After a general look, Ye Feng's face moved slightly. In this list, grievous was also on the list. Not only that, but also many employees in longarsenburg and all over the world were on this list.

According to the 20 or 30 lists on a piece of paper, there are at least 200, that is, there must be at least 600 or 700 people. As Hanks said, behind each name, there may be a family involved.

And looking at the names on this list, Ye Feng knows that this should just be the list of important members. Behind each name, besides his own family, there may be other relatives, friends, family members and so on. Once it is involved, it will be a terrible number.

The list of Ye Feng is shocking, a lot of emotion, for a moment, actually forget what to say.

Seeing Ye Feng's expression, a Nan and Hanks can't help looking at Ye Feng. A Nan asks Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng recovered at this time, and immediately put the list away. Then he looked at Hanks and said, "at the moment when I took over the list just now, I seem to understand your feelings!"

Hanks can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "Oh?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "the meaning of each name is likely to be dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people. If this list is handed over to the federal government, how many people will have to pay a heavy price for it?"

Hanks sighed and sighed, "yes, after I handed you this list, I suddenly feel a lot more relaxed. Every list on this list is heavy. I can't breathe after so many years of pressure! Now that I give it to you, it means that I give you the responsibility! "

Ye Feng nodded to Hanks, and then she said, "what should we do next?"

Hanks didn't wait for Ye Feng to reply. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "I suggest you don't use this list!"

Ye Feng and a Nan can't help but frown at Hanks and say, "why?"

Hanks said to Ye Feng and a Nan, "after all, this list is a few years old. Since the death of Dixie and jasteffe, this organization has been dead in name. Many people have been lurking. In other words, they have lived a normal life. Some of them are reluctant to mention what happened in those years. Some of them are meaningless even if they mention it. It's very possible At that time, he was still a hot-blooded young man, but now, a few years later, he is already a husband, father and son with a family. When he has to play so many roles at the same time, his responsibility will be even greater. No one can tell whether he will continue to fight against the Federation as he did in those years! Once you use this list, you are telling all the people on this list that you are holding their hands. If they are willing to continue to work with you, that's OK. If their mind has changed, then you are in danger! You are the public enemies of these people! "

Ye Feng didn't say a word, but a Nan said, "but don't forget, this list is their handle, they should not act rashly?"

Hanks said immediately, "what if he's still alone? Maybe they want to put all their eggs in one basket to protect their families? Many complicated situations are unimaginable! Of course, it doesn't rule out that someone is waiting for you to climb up and cheer up! But it's just a gamble. No one can guarantee whether to win or lose! "

After listening to what Hanks said, she immediately fell into a deep meditation, while Ye Feng said to Hanks, "I know what you mean, thank you!"

Hanks shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's nothing to thank you for. If you have to say thank you, it's me who should thank you. At least you let me know what's the most important. It's impossible for me to turn back. I hope you have the right to choose!"

Before Ye Feng and a-nan spoke, Hanks immediately said, "also, I want to remind you that since I can know what happened in Huck Bay, it means that I am not the only one to know. Longarsene castle is not such a small place as Huck Bay. The people here are more sophisticated and the forces are more intertwined and complicated. There are many people and things It's not as simple as you seem. It's likely that you are still your friend today and stab you in the back tomorrow! "

Ye Feng listened to what Hanks said. He couldn't help looking at Hanks and said, "what about you? Can't you believe it? "

Hanks looked at Ye Feng and said, "I can't believe it. No one can believe it, including me! I'll give you the list now. Maybe I'm moved or infected by you at this moment. But after today, when I think about it in the dead of night, I think it's not good for me. Maybe tomorrow I'll try to get rid of you, or even harm you! So remember what I said, don't trust anyone in lonzabur! "

Ye Feng and a Nan can't help sighing when they hear what Hanks said. After you look at me and I look at you, no one said anything.

Hanks said to Ye Feng and a Nan at this time, "well, the list is also given to you. You'd better leave the palace as soon as possible. You'll have problems staying here sooner or later. In the palace, the guard is just one of the teams, and there are two teams: the tiger guards and the forbidden guards. We are in charge of the cushion, the forbidden guards are in charge of the inner palace, and the tiger guards are in charge of the palace On the outside, although the three teams perform their respective duties, they also check and balance each other. I don't want to do anything with you, but it doesn't mean that the other two teams won't do anything to you. If they find you, I can't protect you! "Ye Feng and a Nan can't help nodding when they hear what Hanks said. But at this time, Ye Feng looks at Hanks and says, "there's one last question!"

Hanks immediately urged Ye Feng to say, "what else do you have to ask at one time?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "this is an old question. I asked it in the apartment." Then he looked at Hanks word by word and said, "this list, besides you, who else knows?"

As soon as Hanks heard this, his face suddenly looked at Ye Feng, and he didn't speak for a long time.

A Nan then asked Hanks, "is this person important to you?"

Hanks still did not say anything, even as in the apartment, began to avoid two people's eyes.

Ye Feng said to Hanks, "if you protect this man, please protect him. Otherwise, if I find out that he has done anything against us, don't blame me for not saying hello to you today. I won't be lenient!"

As soon as Hanks heard this, he immediately said, "he won't..."

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a week of boil, "he won't? Are you so sure? That means you know this person well? On the surface, at least? "

Hanks took a deep breath and said, "I can't say who he is, but I'm sure he won't tell you!"

Ye Feng looked at Hanks with a sneer and said, "since he can't say it and you don't, how does Jock Emma know the existence of this list?"

As soon as Hanks heard this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you sure Jock Emma knows?"

After all, it's Ye Feng's own conjecture that Jack Emma knows about the list. After all, Jack Emma did mention the list, but whether he and Hanks gave him the one or not, Ye Feng is suspicious, but he can't be 100% sure.

When Hanks finished, he saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, and immediately said, "you'd better find out if Jock Emma really knows the list. After confirmation, come back to me. I'll give you an explanation. But before it's completely confirmed, I still believe he won't do it. After all, it's not good for him to do it!"

Ye Feng nodded, and then said to Hanks, "but I'm very curious that you hesitated for a long time to open the list that jesteffe gave you, and I believe you didn't finish it completely, but how could you easily give the things jesteffe gave you to see this friend?"

After taking a deep breath, Hanks said, "it's all because I've drunk too much. That's why he mentioned the list by accident. That's why he was interested in it and asked to have a look. I can tell you that he just looked at the first page and gave it to me. He didn't read the whole list at all. Like me, he didn't know the whole list at all. That's why you didn't see it Don't worry at all

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