Soon the guards came to the scene. It was obvious that greyfus had already contacted them. The leader was a middle-aged man. After coming here, he simply handed over greyfus and asked someone to take Ye Feng and a Nan away in handcuffs.

He put away his pistol and stood in the same place watching Ye Feng and a-nan being taken away. A-nan also looked back at herself from time to time. He hesitated.

Ye Feng and a Nan were directly taken to the car of the convoy, leaned directly on the car, was taken away from here, and drove in one direction along the 10 meter wide road.

On the way, the middle-aged man kept looking at Ye Feng and a Nan. He was surprised and said, "you are so brave and lucky!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak to ah Nan, the middle-aged man did not know whether he was talking to himself and continued, "the Han Ding palace has not caught anyone who intruded into the palace like you for many years in a row!"

Then the middle-aged man looked back at Ye Feng and a Nan and said, "no one wants to rush. Do you know why?"

After that, he still didn't wait for Ye Feng to talk to a Nan. He continued to say, "that's because no one who intruded into the palace was captured alive. They were all killed directly. So I say you are brave and lucky!"

The girl then said to the middle-aged man, "we want to see Hanks!"

The middle-aged man's face suddenly moved and looked back at her in surprise. "Do you still know our captain?" Then he immediately sneered, "but it's no use even if you know the president. Now you're trespassing into the forbidden area of the palace, and even the president has no privilege to forgive you!"

But a Nan immediately said to the middle-aged man, "we're here. Hanks asked us to come!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's face suddenly changed again. He looked back at a girl in surprise, and then sneered again, "don't be full of nonsense. I'm in a good mood today and don't seal your mouth. If you talk nonsense again, even if you're a woman, I won't be polite!"

Ye Feng this time is toward that middle-aged humanitarianism, "don't let us see Hanks, how do you know he didn't let us come?"

The middle-aged man's face suddenly moved again. He turned back and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. Then he immediately stopped the car and took out two handkerchiefs from the car. His mouth was still murmuring, "you have to force me to block your mouth, right?"

The middle-aged man immediately opened the car door and was about to poison Ye Feng and a Nan's mouth with a handkerchief. Ye Feng continued, "if you find that you are wrong, you may face more serious danger than us!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, the middle-aged man immediately heart next move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng for a while, hand also didn't continue the next action.

At this time, she immediately added, "yes, have we lied? If you give Hanks a call, you will understand everything? What's the danger of making a phone call? "

The middle-aged man also felt reasonable when she said that, so he took out his mobile phone. This mobile phone is only useful within the scope of the Han Ding palace. It uses the internal network of the Han Ding palace.

After dialing Hanks' phone, the middle-aged man said immediately, "Captain, there are two intruders caught by Griffith. They keep saying that you asked them to come!"

When Hanks heard the words, he said angrily, "nonsense, why did I let them come..."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately glared at Ye Feng and a Nan. In his ear, Hanks' voice said, "don't you even have this discrimination?"

The middle-aged man quickly explained, "Captain, no, I am Yes, yes It's all my problem... "

As he spoke, he looked at Ye Feng and a Nan with angry eyes, waiting to be taught by Hanks. He was going to teach Ye Feng and a Nan.

Ye Feng and a Nan, from the middle-aged people's eyes, knew that Hanks not only didn't admit it, but also scolded this guy.

The middle-aged man was still busy apologizing to Hanks. Just as he was about to hang up, Hanks asked on the phone, "wait, what do you think those two guys look like? What's the name again? "

The middle-aged man immediately looked at the appearance of Ye Feng and a Nan. After describing their looks, he asked Ye Feng and a Nan, "what's your name?"

"Ah Nan said immediately," jesterfield, his name is Ye Feng! "

After the middle-aged man said it over the phone, Hanks pondered for a while, but did not speak for a long time. The middle-aged man was waiting with his mobile phone, and the atmosphere became very awkward for a time.

At this time the middle-aged people hang up the phone is not, ask Hanks is not, can only stand in place, staring at Ye Feng and a Nan.

Just then, Hanks said on the phone, "I see. Send them directly to me!"

The middle-aged man wanted to start cleaning up Ye Feng and a Nan after he hung up the phone. After listening to what Hanks said, he was stunned. In secret, did Hanks really ask them to come?

But Hanks just said on the phone that he would send them to him, but he didn't admit it or deny it. Whether Ye Feng and a Nan were his people or not, he could only do it.After getting on the bus again, the middle-aged man looked back at Ye Feng and a Nan and said, "do you really know our captain?"

A Nan shrugged and said, "don't you believe it?"

The middle-aged man immediately asked, "our captain, what do you want to do in the Han Ding palace?"

Ye Feng is toward middle-aged humanity, "you this level, have no qualification to know such a big secret?"

The middle-aged man's face sank as soon as he heard this, but he was not sure what the relationship between Ye Feng, a Nan and their captain was, and it was not easy to attack directly.

But Ye Feng said to the middle-aged people, "I'm curious about killing cats. Sometimes I don't know much about it. It's a blessing for you. Do you know? It's not that we don't say it, it's for your own good! "

After the middle-aged man snorted, he didn't say anything. Soon the car saw a side hall. The middle-aged man immediately escorted Ye Feng and a Nan out of the car, but he didn't dare to untie their handcuffs.

After escorting Ye Feng and a nan to the gate of the side hall, the middle-aged man knocked on the door and yelled, "Captain, I've brought you!"

Hanks' voice soon came from the side hall and said, "let them in! Go back the same way

When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately opened the door and let Ye Feng and a Nan go in. Then he closed the door again.

Ye Feng and a Nan stand at the gate of the side hall, looking not far away at Hanks, who is sitting in front of an old-fashioned desk. When Hanks sees that they are Ye Feng and a Nan, he immediately hums coldly, "you're really brave. How dare you break into the palace? Don't you want to die? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "since I don't agree with you outside, I can only come to you to have a chat in person!"

Hanks put down what he had in his hand, then stood up and walked slowly towards them from behind his desk. His mouth continued, "I've already told you that I won't give it to you. You'll die!"

Ye Feng said to Hanks, "we don't want anything!"

Hanks and a-nan were shocked when they heard that, especially a-nan, they had come to the Han Ding palace to look for Joanna, and the purpose of looking for Joanna was ultimately for Hanks' side.

I didn't expect Ye Feng to say that he didn't want anything. So why did they take such a big risk to enter the Han Ding palace?

And Hanks also looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "you said, you don't want anything?"

Ye Feng nodded and said to Hanks, "yes, we don't want anything!"

Hanks looked at Ye Feng and said, "since you don't want anything, what's the purpose of your breaking into the palace? It's not just me, is it? "

Ye Feng said to Hanks, "the main purpose of looking for you is to see Joanna once!"

Hanks can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "do you want me to arrange for you to meet Joanna?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right!"

Hanks looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "I'm in charge of the guard work of the Han Ding palace. Have you found the wrong person for such a thing?"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "there is absolutely no wrong person! I'm looking for you, and you will help us! "

Hanks looked at Ye Feng and said, "Oh? I'm really a little curious. Why would I help you? "

Ye Feng smiles and shrugs, "of course you will help us, because you owe Jester fee! So you have to pay it back! "

Hanks smell speech complexion immediately a ground to looking at leaf maple way, "what?"

Ah Nan also looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled face and said, "does he owe Jester fee?"

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