Do you think so? "

After listening to what Hanks said, a Nan immediately pondered. In fact, what Hanks said was right. If jesteffe wanted to let a Nan know the content of that thing and directly copy it to her in her memory, wouldn't he?

But Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. At this time, he suddenly stood up and said to Hanks, "so, your feelings for jesterfield are not as important as your position?"

Hanks can't help looking at Ye Feng with a frown, and says in a deep voice, "what? What do you mean by that? "

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