After listening to Ye Feng's words, Hanks pondered for a while, and finally shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe what you said is right, but I'm afraid I can't do it if you want me to stand up for you now. But similarly, if you want me to stand up for the federal position immediately, I'm afraid I can't be sure, so..."

Ye Feng listened to what Hanks said, and immediately nodded, "understand, we don't need your position, you have helped us a lot, we are extravagant too much, so you don't need to show anything now, we all understand your mind!"

Hanks showed a look of understanding long live. Then he said to Ye Feng and a-nan, "if you want to talk to Joanna, I'll take it with me. Now I'll take you away!"

Ah Nan said to Hanks, "is there any problem with greyfus? He knows we've been caught here!"

Hanks immediately said, "no problem. Grace and jesteffe are also friends. I'm afraid he can't be sure of your identity. That's why. If he really wants to do something, he can kill you on the spot. And as far as I know, you were arrested in the vague area of the outer hall and the middle hall. That is to say, grace was killed at that time There are three choices. One is that he will give you the array on the spot, and the other is that he will give you to the tiger guards who are responsible for the security of the outer hall. However, he has no choice but to give you to me. I'm afraid that because he can't determine your identity, he will send you to me! "

Ye Feng remembers that just now Hanks gave him a list in which graves was also included. That is to say, graves is not only a friend with jesteffe, but also a comrade. However, in this way, Ye Feng can easily understand the purpose of Graves' doing so. After all, he is careful to sail for thousands of years.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Hanks, "we don't blame him. He should be careful!"

Hanks said to Ye Feng, "on the first sheet of the list, gresford is on the list. You must also show that you know jesterfield, right? So it's perfectly normal for him to have this kind of reaction. First, to test the authenticity of your identity. Second, I'm afraid he also wants to see my position. "

A Nan can't help but say to Hanks, "so you let us go, didn't you expose your own position?"

Hanks shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's OK for greyfus to know. He already knew what happened between me and jesteffe. No matter how much he knew! If you want to report me, when jesteffe was wanted all over the world, he would have fallen into the trap! "

Ye Feng nodded and said nothing more. At this time, a Nan said to Hanks, "now please send us out!"

Hanks nodded, then got up and told them to follow him. He personally escorted Ye Feng and a Nan out of the Han Ding palace. When they got out of the side hall, Hanks immediately asked someone to prepare a car. Hanks chessman drove Ye Feng and a Nan away.

On the way, Hanks told Ye Feng and a Nan, "the jurisdiction here is the tiger guards. If someone checks the car, you don't have to say anything. I'll do it!"

Ye Feng and a Nan can't help nodding, but Hanks added, "but in general, they won't check my car, so don't worry!"

Just as he said this, he saw two soldiers standing on the side of the road not far in front of him, waving to Hanks' car to stop. While Hanks was embarrassed, he felt that the fight was too fast.

Hanks drove the car to the side of the road and slowed down. At the same time, he explained to Ye Feng, "it's possible that the things that greyfus captured you today are too noisy, so it's strictly forbidden to check and prevent changes in the Han Ding palace!"

With that, the car had stopped by the side of the road. A soldier saluted Hanks in the driver's seat, stepped forward and knocked on Hanks' window. After Hanks opened the window, he saluted again, "please get out of the car for inspection!"

Hanks frowned. "Don't you know who I am?"

The soldier immediately said, "of course I know you, Captain Hanks, but our captain has ordered that this is a special period. Any vehicles going in and out of the Palace should be checked, even the president's special car. So please forgive me!"

Hanks frowned more tightly when he heard the words. After looking at the two soldiers, he hummed coldly, "the official prestige of blicos is getting bigger and bigger now, and the tone is not small. The president's car needs to be checked now?"

The soldier's face suddenly changed and said, "I don't mean that. It's mainly because someone broke into the palace today, so as the first line of defense of the palace, we tiger guards are under great pressure, so please forgive me, Captain Hanks!"

Hanks didn't say anything more. He opened the door and got off the car. Ye Feng and a Nan got off the car immediately. They all stood beside the car.

The two soldiers looked at Ye Feng and a Nan in surprise. Hanks immediately said, "they are my followers. We are going to go out of the palace to do business now. You have to check and hurry up. You have delayed my important business. Don't mention you. Even your captain blicos can't afford it!"On hearing this, the soldier immediately nodded to make it clear, and then said to Ye Feng and a Nan, "please show me your identification!"

When Ye Feng and a Nan heard that Yan's eyebrows were all moving, Hanks immediately said to the soldier, "didn't you hear what I just said? I've cooperated with you very much, but my patience is limited... "

As soon as the soldier heard this, he immediately explained to Hanks, "Captain Hanks, please forgive me. We are business too..."

Hanks said with a sneer, "would you like to show me my ID, too?"

The soldier was speechless, and a nearby officer came up and asked what was the matter.

Seeing this, the soldier immediately went to report the situation here. The Officer immediately walked up to Hanks and Ye Feng, and said with a smile, "Captain Hanks, you have a large number of adults. Don't have the same opinion with them!"

Hanks hummed coldly, "I've already said that I have something important to do. I have to go out of the palace immediately. Who will take the responsibility for delaying my business?"

The officer said immediately, "no one can afford that!" Then he took a look at Ye Feng and a Nan behind Hanks and said, "it's just that these two are a little strange..."

Hanks said with a sneer, "I have hundreds and thousands of people in my escort team. Can you know them all

As soon as the officer heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "that can't be, let alone the guard. I dare not say that we are all familiar with our own tiger guards!" Then he immediately said to the soldier, "OK, what's the problem with Captain Hanks? In form, Captain Hanks has already cooperated with you very much and given you enough face. You should also recognize each other. Give captain Hanks face and let it go!"

The soldier immediately nodded and said to Hanks, "I'm sorry, Captain Hanks. We're on a routine, too!"

Hanks said impatiently to Ye Feng and a Nan, "get in the car!" Then he said to the soldiers, "it's OK. I'm really worried. I won't talk to you any more!"

With that, Hanks, Ye Feng and a-nan got into the car. Hanks immediately started the car. The soldiers and officers stood by and watched as Hanks' car drove away. The soldier said to the military officer, "chief, that man and woman are very similar to the two who broke into the palace! Why let it go? "

The Officer immediately sneered, "what do you know? Now we'll sell Hanks face, and then he'll have to sell our captain face! " Then he asked, "just now I asked you to take a picture of them. Did you take a picture?"

The soldier immediately took out his cell phone, handed it to the officer and said, "I'm afraid captain Hanks will see it, so I'm too nervous. It's not very clear!"

The officer took a look at his cell phone and asked, "how unclear can it be? It's really hard to handle a small matter... " But before he finished, he immediately saw the picture on his mobile phone and said, "OK, just have this definition!"

Then he took the soldier's mobile phone and sent the photo to himself. Then he returned the mobile phone to the soldier, but with a sneer, he said, "it's said that Captain Hanks is a perfect man, and he doesn't have any handle on him. Now we just grab his pigtail?"

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