And Ye Feng just a few brisk steps to easily more open, in the twinkling of an eye to Grace's car, directly inside a gun bodyguard to pull out, at the same time, a jump from the window directly into the back of the car.

Another man in the back seat immediately aims at Ye Feng with a gun, but Ye Feng snatches the man's gun with one hand, and then aims at the Griffith who is about to draw the gun, resists the back of his head and says, "jestefel wants to see you!"

Grace originally saw that Ye Feng's skill was so vigorous that he could not only avoid the dense gunfire, but also hijack himself in an instant. But these were far more shocking than Ye Feng's name.

Ye Feng saw the expression of greyfus, knew that he must know jesterfield, and immediately said, "what? See or not? "

This time, however, grievous sneered, "friend, are you kidding? Jesterfield has been dead for years! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "I think you should have heard of the micro universe plan?"

Greyfus frowned and said, "you mean jestfel joined the micro universe project!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, not only that, but now she has come back from the micro universe. It's just that her appearance may be different from before!"

At this time, greyfus had noticed the girl in the crowd. After staring there for a moment, he asked Ye Feng, "do you mean that woman?"

Ye Feng followed the eyes of greyfus and nodded, "yes, let her get on the bus!"

After a while, he said, "do you know what you're doing?"

Ye Feng heard this, immediately said, "you mean, you don't believe that woman is Jester fee?"

Grace was silent for a while, but Ye Feng continued, "is it jesterfield? After you let her get on the bus, don't you know?"

After that, he added, "if you don't see her, maybe you'll never know whether jesteffe is dead or not, but after you meet her, maybe you'll have a surprise? You don't seem to have lost anything, do you

After listening to the speech and pondering for a long time, greyfus asked the driver to call ah Nan. The driver immediately opened the window and yelled at ah Nan, "come here, get on the bus!"

A Nan a listen to this, complexion suddenly a change, didn't expect Ye Feng really use this kind of violent means to solve this matter? Hesitating, a Nan still walked towards the car and got on.

As soon as he got on the bus, Ye Feng said to her, "Mr. graves, I don't seem to believe that you are jestefeld!"

Hearing this, she immediately said to greyfus, "greyfus, how's your cat? Didn't you find out? "

On hearing this, Grace's face suddenly changed. He immediately looked back at her and said, "how do you know..." Then his face changed again. He looked at the girl in surprise and said, "are you really Jester fee?"

A Nan smell speech toward grace blessing way, "your cat, foot injury no problem?"

As soon as he heard this, he frowned and said, "are you really..." Then his face changed and he said in a low voice, "Why are you here? What can I do for you? "

Ah Nan said to greyfus, "Oh, it's nothing. We just want you to take a message to Joanna!"

When he heard this, he frowned and said, "for such a small matter, are you making too much noise?"

A Nan then said, "there's no way. We can't get in touch with the Han Ding palace. Now the only thing we can think of is you!"

On hearing this, greyfus looked at her again and said, "so you've been guarding me on this side of the square?"

Without waiting for her to speak, Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, we can't go to the Han Ding palace either. We have to wait here. We've been waiting for several days!"

Greyfus said to Ye Feng, "well, you're lucky. I don't usually go out of the palace. This time I came out to pick up a distinguished guest, so I have today's trip..." Then he immediately looked at her and said, "come on, what do you want me to say to Joanna?"

Ah Nan immediately looked at Ye Feng, who then said to greyfus, "you just say that a man named Ye Feng is waiting for her!"

Greyfus said with a slight movement, "Maple Leaf? Who is it? "

A Nan immediately said, "you don't have to ask who you are. In a word, please do help. It's very important for us."

After pondering for a while, graves nodded and said, "OK, I promise you!"

A Nan immediately said thank you, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "let's go?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, greyfus said, "do you think you can go now? You are making too much noise. I don't know how many guns are aimed at you on the square and the tower. Maybe you will be killed as soon as you get off the bus! "Hearing this, she immediately asked greyfus, "what should I do then?"

At this time, greyfus picked up the walkie talkie and said, "don't be nervous. It's my people who are sent out to perform separate tasks. They want to report to me before I enter the palace, but they have no choice but to do so!"

A man's voice came from the intercom and asked, "are you sure?"

Greyfus said to the walkie talkie, "sure!"

The man's voice on the walkie talkie immediately said, "all right!"

Then he saw that the soldiers on the other side of the iron fence began to put away their guns, quickly withdrew to the back of the iron fence, and the cars behind closed the windows one after another.

Greyfus then turned to Ye Feng and a Nan and said, "since you are looking for Joanna, you might as well go in with me to find her. Joanna of the province has to take the risk to come out to see you, don't you think?"

Ye Feng's heart moved to look at greyfus and said, "can you show us Joanna?"

Greyfus immediately nodded and said, "isn't it your purpose to meet her?"

Ye Feng looked at greyfus thoughtfully and said, "that's right, but..."

Greyfus said with a sneer, "how dare you stop such a car in front of the Plaza of the Han Ding palace? Don't even dare to enter the palace, for fear that I will set an ambush? "

Ye Feng immediately said to greyfus, "it's not about the danger, it's about the disadvantage to Joanna!"

When he heard this, he couldn't help looking back at Ye Feng and said, "are you Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded a way, "yes, I am Ye Feng!"

Grace looked at Ye Feng and said, "I've heard your name!"

"How do you know?" she asked

Grace said immediately, "Joanna has mentioned the name more than once since she went back to the palace, and asked the president to let her meet you, but the president has not allowed it yet!"

A Nan smell speech immediately say, "so we enter a palace, will also disadvantageous to you?"

Grace immediately nodded and said, "it will cause me a lot of inconvenience, but if you want to see Joanna smoothly, after entering the palace, you should obey my arrangement. You are my people on the surface. Is that ok?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "no problem!"

Grisford then looked at the gun in Ye Feng's hand and said, "put it away, it's easy to misunderstand!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately put away the pistol, greyfus at this time toward the driver way, "continue to drive!"

After the driver honked the horn, the first car in front of him started to drive slowly towards the gate of the palace. Then, the car of greyfus also started to drive slowly, and the cars behind him also kept up.

Grisford looked at her in the rearview mirror and said, "I've heard of the micro universe project you participated in, but I don't know what's going on. How can you be reborn?"

Ah Nan explained to gresford, "it's just that through science and technology, I put my consciousness back into the micro universe and gave birth to a new life. What I am now is what I am in the Wei universe!"

After seeing ah Nan, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "so do you?"

Ye Feng shrugged, did not utter a word, also did not deny, also did not admit.

Greyfus frowned. "She's jestfeld, so before you went to the micro universe, what's your name? Is it Ye Feng? "

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but slightly a wrinkly way, "what do you want to know?"

Grisford shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's right. I'm just asking casually. I always think that you and a person I know miss each other very much. I wonder if you're him! But it's impossible Maybe I think too much! "

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