Ye Feng listened to what Hanks said. After staring at Hanks for a moment, he nodded and said, "we don't believe him, we believe you!"

Hanks nodded and said to Ye Feng, "thank you for believing me!"

And Ye Feng this time, then after a while pondering, toward Hanks way, "the last request, we face out of the palace, want to see Joanna."

As soon as Hanks heard this, he said, "it's impossible. Didn't you listen to me just now? In fact, there are three teams in the Han Ding palace. Our guard team is in charge of the middle hall. Joanna lives in the inner palace, and the guards are in charge of the inner palace. I'm not familiar with the guards, so I can't help at all! "

Ye Feng listens to Hanks say so, can't help but eyebrow slightly a wrinkly way, "a little way all have no?"

Hanks shook his head and affirmed, "there's no way!"

At this time, she asked Hanks, "since your escort is in charge of the nave, why is it you who meet Joanna at the airport, not the guards?"

Hanks immediately said, "the guards should be responsible for the deepest security of the palace. When the tiger guards come to the outermost defense of the palace, only our guards can say that the task is the easiest, so we can only send us to it!"

Ye Feng and a Nan listen to Hanks say so, immediately is a burst of ponder, Ye Feng also had to shrug a shoulder way, "since so, also can only give up!"

Hanks looked at Ye Feng and said, "what can I do for you to find Joanna?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at Hanks and said, "you can't help. You can't see Joanna. What else can you say?"

She said to Hanks, "he's in love with Joanna!"

As soon as Hanks heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng and said in surprise, "are you in love with Joanna?"

Ye Feng know the purpose of a Nan, can only shrug a way, "yes, but also can't see above, what can say!"

Hanks looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully. After a long time, he said, "although I can't take you to see Joanna, I can find a way to take a message to her!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng split and said to Hanks, "please tell her I'll wait for her in the apartment!"

Hanks said immediately, "I don't think Joanna can do that!" Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak to ah Nan, he immediately explained, "you should know that Joanna has been missing for more than a year, and now she's not easy to come back. I'm afraid even if Joanna doesn't worry about her own safety and goes out, the president won't agree! To say the least, even if the president agrees, she can't go in and out of the palace as casually as most people. Even if she goes out, there must be a lot of guards around her. Even if you have the chance to meet alone, you can't have it! "

After listening to Hanks' words, Ye Feng immediately nods. In fact, he can understand that he has been missing for such a long time. After coming back safely again, the president will certainly strengthen the guard around her and won't let the same thing happen again.

And think of here, Ye Feng's heart suddenly thought of a thing, toward Hanks way, "so last time Joanna is how missing?"

Hanks shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know about that, but I wasn't there, but I heard that Joanna disappeared directly in the palace of the Han Ding."

After hearing this, Ye Feng looked at Hanks and said, "in other words, Neigong is not absolutely safe?"

Hanks said to Ye Feng, "what you are worried about, the president also thought of it, so after Joanna disappeared, almost all the guards have changed! Now the guard is almost a new face, and it is under the direct control of the president! "

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say to Hanks, "listen to what you mean, isn't the former guard under the direct jurisdiction of the president?"

Hanks immediately said, "the former guards, like our tiger guards and convoys, were under the control of the commander of the military of Fort lonarsene! Since the disappearance of Joanna, our jurisdiction has not changed, only the jurisdiction of the guard has become the president! "

Ye Feng pondered for a long time, but she didn't say anything. However, a Nan asked what Ye Feng wanted to ask, but she didn't ask, "that is to say, there might have been someone who kidnapped Joanna in the guard before, and the mastermind of the whole thing, at least the accomplice, might have been in longarsenbao military district?"

As soon as Hanks heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he immediately said to her, "don't talk nonsense, even the president can't say that for sure!"

Ye Feng saw Hanks's expression and immediately said, "so you are also under the jurisdiction of longarsenic Fort military region?"

Hanks immediately nodded and said, "that's right!"

Ye Feng nodded at this time, and then asked Hanks, "since the guards are responsible for the safety of the inner palace, and they have changed into new faces, how can you take my words to Joanna? I'm curious about that! "

Hanks said immediately, "although the current guards are all new faces, they are just a few of my comrades in arms when I was a soldier in longarsenburg military region. There are still some ways to send a message."Ye Feng smell speech staring at Hanks for a long time, also did not speak, Hanks see Ye Feng with strange eyes looking at himself, immediately explained, "you should not doubt that I and Joanna last missing thing?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, I'm just curious. It turns out that your origin is also longarsenbao military region?"

Hanks nodded and said, "what's so curious about this? The captains of the three guards of the Han Ding Palace are all from the longarsenic Fort military region. Only from the longarsenic Fort military region can you rest assured of the president! Because your Excellency the president is also from the fort lonarsene military region! "

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this. It seems that the people who came out of the longarsenic Fort military region should also form a faction. They only trust the people who came out of the longarsenic Fort military region.

Ah Nan seemed to see this, then she said to Hanks, "please tell Joanna that Ye Feng wants to see her and see if she can arrange it!"

Hanks nodded and said, "this arrangement is reliable. Although Joanna's personal freedom has been restricted to a certain extent, she is the president's daughter after all. The purpose of doing this is not to restrict her, but for her personal safety. This kind of restriction is always strict at the beginning, but the longer it takes, the looser it will be. There will always be opportunities!"

Ye Feng took a look at Hanks and said, "I have a strange question. I always want to ask, but I don't know where to start!"

Hanks can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. "You want to ask me, why do you know that jesterfield is anti federal, and I'm still working for the Federation? Which side am I on, right?"

Ye Feng can't help shrugging his shoulders when he hears that. Hanks is much smarter than he imagined. He really wants to ask Hanks this question. He didn't expect that before he asked, he took the initiative to say it.

Ye Feng shrugged at this time and said, "that's right! I really want to know! "

Ah Nan also asked Hanks at this time, "let me ask more directly. If we are also anti federal people, will you help us or the Federation then?"

Hanks didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he sighed, "I can't give you an answer now. After all, I've lived half my life in lonarsburg. In other words, I was born a federal man. I knew very early that eisf had a lot of anti federal power and many problems in the Federation, and that he was not evil to those who opposed the Federation Amnesty is just inconsistent with the position of the federal authorities, so it's hard for me to make a judgment, because I'm the beneficiary in the eyes of those of you who want to oppose the Federation. "

"But the woman you fall in love with is a staunch supporter of the anti Federation! So you're ambivalent! "

Hanks sighed, "this kind of contradiction is actually born. When I was a child, my parents had conflicts more than once because of these problems. In fact, I am a complex of contradictions, so it's hard for me to say whether I support the federation or oppose it! Maybe only when things come to an end can I make a final judgment! "

But Ye Feng said to Hanks, "in fact, you have made a judgment, starting from you giving us the list of jesterfield No, to be exact, you've made a judgment since you didn't hand over the list of jesteffe, or even fell in love with him. "

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