Ye Feng smell speech then a shrug a way, "this still use to say more?"? Normal people can see that your so-called feelings for jesteffe are just like this. Your position in your heart must be heavier than your feelings for jesteffe. Otherwise, after jesteffe's death for such a long time, did you ever want to avenge her in your mind? Even if it's just the idea? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Hanks' face became more and more ugly. Finally, he closed his eyes and said helplessly, "you're not me. How do you know that I didn't want to revenge for jesterfield?"

As soon as she heard this, she said to Hanks, "then why didn't you do it?"

The cat faced man sneered and said, "it's not for the sake of his present power. Under the balance, I still give up. What's the death of a jesterfield? As long as his power is still there, what kind of beauty is there?"

Hanks did not retort, but turned back and walked towards the living room. Finally, he sat on the sofa and took a look at the people. "So, the main purpose of your coming here is to persuade me to avenge jasterfeld?"

Ye Feng immediately walked over and sat opposite Hanks. Looking at him, he said, "we have no purpose at all. We just yearn for this side when we come to longarsenic castle, so we just come to have a look..."

Hanks said with a sneer, "do you really think everyone is an idiot? What do you think happened in Huck Bay? You don't know anything about Fort lonas? How naive of you

The cat faced man couldn't help but move when he heard the words, but Ye Feng looked at Hanks and said, "longarsenbao knows it's longarsenbao. After all, there are several groups of people in longarsenbao. If the federal government really knows, it's not you who come in person, but the people from the Security Bureau. Am I right?"

Hanks couldn't help looking up at Ye Feng, and then said in a deep voice, "what's your Benming? Ye Feng's name will never be your real name. Have you ever had a cosmetic surgery? Changed the original appearance? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you know who you are. What's important is that you know why jesterfield trusts you so much? I believe that when she believes in you, I'm afraid she doesn't have any other thoughts, just pure belief. But when you avenge him, I can't deny that you must have gone through inner struggle, but the final result is that you have nothing, and Jester Faber is dead! "

After a long time, Hanks sighed, "jesteffe has been dead for so many years. Many things have gone to the bottom of the ocean! If you want to trace it, it will involve a lot of people. Even many of the people that jestfel wanted to protect in those years will be involved again. I believe this is not jestfel's wish. How much do you think you know about jestfel? She is the kind of person who would rather die than drag others down! It's not that I don't want to avenge her. I just know that jesteffe doesn't want to see me do it! "

Speaking of this, Hanks immediately took a deep breath, and then said, "things have been very noisy in those years. Not only jesteffe died, but also several top FBI agents were involved. This matter must be ended. With jesteffe and several FBI agents died one after another, this matter should come to an end That's right

When Ye Feng and Dixie heard this, they were all shocked. Dixie immediately asked Hanks, "do you mean that the death of jesteffe is related to the FBI?"

Hanks could not help but look up at Dixie, then nodded slightly and said, "when I was a vice captain of the guard of the Han Ding palace, I just heard a lot of things. When the federal government received the news that there were a large number of reactionaries lurking against the federal government in lonarsene castle, so the federal government was ready to eliminate these people, and the first one to be exposed was the first one It's a special agent named Dixie in the FBI, followed by jesteffe. After they were exposed, Dixie was arrested to cover jesteffe's escape... "

When Ye Feng and Dixie heard this, they couldn't help but look at Hanks. This is the first time they've heard of such a thing.

Hanks continued, "it's said that Satan, the top agent of the FBI, had a lot to do with Dixie. The federal government began to doubt Satan, so in order to prove Satan's innocence, he asked Satan to kill Dixie himself to prove his innocence."

After listening to Hanks say so, Ye Feng and Dixie look at each other, each secret way, the original is such a thing.

Hanks continued, "I don't know the specific things. In a word, it was very chaotic at that time, and people were afraid of being involved. Sometimes they knew that their relatives and friends might be wronged, and they didn't dare to come out to help him prove that Satan did it. At that time, some people said that he was for his own innocence, so they would have the heart to kill Dixie. There were also some people People say that it's actually Dixie who asked him to do so, so Satan is also a reactionary. There are different opinions about what he said. No one cares about the real situation, and no one cares about the real situation. After all, Satan, Dixie and jasterfeld are no longer in this world! "

Ye Feng and Dixie listen to Hanks say so, two people can't help but look at each other, this is a long sigh of relief.Anyway, whether Hanks is telling the truth or not, at least in some aspects, it is clear that Dixie was discovered as a reactionary, so Ye Feng killed Dixie. However, it is not known whether Ye Feng is a running dog of the federal government, or whether Dixie had to let Satan kill her in order to protect Satan.

At this moment, she said immediately, "what about jesteffe?"

Hanks couldn't help looking at her and said, "at that time, Satan was the chief agent of the FBI. Although jesteffe had already escaped, he still couldn't escape the pursuit of Satan, and finally died under Satan's hands. As for how Satan died in the end, there was no accurate explanation! Some people say that he couldn't get through his heart and finally killed himself by swallowing a gun. Others say that he was actually killed by the federal secret. Anyway, there are all kinds of things to say! "

Ye Feng looked at Hanks at this time and said, "so, the last thing that jesteffe gave you is very important. She would rather die than protect that thing. You are not curious. What is that thing?"

Hanks nodded and said, "of course, I've been curious, not only curious, but I've also opened it. But I finally thought that this is the last thing left by jesteffe. The reason why she risked her life to give it to me shows that the importance of this thing is far beyond jesteffe's own life. After thinking about it carefully, I want to understand In fact, jesteffe wanted me to keep it and not open it, otherwise she would tell me what was inside. Why should I guess here? Since she didn't say it, she didn't want me to know. Why should I go against her wishes? "

But have you ever thought that jesterfield has given his life for it, and you don't want to know what jesterfield is protecting with his life

Hanks pondered for a long time and didn't speak. In fact, Ye Feng and a Nan can see that Hanks' expression is very tangled. Maybe he is also having a headache for that thing. He doesn't know whether he wants to see it or not.

Seeing Hanks' expression, Ye Feng couldn't help but say to Hanks, "I'll give you a suggestion. After reading it, you can feel that if it's necessary, it's better to destroy it directly. Isn't it all over?"

Hanks looked at Ye Feng for a long time, and then said, "I can tell you, there is a list, a list of Jester's life! As for who is there, don't ask me, I didn't see it! "

When Hanks said that, everyone's face changed, but Ye Feng suddenly remembered that when Jock Emma found ricksen, she also asked ricksen for a list. Is there any unclear connection between the two?

The girl said to Hanks, "I understand what you think. Now these people on the list may still live well, and the things that happened in those years have passed for so long, so you don't want to disturb these people's lives any more. Is that what you mean?"

Hanks could not help nodding when he heard what a-nan said. "That's right. Now that things have passed, and it's been so long, are these people on the list still thinking the same way as before? No one knows. Maybe after that, some people have already regretted it. If you take out the list now, you will probably kill a large number of people! "

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