Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard what greyfus said. He couldn't help asking greyfus, "who are you acquainted with?"

"It's no use to look like that," said greyfus, shrugging. "This guy has been missing for many years. He's probably dead, too! You can't be him

Ye Feng didn't say a word. The car continued to drive towards the palace. On both sides of the 10 meter wide granite road stood a line of soldiers. Behind the soldiers were the magnificent palaces of the palace. They looked very magnificent and reflected each other with the soldiers.

Ah Nan can't help looking out of the window at this time. Although she has some memories of jesteffe in her mind, they are all scattered. There are some memories about the Han Ding palace, but they are all fragmentary memories. These palaces are also the first time for ah nan to see.

Grisford didn't talk much at this time. He looked back at Ye Feng and a-nan from time to time, but then he turned around again and said nothing more.

Soon the car stopped in the courtyard of a palace. Before getting off, greyfus, Ye Feng and a Nan said, "I must send the VIP in the car to the place where I stay. I'll come back later and take you to see Joanna. You stay in the car and don't go anywhere!"

Ye Feng and a Nan both nodded to greyfus. After greyfus got out of the car, a Nan asked Ye Feng, "do you believe him?"

Ye Feng smell speech but eyebrow a wrinkly ground looking at a Nan way, "isn't you tell me he credible?"? Don't tell me, are you doubting him now? "

A Nan said, "I also judge according to the memory of jasterfeld. In jasterfeld's memory, greyfus is her friend, but I always feel that when we enter the Han Ding palace, is everything going too smoothly? There is always some uneasiness in my heart

Ye Feng then stares out of the window, only to see that greyfus does invite all the guests in the car behind him down, and then leads them to the hotel on one side of the palace. It seems that nothing special happened during the whole process.

However, it doesn't mean that Ye Feng doesn't doubt grisford at all. In fact, he and a-nan are in the same state of mind. Everything goes too smoothly, which will make people feel uneasy and anxious.

After waiting for greyfus to bring his guests into the palace, it seems that he and his daughter are the only ones sitting in the car in the whole courtyard. It's quiet around, which makes people feel flustered.

At this time, Ye Feng said to her, "get off the bus!" With that, he immediately opened the car door and walked towards the palace on one side. Ah Nan also followed him, and they hid by the door on one side of the palace.

As soon as they got to their feet, they saw that many soldiers had rushed in outside the yard and surrounded the car. But soon some soldiers opened the door and found that Ye Feng and a Nan were not there. Their faces suddenly changed and began to disperse.

Ye Feng and a-nan look at each other, and a-nan is even more fortunate. Fortunately, Ye Feng reminds her to get off the bus, or she will be ambushed. In fact, it's no surprise that greyfus can release the information in countless ways.

Ah Nan is just a little sorry. Grace still doesn't believe that she is jastefer. She doubts whether she is wrong, so she is seen through by grace.

Ye Feng and a Nan hide near the gate, looking at the soldiers are scattered around searching, but it seems that no one comes near the gate of the palace, presumably this side is also some kind of forbidden area.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng whispered to her, "it seems that the purpose of greyfus is to make us become turtles in a jar, so he deliberately agreed to take us into the palace. Now we can't believe it. We have to find Joanna by ourselves!"

After hearing this, she said to Ye Feng, "but we don't know anything about the situation in the palace. We don't know where Joanna lives. It's like we have no head. Sooner or later, something will happen."

Ye Feng certainly understood what a Nan meant, but now there was no other way. At this time, several soldiers were walking towards the door.

One of the soldiers found Ye Feng and a Nan hiding on one side of the door frame and immediately yelled, "here..." Said also immediately began to aim at Ye Feng there,.

Ye Feng immediately pulls a Nan behind her, and then, with a vigorous stride, rushes directly towards the soldier with a gun. In an instant, she is in front of the soldier.

The soldier obviously didn't expect that Ye Feng's action would be so fast. His eyes were wide open. When he looked at Ye Feng, the gun in his hand had been robbed by Ye Feng.

And at this moment, there came the voice of greyfus from the palace gate, "lay down your arms!"

Ye Feng looked back and saw that greyfus was holding a pistol in his hand, which was against the skull of a Nan at the door.

When Ye Feng saw this, he had no choice but to throw the gun he had just snatched, which was not hot enough, to the ground. As soon as his gun was thrown to the ground, some soldiers rushed up, pointed the butt of the gun at Ye Feng's skull, and directly smashed Ye Feng to the ground.

Before Ye Feng got up, the muzzle of a few guns had already aimed at Ye Feng's head. At this time, greyfus pushed her towards Ye Feng, and then sneered, "who are you two? What's your plan to enter the palace? "Ye Feng then raised his hands, slowly stood up, looking at the front of greyfus said, "it seems that you still do not believe us at all!"

Greyfus sneered. "Do you think I'll believe you if you just say a few words? It's naive. If people know that I brought you in, do you know what I will face? Will I take the risk for you? "

Ah Nan stood in front of greyfus and said, "don't you believe I'm jasterfeld?"

Greyfus said to her, "I do have a cat, which is forbidden by the Han Ding palace, but my cat is sick, not injured. You remember wrong! And I have already sent the cat out of the Han Ding palace! "

A Nan hears a speech to be stunned, the secret way is originally oneself will greyfus's cat is sick to remember to be injured? That makes greyfus wonder if he's not jestfeld's?

At this time, greyfus said to her, "but I'm still curious. Where did you hear about my cat?"

Ah Nan sighed, "I'm jesteffe, but you don't believe it!"

Greyfus said, "jesterfield is dead. I don't believe in experiments that can bring people back to life. If so, isn't the world in a mess? The dead can be revived, so there is no concept of life and death, and the order of the whole world will not be disrupted? Rich people can live indefinitely, and people without money can only wait to die? "

Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. At this time, listening to what greyfus said, he could not help sighing, "it seems that you are being silly in the Han Ding palace. This technology has been available for a long time, but you don't know it yet! Copying memory is just the pediatrics of technology! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, graves couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a moment, and then said, "maybe there is, but this technology should be banned. It's totally against human ethics. This technology shouldn't exist!"

Ye Feng shrugged to greyfus and said, "now is not the time to discuss this with you. What are you going to do with us now?"

Greyfus looked at Ye Feng and said, "I have no right to deal with you. I will give you to the Han Ding palace guard."

Ye Feng and a Nan can't help but move when they hear this. After looking at each other, Ye Feng sighs, "it seems that no matter what we say, you can't believe us?"

Greyfus said to Ye Feng, "it's not that I don't believe you. Even if I believe you, I don't have the right to take you to see Joanna. If anyone wants to say a good word to me, I can bring them into the Han Ding palace, and I won't be in this position for so long!"

Ye Feng and a Nan were silent. After a long time, a Nan said to greyfus, "if you say that, I feel better. At least you're not sure if I'm jasterfeld, are you?"

After pondering for a while, greyfus nodded and admitted, "yes, I doubt it. I don't believe it completely. I don't believe it completely. I'm hesitating! But as I said, I don't have the right to take you to the palace, whether you're jestefel or not, so just tell the guards what you have

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