After listening to this, everyone could not help but look at her in surprise. It must have been unexpected that she could still talk with Han Ding palace?

Ah Nan seemed to see people's doubts, and immediately explained, "this network is also left to me by jesteffe's memory. We can try to contact, but we may face the same dilemma, that is, to explain the relationship between us and jesteffe again!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said directly to a-nan, "no need to explain. You'd better continue to use the name of jastefer. After all, it's too troublesome to explain. It's easier to say that you are jastefer who participated in the micro universe project."

Listen to Ye Feng say so, a Nan also can't help nodding a way, "it seems that for the time being can only be so, I'll pretend to use the name of jesterfield!"

Ye Feng nodded and then asked a Nan, "then who is the person you can talk to in the Han Ding palace?"

A Nan immediately said, "it's a palace interior officer. You can see Joanna. The problem is how we can get in touch with him!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said, "let's go to see the situation near the Han Ding Palace first!" Then he looked at Dixie, cat face man and moon shadow and said, "you three stay here for the time being and don't go anywhere!"

Dixi Si and other three people immediately nodded, let Ye Feng and a Nan go back early.

Ye Feng and a Nan immediately left the apartment building and walked towards the Han Ding palace. Ye Feng could not help asking, "is there no similar means of transportation here?"

A Nan shook her head and said that she didn't know very well, but they soon saw a platform similar to a bus on the side of the road. They immediately went to see the station, and they found the bus low altitude aircraft leading to the direction of the Han Ding palace.

Ye Feng and a Nan stood on the platform and waited for about 10 minutes. Then they saw a super large low flying aircraft slowly flying over. They stopped at one side of the platform. After the door was opened, a metal step automatically stretched out.

A Nan and Ye Feng immediately walked up the steps to the vehicle. After they got up, they quickly found a seat and sat down. The aircraft then folded up the steps and continued to fly forward.

However, this super large aircraft, not only flying low, but also not fast, but also very stable, even two people have been sitting in the bus aircraft for about 40 minutes, finally a voice prompt, the next stop is the main gate of the Han Ding palace.

Not long after the voice prompt, Ye Feng and A'nan saw the golden and resplendent Han Ding palace in front of them. Soon the aircraft stopped, and there were a lot of passengers at this station. It is estimated that they all came to see Han Ding palace.

When Ye Feng and a Nan got off the plane, they saw that the Han Ding palace was just across the road, and there was a huge square in front of the Han Ding palace. After they passed the square, they got close to the main gate of the Han Ding palace.

However, in front of the main gate of the square and the Han Ding palace, there is a super long iron fence, which completely separates the two sides. And behind the iron fence, a soldier in military uniform stands still every few steps.

Ye Feng and a Nan looked around and saw that there was an iron gate facing the gate of the Han Ding palace, but it was also locked. It was estimated that it would only be opened when someone came in and out of the Han Ding palace.

Seeing this, Ye Feng couldn't see where he could enter the Han Ding palace, or how anyone could get in touch with the in-house official she knew. He couldn't help saying, "it's better to call Joanna directly!"

A Nan then toward leaf Feng way, "you can call to have a look, but Joanna's telephone certainly is in turn off the condition!"

Ye Feng really took out her mobile phone to make a call to Joanna. Actually, as a Nan said, Joanna's mobile phone has been turned off.

Seeing Ye Feng's expression, a Nan knew that she was right, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "there is a signal blocking device in the Han Ding palace, which mainly prevents people from eavesdropping on the internal information of the Han Ding palace, but it also prevents the wireless communication between the inside and outside!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "what if the outside wants to contact the inside, or the inside wants to contact the outside?"

A Nan immediately explained, "isn't there any wired contact information? Such as landline, computer network and so on! But for us, it's also equivalent to no, because people in our identity can't know the internal telephone and internal network at all, and even if they know, they can get through, they won't help us transfer it. "

Hearing this, Ye Feng sighed, "that is to say, we are completely isolated from the Han Ding palace. The chance of contacting Joanna is zero?"

But a Nan said to Ye Feng, "it can't be said to be complete, it can only be said to be almost zero, but it's almost different from it. It almost means that there is still a chance. Although this opportunity seems very slim, we have already come if we don't come. We have to try it anyway."

Having said that, a Nan immediately walked towards the big iron gate. Just as a Nan was walking towards that side, the soldiers on both sides of the gate had already focused on a Nan, and their eyes were staring at a Nan.When a Nan came to the iron gate, a soldier immediately came up with a gun and said, "this is a forbidden area. Please leave immediately!"

A Nan said to the soldier, "I'd like to see greyfus. He's the internal affairs officer of the Han Ding palace. There's something urgent in his family. I can't get in touch with him!"

But the soldier didn't speak so well. He clenched the gun in his hand and reminded her again, "leave within ten seconds, or I'll shoot!"

After hearing what the soldiers said, a Nan could only give up. It seems that talking to these cold-blooded soldiers has no effect at all.

Seeing that ah Nan came back, Ye Feng said immediately, "the duty of these soldiers is to guard here. It's useless for you to tell them that there are some useless things! Let's think of another way! "

A Nan can't help but say to Ye Feng, "do you have a way?"

Ye Feng shrugged, then pointed to the direction of the side door of the Han Ding palace and said, "look over there, it seems that there are fewer soldiers! It's not as rigorous as here! "

Hearing this, she could not help looking at Ye Feng and said, "don't tell me, are you planning to break into the Han Ding palace? The soldiers here will shoot! "

But Ye Feng said to her, "now there's no other way but this. Just tell me where greyfus is, and I'll go straight to the palace to find him!"

Ah Nan looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "do you really want to do this?"

Ye Feng didn't answer a Nan, but asked again, "or you tell me where Joanna lives, I can go directly to Joanna after I go in!"

A Nan is hesitating whether to tell Ye Feng to take risks. At this time, a motorcade comes from the square, and the soldiers on both sides of the gate immediately come to open the iron gate.

The tourists in the square began to give way to the motorcade. Ye Feng and a Nan turned around and looked at the motorcade.

But seeing the motorcade slowly coming towards the gate, a Nan suddenly moved her heart, pulled Ye Feng's arm and said, "greyfus is in the car!"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when he hears the speech. He looks at the motorcade in surprise, but listen to a Nan continue to say, "the co pilot of the second car is him!"

According to what a Nan said, Ye Feng immediately stares at the co pilot of the second car, only to see that he is a middle-aged man with a beard. At this time, his eyes are also staring at the tourists on one side, as if he has been on the alert, as if there would be some dangerous people in the crowd.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng rushed to the motorcade with several vigorous steps. The motorcade was stunned to see that someone rushed out suddenly. Graves immediately picked up the car's walkie talkie and said something.

The windows of several cars opened at the same time, and the people in black inside showed their guns one after another, aiming at Ye Feng's direction. At the same time, the soldiers behind the iron fence began to load their guns one after another, and ran towards the gate. Moreover, not far away from the palace building of the Han Ding, at least two sniper guns aimed at Ye Feng's direction.

A Nan didn't expect that Ye Feng would suddenly rush out like this. She immediately yelled to Ye Feng, "are you crazy?"

Ye Feng doesn't care so much. He rushes in front of the car with a few vigorous steps. At this moment, the people in the car and the snipers on the city floor start shooting at Ye Feng's direction at the same time.

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